Trenchfoot wrote:gonna have to agree and disagree on that. i know most of those guys and matter of fact just talked to one of them today. a few of those guys went both ways but 99% is awful high. not mentioning any names but some on ur list went both ways on that team. he said he might have put some people here and there when needed but almost all of those guys had one job. some linemen went both ways. and special teams. other than that he said they basicly had one job and was a well rested team in 4 periods of play. but some had spot duty both ways but not like they had to drag it out the whole game.Logangrad wrote:Umm no he didnt. Jeff Witt, Curtis Rose, Ron "Squeak" Walker, John Godfrey, Ryan Wilson, Jose Medina, Jimmer Brienning, Rodney Krannitz, Brice Frasure, Matt Shaw, Craig Wolfe; all members of Perry's playoff team in 1987; ALL PLAYED BOTH WAYS. 1988, SAME THING; DIFFERENT ROSTER. Perry played the best kids he could where ever he could. And the majority of them, 99% of them played both ways.moonshine wrote:87 and bolt I totally agree with your opinions. like I said b-4 Perry took almost the same team and with discipline and a kick butt outlook, the kids won. Also he tried to run a 2 platoon system as much as possible. Had alot of Woody in him!
Trenchfoot, everyone that he mentioned on that quote above played both ways that year. Everyone. Witt- DE/OG; Rose OT/DT, Walker - SE/DB, Godfrey- DT/OT, Wilson- FB/LB, Medina- FL/DB, Brienning- QB/S, Krannitz- DE/TE; Frasure -WB/DB; Shaw- C/NG; Wolfe-OG/DL; they all played both ways. He's right.