Week:7 Athens (6-0, 1-0) @ Vinton Co. (1-5, 0-1)

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Re: Week:7 Athens (6-0, 1-0) @ Vinton Co. (1-5, 0-1)

Post by Bighitsinc »

A-towndogs117 wrote:I mean Athens put up 40 points and pitched a shutout on defense. ...and you said "Athens didn't really play well in this game at all" 2 posts ago. Im sorry, but what kind of a fan are you????!!! Not happy w/ a 40-0 win??? You've talked up Alexander and Nelsonville all season...are you even happy of the Bulldogs success? Because I am....Go Bulldogs 7-0 baby!!! Keep up the good work!
you can be a great fan and still call em as you see em.
sometimes you can make mistakes and get away with it and sometimes the same mistakes will cost you the game.

congrats to the bulldogs on another great win.

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Re: Week:7 Athens (6-0, 1-0) @ Vinton Co. (1-5, 0-1)

Post by hawkeyepierce »

Six Vinton County turnovers, four fumbles, an interception, and an errant punt snap, led to six touchdowns for the Bulldogs.

The only thing I wish to point out is to the Athens hanger-ons, the top of the press box is NOT general admission seating. The arrogance and audacity to think otherwise is astounding.

It was great to see you again, Diamond D1, enjoy the rest of the season.

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Re: Week:7 Athens (6-0, 1-0) @ Vinton Co. (1-5, 0-1)

Post by A-towndogs117 »

BIGHITSINC-- you're right, that is true. I may have jumped the gun a bit on that comment.

But still, I mean it's not like Vinton county was trying to lose the game...they fumbled for a reason, threw interceptions for a season, and allowed us in the endzone for a reason. Because Athens is the better team and applied pressure. All I'm saying is you gotta give some credit where credit is due. Ugly or not, a 40-0 win on the road is OK in my book.

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Re: Week:7 Athens (6-0, 1-0) @ Vinton Co. (1-5, 0-1)

Post by A-Town Big Dog »

A-towndogs117 wrote:I mean Athens put up 40 points and pitched a shutout on defense. ...and you said "Athens didn't really play well in this game at all" 2 posts ago. Im sorry, but what kind of a fan are you????!!! Not happy w/ a 40-0 win??? You've talked up Alexander and Nelsonville all season...are you even happy of the Bulldogs success? Because I am....Go Bulldogs 7-0 baby!!! Keep up the good work!
First off, I'm happy with any win. Athens looked great against Meigs in a game you could tell they really wanted to play but against VC they didn't look inspired. I'm not taking away from the win, I'm just saying the effort and execution wasn't even close to what they are capable of and an effort like that any of these next three weeks will get them beat. I'm also one of the few fans that travel every week to support this team despite not having a kid playing, cheering, or in the band. I think I've only missed three or four games in the last four seasons so please don't question what kind of fan I am. ;-)

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Re: Week:7 Athens (6-0, 1-0) @ Vinton Co. (1-5, 0-1)

Post by A-towndogs117 »

Fair enough. I misunderstood a few of the things you were saying. That's great that you're a dedicated fan; however keep in mind, these are high school KIDS after all. I think at that age it's fairly easy to be a little distracted and 'unfocused'. And I know we're used to the amazing success Athens has had this season, but let's be honest...40 points in a high school football game isn't all that common. So I still think it was a great win. Plus, now we know that effort just may be good enough to beat Alex after all ;-) But either way...go Bulldogs!

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Re: Week:7 Athens (6-0, 1-0) @ Vinton Co. (1-5, 0-1)

Post by CoyDuke »

The only thing I wish to point out is to the Athens hanger-ons, the top of the press box is NOT general admission seating. The arrogance and audacity to think otherwise is astounding.

What do you mean? I was at the game Friday and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.

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Re: Week:7 Athens (6-0, 1-0) @ Vinton Co. (1-5, 0-1)

Post by hawkeyepierce »

Needless to say, I really do not want to broach this subject out of respect for many of my Athens friends. However, it is worth pointing out that at least three individuals were atop the press box who preformed no duties, no tasks, or nor acted in a professional, serviceable manner. They were merely casual fans; they cheered, they whined, and basked in the glory of the win. I believe that they have the illusion of being a part of the team, but in reality, they are hanger-ons that have the arrogance and a perceived sophistication NOT sit among their own and had the audacity to take up much limited space on a visiting press box. Standing taller on my soap box, this epitomizes what is wrong with society today, oh, the entitlement of it all. In their minds they truly believe they did not do anything wrong and have NO social boundaries. In the world of high school sports, you have to know your role, then do it well; because if you don't, then you set a bad precedence and set bad examples for the youth to follow. Believe it or not, they DO watch you, and they learn.

I think this year, when I travel to Athens for a basketball game, I believe I will sit next to Mrs. Gibson at the scorer's table, or better yet, I will grab a seat at the end of Coach Skinner's bench.

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Re: Week:7 Athens (6-0, 1-0) @ Vinton Co. (1-5, 0-1)

Post by Space Cowboy »

hawkeyepierce wrote:Needless to say, I really do not want to broach this subject out of respect for many of my Athens friends. However, it is worth pointing out that at least three individuals were atop the press box who preformed no duties, no tasks, or nor acted in a professional, serviceable manner. They were merely casual fans; they cheered, they whined, and basked in the glory of the win. I believe that they have the illusion of being a part of the team, but in reality, they are hanger-ons that have the arrogance and a perceived sophistication NOT sit among their own and had the audacity to take up much limited space on a visiting press box. Standing taller on my soap box, this epitomizes what is wrong with society today, oh, the entitlement of it all. In their minds they truly believe they did not do anything wrong and have NO social boundaries. In the world of high school sports, you have to know your role, then do it well; because if you don't, then you set a bad precedence and set bad examples for the youth to follow. Believe it or not, they DO watch you, and they learn.

I think this year, when I travel to Athens for a basketball game, I believe I will sit next to Mrs. Gibson at the scorer's table, or better yet, I will grab a seat at the end of Coach Skinner's bench.

:lol: Now thats funny.....maybe 93Bulldog will let you sit next to him.

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Re: Week:7 Athens (6-0, 1-0) @ Vinton Co. (1-5, 0-1)

Post by saintsfan »

Hawkeye I know exactly who you were talking about being on top of the pressbox. I can understand if they were at a home game but not at an away game. I am not srue if it is arrogance that put them up there. I think there are some people that think if nobody tells them they can't then they will go up there to watch the game. I agree with you 100% that that space should be reserved for people working the game for both teams and not for casual visitors. But sometimes somebody with some authority needs tell them to get the heck off or out of the pressbox. As long as Athens is winning you will have people like this, wanting to be around the program and perceived as being part of the team. Once things go south and the wins are not as frequent these people will dissapear.

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Re: Week:7 Athens (6-0, 1-0) @ Vinton Co. (1-5, 0-1)

Post by 93Bulldog »

I have sat next to (or behind) Hawkeye a few times at basketball games Space Cowboy ... Its definitly a better seat than next to Coach Skinner - you would have to own a serious pair of headphones or ear plugs if you wanted to try and pull that off ... lol

I have no clue who it was atop the press box at Vinton - I was in Albany watching the Spartans take one on the chin ... Athens does have the channel 15 guys, usually a writer from the Messenger, 970 radio guys and then the assistant coaches - so they usually take up more space in the press box than most teams in the area ... But again, I wasn't their so I have no idea who Hawkeye is speaking of.

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Re: Week:7 Athens (6-0, 1-0) @ Vinton Co. (1-5, 0-1)

Post by hawkeyepierce »

Like I said, out of respect for my Athens friends, I am not going to name names, but those closest to Athens could guess to the usual subjects. Bulldog93, those people you mentioned did not only had a place to work from, but were also given the utmost hospitality, and in turn they were gracious and professional.

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Re: Week:7 Athens (6-0, 1-0) @ Vinton Co. (1-5, 0-1)

Post by Coach Skinner »

Hawkeye my old friend. You are always welcome at the end of my bench. We go way back.

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Re: Week:7 Athens (6-0, 1-0) @ Vinton Co. (1-5, 0-1)

Post by hawkeyepierce »

This thread is almost four years old and some things just don't change. Saltzman had seven TD's Friday night, (very nice, hard runner, great athlete), September 28th, 2015, he had almost a touchdown per Athens' cameramen. :roll:

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Re: Week:7 Athens (6-0, 1-0) @ Vinton Co. (1-5, 0-1)

Post by ONE OF A KIND »

hawkeyepierce wrote:This thread is almost four years old and some things just don't change. Saltzman had seven TD's Friday night, (very nice, hard runner, great athlete), September 28th, 2015, he had almost a touchdown per Athens' cameramen. :roll:
At least you found something about Athens to criticize again, just like almost four years ago. :mrgreen:

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Re: Week:7 Athens (6-0, 1-0) @ Vinton Co. (1-5, 0-1)

Post by hawkeyepierce »

It is not criticism. It is an observation. I, simply stated, if that is how they wish to conduct themselves, so be it. I just happen to disagree with said actions.

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Re: Week:7 Athens (6-0, 1-0) @ Vinton Co. (1-5, 0-1)

Post by ONE OF A KIND »

hawkeyepierce wrote:It is not criticism. It is an observation. I, simply stated, if that is how they wish to conduct themselves, so be it. I just happen to disagree with said actions.
Okay, whew! thanks for clearing that up. :mrgreen:

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Re: Week:7 Athens (6-0, 1-0) @ Vinton Co. (1-5, 0-1)

Post by Raider6309 »

I have something to criticize Vinton from Athens side. I thought it was sad Vinton played it's varsity the whole second half against Athens Freshmen. That rubbed me the wrong way

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Re: Week:7 Athens (6-0, 1-0) @ Vinton Co. (1-5, 0-1)

Post by doubleplay643 »

RAIDER6309 wrote:I have something to criticize Vinton from Athens side. I thought it was sad Vinton played it's varsity the whole second half against Athens Freshmen. That rubbed me the wrong way
Says the guy whose team had scores of:

77-14 and 87-7 and 55-9 against fellow TVC teams last year.

Since it is Monday Night Football night I will give this my best "C'mon man"....pot calling kettle black.

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Re: Week:7 Athens (6-0, 1-0) @ Vinton Co. (1-5, 0-1)

Post by Poo Bear »

doubleplay643 wrote:
RAIDER6309 wrote:I have something to criticize Vinton from Athens side. I thought it was sad Vinton played it's varsity the whole second half against Athens Freshmen. That rubbed me the wrong way
Says the guy whose team had scores of:

77-14 and 87-7 and 55-9 against fellow TVC teams last year.

Since it is Monday Night Football night I will give this my best "C'mon man"....pot calling kettle black.

No doubt Raider ! I wouldn't even go there.

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Re: Week:7 Athens (6-0, 1-0) @ Vinton Co. (1-5, 0-1)

Post by Raider6309 »

Athens was up 48-7. I'm saying it's disrespectful to the other Vinton county players to not see any playing time. Athens was down 35-0 to Zanesville at half. Our JV played every down in the second half.

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