Week 7 West @ Valley

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Re: Week 7 West @ Valley

Post by Westfan »

NY BUCKS wrote:Is this a saturday game?..Would like to attend if it were...
friday game

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Re: Week 7 West @ Valley

Post by ZacBrownBand »

I would love for this to be a Saturday game: draw a huge crowd, every can go if they want and still watch their team on Friday, but of course we can't do that......makes too much sense

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Re: Week 7 West @ Valley

Post by noles_fan »

ZacBrownBand wrote:I would love for this to be a Saturday game: draw a huge crowd, every can go if they want and still watch their team on Friday, but of course we can't do that......makes too much sense
I couldnt agree more with you on this post. The only problem with this is your stadium may not be big enough for that crowd. It would be the biggest crowd in this area since Portsmouth opened their new stadium. I think you would defently have people from outside this area show up for this one.

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Re: Week 7 West @ Valley

Post by BigBlueNation »

Jesco White wrote:Having seen both these teams play, I'm looking forward to seeing this match-up.

As a side note, as I was leaving the West-Minford game tonight I had the radio on in the car listening to the postgame. I have to say that as impressed as I have been the last couple years with the Ratliff kid's progress at QB, I'm even more impressed with the way he handled himself during the postgame interview!!! That young man showed more class than many of the adults involved with sports on all levels. He gave credit over and over to his offensive line as well as crediting the defensive line. He also went as far as to compliment the teams in the OVC, as well as going on and on about how well West and Valley matched up. He showed so much sportsmanship that I turned it up and made sure my two young sons were listening. I told them to always remember the way he was talking and that he was a PERFECT example of EXACTLY how you are supposed to act!!! My hat goes off to that young man!!!
Levi is a outstanding young man and a good sportsman what a lot of people outside of the West program does not know is that team is loaded with the same kind of young men as Levi is, it amazes me how good of kids there is on this team, the West side still has this bad rep that is give to them from the rest of the county and the surrounding area but these are not the same kind of young men, what you see on the field and on the sideline of the West football team are some of the best young men that walk the face of this earth I have to give alot of credit to their parents the teachers the coaches their families and the people who have made a impact in their lives, I would especially like to give credit to coach Tripplet and coach Shaffer who are outstanding people to have mentoring these young men. Proud to be a Westsider.

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Re: Week 7 West @ Valley

Post by coop »

noles_fan wrote:
ZacBrownBand wrote:I would love for this to be a Saturday game: draw a huge crowd, every can go if they want and still watch their team on Friday, but of course we can't do that......makes too much sense
I couldnt agree more with you on this post. The only problem with this is your stadium may not be big enough for that crowd. It would be the biggest crowd in this area since Portsmouth opened their new stadium. I think you would defently have people from outside this area show up for this one.
Not 100% sure I believe it holds 7,500...plus tons of standing room in the south endzone...

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Re: Week 7 West @ Valley

Post by Jesco White »

chicken_coop wrote:
noles_fan wrote:
ZacBrownBand wrote:I would love for this to be a Saturday game: draw a huge crowd, every can go if they want and still watch their team on Friday, but of course we can't do that......makes too much sense
I couldnt agree more with you on this post. The only problem with this is your stadium may not be big enough for that crowd. It would be the biggest crowd in this area since Portsmouth opened their new stadium. I think you would defently have people from outside this area show up for this one.
Not 100% sure I believe it holds 7,500...plus tons of standing room in the south endzone...
I agree. In addition to the huge open area for standing room in the south endzone, there's also places on both sides of the field in the north endzone to stand. Not that it matters at this juncture, because the game's not going to get moved, but I agree with coop. I think the stadium could handle that type of crowd.

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Re: Week 7 West @ Valley

Post by Jesco White »

As I've already posted, I've seen both teams play in person this year and I'm looking forward to watching the match-up in Lucasville on Friday night. Both teams are going to face the most talent they've seen this year. Obviously, the team that makes the most mistakes will put themselves in a big hole. I believe each team has some advantages over the other, but the difference isn't as significant as has been the case in their other match-ups to date.

I give the advantage up front, both offensively and defensively, to West. But, I believe Valley's O-line and D-line can compete. I really don't think West has a dominant advantage at the line of scrimmage. I believe Valley runs the ball very well, but I think West still has the advantage in the running game. Likewise, I think West has the capability of moving the ball in the air, but I believe Valley has the advantage in the passing game.

I think some of the keys for West to win the game are: 1) They need to dominate the line of scrimmage consistently for four quarters, 2) They need to sustain drives on the ground by having success in the passing game, 3) They need to get consistent pressure on Yates, 4) They must limit the number of big plays by Yates and Keller.

For Valley, I think some of the keys to garner a win are: 1) The lines MUST compete on every play and make each play a game within the game that they have to win on a consistent basis. They don't have to own West up front, but they cannot get dominated, 2) The offense could be the best defense. West has the ability to march up and down the field offensively on the ground. The Indians offense has to sustain some drives and limit this. 3) The Indians secondary has to contain the passing game to allow the LB's to make plays, 4) Special teams!! West is very good on special teams. Valley has to at least break even in special teams play.

All in all, I think this will be a game decided by a touchdown either way. I made the comment a couple of weeks ago that Valley's offense is as balanced as I've seen in this area in a very long time. After watching West last night, I think they are as physical as any team I've seen in a while. It's going to be a battle to see which team can match the other team's advantages, while also maintaining the advantages that they bring to the game. I think West is more physical, but Valley is going to be the biggest and strongest opponent the Siders have seen thus far. While I believe Valley is more athletic, I think West is pretty darn athletic in their own right. Both teams can be explosive and put up huge numbers. I'm looking forward to a great ballgame!!

(Please don't beat me up too badly on my assessment. These are just my opinions and Lord knows I'm wrong more than my fair share of times lol)

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Re: Week 7 West @ Valley

Post by crazymidgets »

Jesco, im neutral on this game and that looks like a pretty fair assessment on this game, both very talented teams, Valley has a huge line one of the biggest in the area and when i watched west and their line pulled for the sweep put me in mind of a freight train coming around the end. Wish I could be there to watch this game good luck to both teams, heres hoping for an injury free game to both teams.

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Re: Week 7 West @ Valley

Post by Ironman92 »

I'll say it right now.....this matchup won't be as important as the one in week 11....but it will be the same teams involved. Good Luck to both. Very interested in this outcome.

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Re: Week 7 West @ Valley

Post by noles_fan »

chicken_coop wrote:
noles_fan wrote:
ZacBrownBand wrote:I would love for this to be a Saturday game: draw a huge crowd, every can go if they want and still watch their team on Friday, but of course we can't do that......makes too much sense
I couldnt agree more with you on this post. The only problem with this is your stadium may not be big enough for that crowd. It would be the biggest crowd in this area since Portsmouth opened their new stadium. I think you would defently have people from outside this area show up for this one.
Not 100% sure I believe it holds 7,500...plus tons of standing room in the south endzone...
Still may not be enough. We can all agree this game has been circled on everyones calender for at least a couple weeks now if not longer. And the amount of post i've seen on here the turn out would have people standing on the tops of there cars in the parking lot trying to look over the fence. It truely is a shame that they aren't going to move this game. It would be nice to give others in the state a great southern Ohio football game.

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Re: Week 7 West @ Valley

Post by Westfan »

Move the game to Saturday and split the gate with West. They would probably due it. Would probably double the crowd and for Valley's sake, double the concessions, where the money is made.

Only thing, I can think of 4 games West has played on Saturday in the last few years: Rock Hill, Minford, Portsmouth, Bishop Ready, and West Lafayette Ridgewood. We are 1-3 in those games. Leave it on Friday :o

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Re: Week 7 West @ Valley

Post by Crab's Brother »

As bad as they looked yesterday, the Buckeyes still have a night game next week so moving the game makes no sense at all. This is going to be a helluva game and the winner looks to be in control to playing at home in week 11.

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Re: Week 7 West @ Valley

Post by Sider_PC »

I look for West to win in a very close game, it may even come down to a field goal. Both teams are very good teams and whatever the outcome of the game I hope that it is an injury free game. Everyone please keep trash talk to a minimum and let these student athletes do their thing on Friday night, a lot of talent and a lot of fire power. GO WEST!!!!

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Re: Week 7 West @ Valley

Post by SPAMONY »

I have seen both play and imo valley will lead at the half.......
Then just as they did in the peake game they will wear down
I look for west to get stronger as the game goes eventually dominating valley

Valley 14 West 7 halftime
Valley 21 West 35 final

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Re: Week 7 West @ Valley

Post by 1darkhorse »

SPAMONY wrote:I have seen both play and imo valley will lead at the half.......
Then just as they did in the peake game they will wear down
I look for west to get stronger as the game goes eventually dominating valley

Valley 14 West 7 halftime
Valley 21 West 35 final
I don't necessarilly think Valley got tired. I think they got comfortable with their lead late in the 4th quarter. They were expecting peake to lay down, but they didn't. In this game whoever has the lead better not get comfortable because both of these teams can make something happen in no time. I can't wait for this one!! It's going to be a dog fight. Go Valley!

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Re: Week 7 West @ Valley

Post by here4fun »

Alot of people what they dont know was how sick Blake Yates was when we played peake he was only about 75% if that and his passing game was not all that great to his standards it could have been a higher score if he was not sick I know there was ten other players on the feild but he is a major part of the team

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Re: Week 7 West @ Valley


valley by 30 west has no business being on the same field

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Re: Week 7 West @ Valley

Post by 1darkhorse »

HONESTABE wrote:valley by 30 west has no business being on the same field
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: Week 7 West @ Valley

Post by Black&Orange23 »

:roll: Are you dumb or just plain stupid?? West has played the same teams and beat them just as bad if not worse. I dont know what makes you so cocky that west cant hang with them. Wests line is just as big and if not stronger. I lookfor this to be a dogfight till the end. I feel west will come out 28-21. Good luck senators!!
HONESTABE wrote:valley by 30 west has no business being on the same field

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Re: Week 7 West @ Valley

Post by here4fun »

Valley is good but by 30 might be a little out there I am looking for a win 1 or 30 points doent matter just a win

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