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D1 sectionals...
Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:45 pm
by golf_guy23
clay won division 1 sectionals yesterday with a 329. Josh riddleburger shot 81, cam caseman shot 88, johnny ray mckenzie shot 87, kyle pollard shot 91, and cody bussler shot 73. The closest team to them was a 352, clay should have no problem gettin to state this year..
Re: D1 sectionals...
Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 1:05 pm
by golf_guy23
I am editing this and taking off what I put down because I see that it is causing some things to be said that shouldn't be. I guess I shouldn't have pointed out one kid and definitely want the whole team to know that it is a team effort and that they all should be proud of their accomplishments this year. The Clay golf team has much to be proud of and I wish them the best along with the other schools representing the area.
Re: D1 sectionals...
Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 6:59 am
by seetherfan
lol play with him and u will figure out why he brings in a score like that. he played in clays 4th spot so he didnt play with anyone.. i feel bad for josh and johnny who dont cheat and nobody says anything about them
Re: D1 sectionals...
Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 5:51 pm
by deweese3
sounds like u need 2 get over your self cody and by the way 2 teams in the central division shot 307 and 311 so its no walk in the park
Re: D1 sectionals...
Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:55 pm
by Bucknut1
First of all seetherfan, according to what I have heard this boy only played in that spot a few times this year and the kids don't pick what spots they play in the coach does. And does it really matter what spots the kids play in as long as they are able to bring in good scores? The eastern and south webster boy both brought in great scores also. Why would you say that the kid cheats because of the good score, the whole team and actually all of the boys deserve kudos for their playing efforts.
Instead of calling kids cheaters and saying that people need to get over themselves (because we don't who said what) we need to encourage all of them and wish them the best of luck.....
Re: D1 sectionals...
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 8:00 pm
by air4ce1
anyone have the final results on which individuals will be playing at Apple Valley in the District?