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summer tournaments/teams

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 11:06 am
by smash
Anyone wrestling any summer tournaments/duals?

Re: summer tournaments/teams

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:35 am
by smash
Judging from the lack of responses to my post there must be no summer wrestling in southeast ohio. This is really unfortunate. My son is wanting to spend the summer wrestling, which we can do by going to the few summer tournaments that there are around Ohio & WV. After the wrestling season ended he practiced some with a team in WV, then wrestled with Randy Simpson's freestyle & greco team this spring.

Now it's summer, he still wants to wrestle and there's not too many options out there.

If you do know of anyone putting together a team this summer for dual tournaments, etc. please post it on this site if you need a to fill some weight classes.
