Officials for playoffs

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Vision Quest
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Re: Officials for playoffs

Post by Vision Quest »

My head hurts after reading the rest of these threads. BIGHITSINC, you seem to want to stir stuff up about things you're being fed from your brother.

It is becoming more common for officials to have a "local team" in the first round of the playoffs. The OHSAA (in what I'm sure are cost cutting maneuvers) is seeming to put crews together for first round games from local officials to cut down on travel expenses of officials. There is no conspiracy theory, as you seem to feel, BIGHITSINC. Just a little FYI.

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Re: Officials for playoffs

Post by childhoodmemories »


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Re: Officials for playoffs

Post by JohnKnight »

ADs rate the officials and then those that qualify for playoff games are assigned by the state for tournament crew nd they stay as a crew though the playoffs. The highest rated stay together all the way to the state finals.

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Re: Officials for playoffs

Post by BlindWhiteHat »

Here is the process as taken from the OHSAA website:
8. Tournament Officials Selection Information
8.2 For the sports of soccer, volleyball, football, basketball, swimming and diving, wrestling,
ice hockey, baseball and softball tournament officials’ selection will be based on
information from head coaches, athletic administrators, assigners, local officials
associations, District Athletic Board members and OHSAA staff. Officials are ranked in each
respective athletic district highest to lowest. Rankings are based on the following formula:
(Average Coach Ratings) X (AD Vote + Assigner vote + Local Association Rating + District Board
vote + OHSAA Rating). Ranked officials are then divided into pools – groups of officials eligible
for various levels of tournament. The state and regional pool is approximately three times the
number of officials needed. The District and Sectional Pools are approximately twice as large as
the number of officials that will be assigned.

Once chosen, the OHSAA places individuals into crews and gives those crews the game assignments. A "local" person has no influence towards getting himself a "local" game or team.

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Re: Officials for playoffs

Post by coop »

I know what you did last friday. hahaha

Anyways, I know 4-5 officials, and they have NO influence over where they go in the playoffs, and there are NO CREWS HMMMMMMM.

For example, I know local guys who got an assignment in CLeveland, Lancaster, N-Y, and so on. The playoff officials WILL call things by the book as THEY ARE EVALUATED during the game.

So all you idiots with "the fix is in" theory can just GTFO.

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Re: Officials for playoffs

Post by starbase_318 »


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Re: Officials for playoffs

Post by BUCKEYES »

Not to change the direction of this dispute, however one thing is for sure, the officiating this year has been the best I have ever seen. With just one exception a game at Fairfield Union where the officials called so many penalties on one team and 1 or 2 on the other, it was a pathetic display of trying to keep the score close as I have ever seen.... But then again it was Fairfield Union where in basketball they put time on the clock 3 times to give a team a shot at a last shot, because the time keeper apparently pushed the button too

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Re: Officials for playoffs

Post by buckeye_master »

Ill be officiating the NY-portsmouth west game friday night !!!

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Re: Officials for playoffs

Post by coyote26 »

Here is the OHSAA link for the officials this weekend. It appears to be by crews.

Jesco White
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Re: Officials for playoffs

Post by Jesco White »

coyote26 wrote:Here is the OHSAA link for the officials this weekend. It appears to be by crews.
Yes and no. The "crew" assignment number that you are reading is just a listing of the crew that the OHSAA put together and assigned to that game. When people make the statement that there are "no crews", they are referring to regular season crews not staying together for playoff games. It is a group of individual officials from crews, brought together by the OHSAA to work as a crew for playoff games.

I look at it, kind of like their "all-star" tourney type of event. They have to be solid enough throughout the season to get a playoff game and I look at it as an honor for the hard work those guys put in every week.

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Re: Officials for playoffs

Post by coop »

Jesco White wrote:
coyote26 wrote:Here is the OHSAA link for the officials this weekend. It appears to be by crews.
Yes and no. The "crew" assignment number that you are reading is just a listing of the crew that the OHSAA put together and assigned to that game. When people make the statement that there are "no crews", they are referring to regular season crews not staying together for playoff games. It is a group of individual officials from crews, brought together by the OHSAA to work as a crew for playoff games.

I look at it, kind of like their "all-star" tourney type of event. They have to be solid enough throughout the season to get a playoff game and I look at it as an honor for the hard work those guys put in every week.

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Re: Officials for playoffs

Post by JohnKnight »

Just found out this bit of information.

Dr. Maurer just sent out an email to all tournament officials stating that it is now written that the crew will carry the rules book out to the field. It goes on to say, "If the HC and the officials disagree on a ruling, then EVERY CREW IS REQUIRED TO SHOW THE HC IN THE RULES &/or CASE BOOK what the ruling states.

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Re: Officials for playoffs

Post by 96stroker »

coyote26 wrote:
Here is the OHSAA link for the officials this weekend. It appears to be by crews.

I see where it tells what number crew , but how do you tell what officals are in each crew?

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Re: Officials for playoffs

Post by JohnKnight »

That is not published but if you go to a bunch of playoff games you can figure it out.

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Re: Officials for playoffs

Post by moonshine »

Just found out that a buddy of mine is working a Sat game in Fairfield Co. Good luck and have a safe trip!

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Re: Officials for playoffs

Post by crab_apple4 »

It looks like this thread was blown out of proportion... Good luck to all "area" teams and officials tonight and tomorrow!

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Re: Officials for playoffs

Post by BlindWhiteHat »

96STROKER wrote:I see where it tells what number crew , but how do you tell what officals are in each crew?
When officials are selected to work the playoffs, they are sent information which includes a crew #(1-96). The referee of each crew is given the names and contact information for the other officials in the crew and are expected to contact the other 4 officials. The officials are able to find out who they will be working with and then just wait for the regular season to end to see where that crew of officials will be working. It is possible, but not likely, that officials who work together on a regular basis are assigned to the same playoff crew.

Crews 1-6 work every week up to and including the state finals.
Crews 7-12 work every week up to and including the state semi finals.
Crews 13-24 work only regional games including regional finals.
Crews 25-48 work only the first two weeks of the regional games.
Crews 49-96 work only the first round.

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Re: Officials for playoffs

Post by Jshepherd20 »

I am also an official and the sad part is there are a few ppl that do favor certain teams sometimes, but this is a minority and everyone that I've worked with this year have been nothing but pure professionals and done great jobs. I'm still fairly new (in my 3rd year, 1st year as level 1) and I have a long way to go and heck you never know everything and learn more and more as time goes on. And any official who is in the playoffs has done a good job over the regular season and will call their respective game as fair and by the book as possible.

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