Inaugural Weir (WV) Powerhouse Classic seeks teams
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 9:01 am
2018 Weir Powerhouse Classic Tournament
Date: Saturday, December 8, 2018
Place: Weir High School (100 Red Rider Rd. Weirton, WV 26062)
Format: Pool/Bracket Tournament
Time: Weigh-ins: 8:00am to 9:00am
Wrestling: 10:00am
Gates open to public at 9:00am
Eligibility: High School (9th thru 12th) Varsity and JV
Entries: Due by December 5, 2018 12:00 pm
Absolutely no entries will be accepted that are not on your entry sheets or that are not received by above date.
Wrestlers will not be moved to another weight class if they fail to make weight in which they are entered.
All entries sent to the tournament director will be considered as verification of entries for the tournament.
If a lineup is not faxed or emailed, the wrestlers will not be able to wrestle in the tournament.
Entry Fee: $250.00
7 or fewer wrestlers on entry form $125.00
Fees paid after tournament date: Add $50.00
Make Checks Payable to: Weir High School Athletic Department
Send Entry Fee/Questions to:
Tom Taylor, Head Coach
Weir High School
100 Red Rider Road
Weir, WV 26062
School Phone: 304 748 7600 Cell: 304 914 9141
Email: [email protected]
Tournament Director:
Troy Fetty, Asst. Coach
Cell: 304 218 1627 Email: [email protected]
Weight Classes: 106,113,120,126,132,138,145,152,160,170,182,195,220,285
Team Awards: Team Championship and Runner-up Trophies
Individual Awards: 1st – 4th Place
Date: Saturday, December 8, 2018
Place: Weir High School (100 Red Rider Rd. Weirton, WV 26062)
Format: Pool/Bracket Tournament
Time: Weigh-ins: 8:00am to 9:00am
Wrestling: 10:00am
Gates open to public at 9:00am
Eligibility: High School (9th thru 12th) Varsity and JV
Entries: Due by December 5, 2018 12:00 pm
Absolutely no entries will be accepted that are not on your entry sheets or that are not received by above date.
Wrestlers will not be moved to another weight class if they fail to make weight in which they are entered.
All entries sent to the tournament director will be considered as verification of entries for the tournament.
If a lineup is not faxed or emailed, the wrestlers will not be able to wrestle in the tournament.
Entry Fee: $250.00
7 or fewer wrestlers on entry form $125.00
Fees paid after tournament date: Add $50.00
Make Checks Payable to: Weir High School Athletic Department
Send Entry Fee/Questions to:
Tom Taylor, Head Coach
Weir High School
100 Red Rider Road
Weir, WV 26062
School Phone: 304 748 7600 Cell: 304 914 9141
Email: [email protected]
Tournament Director:
Troy Fetty, Asst. Coach
Cell: 304 218 1627 Email: [email protected]
Weight Classes: 106,113,120,126,132,138,145,152,160,170,182,195,220,285
Team Awards: Team Championship and Runner-up Trophies
Individual Awards: 1st – 4th Place