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meigs results 12-1-12
Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:12 am
by wrestlefan9
any news on this?
Re: meigs results 12-1-12
Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:58 am
by wrestlefan1
Vinton count won it . Meigs second, zane trace third and southeastern fourth.... the wellston 171 looked very good
Re: meigs results 12-1-12
Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 12:52 pm
by wrestlefan9
any complete weight results online anywhere?
Re: meigs results 12-1-12
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:10 am
by cowboysTe74
wrestlefan1 wrote:Vinton count won it . Meigs second, zane trace third and southeastern fourth.... the wellston 171 looked very good
Was there an MVW?I did not stay for the award ceremony and I thought He was Ok for the team he comes from, wellston is still trying to put things back together, V.C seemed to have a lot of second and third place guys seemed they were competing in just about every class and i think that shows the how the program is going. Very proud of you guys, 120 for VC would have been in my discussion for MVW till he got caught by SE boy and i would say him (the S.E. boy) but to me he was getting out wrestled until that happened to me there was only 3 kids that stuck out .Meigs 220 look like a man among boys his skill level is avg. but his pure power made up for it ,the SE boy at 138 was very strng amazingly fast and had the skills to go with it ,all he lacked was mabie his gas in the tank but he probaly cut a lot to get there , the ZT wilson boy at like 126 was good, but his class was bellow avg at best.No competition at all in that weight class. So i guess I would say the SE boy and i heard multiple saying that as well.He wrestled 4 very good matches that i saw, Our kid was district qfr last year and he made quick work of him.
Re: meigs results 12-1-12
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:31 pm
by wrestlefan1
no mvw, i would have voted for the 171 from wellston as he had the biggest win of the day. He defeated a kid that was like 33-2 going into sectionals last year. I didnt see the meigs 220, 138 from se is very good, 126 from trace didnt get scored on and was bumped up from 120. He will be the 120 for the postseason
Re: meigs results 12-1-12
Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:43 pm
by the_big_coach
here is the results from the meigs tounrament 12/02/2012
1.vinton 97
2 meigs 81
3.zane trace 72
4.southeastern 69
5.river valley 49
6. fairland, wellston tied 46
106 1.gordy s.e
2.blathorn f.
3.moffman m.
113 1.grover m.
2.booth v.c
3.kemper r.v
4.orr z.t
120 1.shope s.e.
2.webb v.c.
3.brown z.t.
4. hoffman m.
126 1.wilson z.t.
2.smith r.v.
3.emery f.
4.houchin w
132 1.gilkey m
2.gucwa z.t.
3. holman f
4.reubles v.c.
138 1.thompson m.
2.barnes v.c.
3. cambell v.c. extra
4. griffith r.v.
145 1.abner s.e.
2.lester m.
3.parsley v.c.
4.reynolds r.v.
152 1.white v.c.
2.davis z.t.
3.edwards r.v.
4.fultz s.e.
160 1.cornell r.v.
2.halley z.t.
3.edwards v.c.
4.yancey f.
170 1. mullins w.
2.perkins s.e.
3.coder z.t.
4. edwards f.
182 1.foughty w.
2.carol v.c.
3.willis z.t.
190 1.ceaser f.
2.bunnell v.c.
3.francis s.e.
4.hysell m.
220 1.neece m.
2.keyton s.e.
3.harmon r.v.
4.hamilton v.c.
285 1.mathews w.
2.clary v.c.
3.harshon v.c. extra
4. hill m.
i think the best match of the day was #145 abner vs lester both times
Re: meigs results 12-1-12
Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:18 pm
by cowboysTe74
Agree big coach that is the SE kid I was Talking about he was 145 not 138 both matches were really good , and both the young men from both schools have gotten leaps and bounds better, the thing I like about having sectionals combined D2/D3 is I should get to see that match 1 more time,lol