Logan Football

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Re: Logan Football

Post by NYBUX »

As I said it starts in the home>>>> no coach teaches them how to fumble.....
My boy wants to succeed in this game,,,and that is what it is,,,a game, it is partially my responsibility to see that he does... If he fumbles,,, guess what he is going to sleep with a football,,,,he is going to carry the ball in the house and I am going to try to get it now and again. I will do my part to see that he is succsessful........

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Re: Logan Football

Post by 1987chieftains »

some questions
- the coaching staff is good but do the players understand what they are being coached.
- do the players know how to work for a victory? or do they just think "we're logan, now move aside"

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Re: Logan Football

Post by Loganchiefsnation »

Its amazing to me some of the so called "fans" on this web site that can sit back and just throttle a coach and his staff and the program because of a couple of bad seasons. Football is a game that goes in cycles just like everything else. But Kelly Wolfe has dedicated over 25 years of his life as a player, an assistant and now a head coach to Logan High School and now the "know it alls" want to call for his head. It amazes me that all of the critics that think they know what should or could fix dont ever show up at a practice to tell the coaches what their thoughts are. They just sit back on a web site hiding behind a screen name and throttle an entire program because they dont think they should throw the ball or they dont like the formations they run or maybe they should go back to the 70s and run that offense or blah blah blah.
Times are trying right now for the Purple and White but rather than supporting the school, the team and the coach, many feel it would be better to question the plays, staff, the methods, and to call for his head. Kids read this stuff more than people think. But the fair weather fandom that has shown its true colors the last two years is embarrassing! It cant always be 10-0 and playoff runs people. We arent Lakewood St Eds or Colerain. If you dont think the talent level is down a little at Logan then youre blinded by ignorance. Logan won one League title last year in all sports, ONE!! We cant be king of the mountain every year, its dumb to think we could. Youre all spoiled. You got spoiled with winning and now the seas are rough and you want to jump ship. Go ahead. I hope you can swim.
The staff thats in place has devoted a huge majority of their lives to be on the staff, sacrificing their own personal lives for 16 weeks a year to try and make these players better and prepare the younger players for their next level. But somehow that gets lost. Its not life people, its a game. These are kids and they choose to be there. The coaches cant carry the ball, cant tackle the other team, cant run the ball, cant kick it. The coaches cant snap the ball back to the QB, at some point you as a player need to just do what youre supposed to do and stop with the excuses. Getting the kids prepared is their jobs, but ultimately the kids are the ones that have to make plays. Last week I saw a senior player step out of the way and let the kid running the ball on a kickoff just get crushed. Really??? If thats the effort you want, get off the field. And as for the discipline card, times have changed people. You cant yell at a kid anymore without the threat of losing your job. Ive seen it happen already. Things arent the same anymore. Discipline isnt what it used to be and coaches are handcuffed compared to what it was 10 years ago. I am embarrassed to be a fan with some of what I read and will not click on anymore threads about the subject. Either pick up a whistle, take a coaching class or get a hobby.

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Re: Logan Football

Post by NYBUX »

ABSOLUTLY SPOT ON GREAT POST :aaaaa41 :aaaaa41 :aaaaa41

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Re: Logan Football

Post by GAHS83 »

Loganchiefsnation wrote:Its amazing to me some of the so called "fans" on this web site that can sit back and just throttle a coach and his staff and the program because of a couple of bad seasons. Football is a game that goes in cycles just like everything else. But Kelly Wolfe has dedicated over 25 years of his life as a player, an assistant and now a head coach to Logan High School and now the "know it alls" want to call for his head. It amazes me that all of the critics that think they know what should or could fix dont ever show up at a practice to tell the coaches what their thoughts are. They just sit back on a web site hiding behind a screen name and throttle an entire program because they dont think they should throw the ball or they dont like the formations they run or maybe they should go back to the 70s and run that offense or blah blah blah.
Times are trying right now for the Purple and White but rather than supporting the school, the team and the coach, many feel it would be better to question the plays, staff, the methods, and to call for his head. Kids read this stuff more than people think. But the fair weather fandom that has shown its true colors the last two years is embarrassing! It cant always be 10-0 and playoff runs people. We arent Lakewood St Eds or Colerain. If you dont think the talent level is down a little at Logan then youre blinded by ignorance. Logan won one League title last year in all sports, ONE!! We cant be king of the mountain every year, its dumb to think we could. Youre all spoiled. You got spoiled with winning and now the seas are rough and you want to jump ship. Go ahead. I hope you can swim.
The staff thats in place has devoted a huge majority of their lives to be on the staff, sacrificing their own personal lives for 16 weeks a year to try and make these players better and prepare the younger players for their next level. But somehow that gets lost. Its not life people, its a game. These are kids and they choose to be there. The coaches cant carry the ball, cant tackle the other team, cant run the ball, cant kick it. The coaches cant snap the ball back to the QB, at some point you as a player need to just do what youre supposed to do and stop with the excuses. Getting the kids prepared is their jobs, but ultimately the kids are the ones that have to make plays. Last week I saw a senior player step out of the way and let the kid running the ball on a kickoff just get crushed. Really??? If thats the effort you want, get off the field. And as for the discipline card, times have changed people. You cant yell at a kid anymore without the threat of losing your job. Ive seen it happen already. Things arent the same anymore. Discipline isnt what it used to be and coaches are handcuffed compared to what it was 10 years ago. I am embarrassed to be a fan with some of what I read and will not click on anymore threads about the subject. Either pick up a whistle, take a coaching class or get a hobby.
The number one thing by far a coach can use as discipline is playing time. If a kid doesn't behave or perform the way a coach wants, his only alternative is to sit him on the bench. Many times, that will be at the cost of short-term success for the benefit of long-term success. Don't make it sound like a coach has no way to discipline or motivate kids. Good coaches do, poor coaches don't.

As far as it being the kids problem not performing. The coach cannot go out on the field and make the plays himself, but if kids are really not giving effort, playing hard or doing what the coach expects, then he should replace them with someone who does, even if that kid is less talented. I see many fans here complaining about discipline, effort and fundamentals as much as losing. Sitting kids on the bench regardless of talent and playing kids who show better effort and discipline will fix that problem.

I don't have an iron in this fire and I don't know the situation in detail, but to make it seem like when a coach puts in that much time or has 25 years in the program, he should be given a pass is just wrong. Maybe a bit longer leash, but not a pass.

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Re: Logan Football

Post by Loganchiefsnation »

A pass? No. A little more respect? yes. Its his SECOND season as a head coach taking over for a storied coach, in a storied program, after a HUGE loss in talent. Again, I think SOME people have gotten spoiled with the wins and dont know how to handle adversity.

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Re: Logan Football

Post by dazed&confused »

I can agree with some of your points and I salute your right to state them. That's why it's called a forum. It is a public record of opinions. Let's clear one thing up; no one on here has the power to render any decision as to who coaches. That is up to the administration. But when fans can't question the way things are going, we are just silent sheep. Blogs like this just take these conversations out of the barber shop where it used to be discussed and bring it out in the open. It is a product of the way we live our lives today. All these coaches are fine, upstanding citizens who really want to win and believe they are doing the best they can to achieve that. But let's not mistake what's going on here. We're not handing out ribbons for participating. They ARE keeping score. Records count. I'll admit the talent is down from a couple of years ago. I ALWAYS said that group of kids was special and Logan had better enjoy them while they played. Playing tough D1 teams are going to get you some bruises but that was to be expected. Logan has played very good teams so far this year but I can't accept that they are as untalented as they have played so far. And as I said in a recent post, you are what your record is. I'm not advocating a change of coaches. I just hope the tenor of the team is addressed after the season. I don't like this attitude of leave it alone and everything will be alright. And, if you can't yell at kids anymore, just shut down the program. Maybe that's what's wrong America in general. No one is allowed to get their feelings hurt anymore.

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Re: Logan Football

Post by Late 70s Logan grad »

That is a GREAT post, Loganchiefsnation! Thank you for that! Too many people on here, the likes of moonshine, for example, are bandwagon-jumpers, self-appointed "experts" and crap-stirrers who have no idea what's going on (how's that Logan to the MSL schedule going, moonshine? Logan has officially informed the MSL it is not interested).

Those are the kind of fans Logan does NOT want!

A poster mentioned about Logan's opponents' records. They're 20-5 combined; two are undefeated and at least three would be in the state playoffs today. Three of the five losses are by Lancaster, and two of the five losses are by Lancaster and Pickerington North to Pickerington Central. Reynoldsburg's only loss was in the final seven seconds. Jackson and N-Y are the real deal and I don't care what division they're in.

It's been a brutal schedule, to say the least, and that makes a big difference.

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Re: Logan Football

Post by 3morethan2 »

great post earlier chiefsnation....could kind of start telling how much the fans were spoiled even in the 2010 class when the games weren't close and a lot of the fans would stop coming to the games because they knew logan was going to win.....on another note, I think next year there going to have to take a look at the scheduling and the teams they play. I think they should drop pick north and reynoldsburg. going into league play 0-3 and they way they lose them games doesnt give the team any confidence i dont know if anyone agrees with me but thats just what i think they should look at doing. Schedule some mvl teams or mid state league teams

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Re: Logan Football

Post by Late 70s Logan grad »

3morethan2, Logan has dropped Reynoldsburg and will play Newark the next two seasons in week 3. Newark is DI, but has won a total of two games the past four seasons. Not a guaranteed victory by any means, but not Reynoldsburg, either.

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Re: Logan Football

Post by ucantcme »

The scheduling has to change. Get New Lex Back and teams like that. Newark would be a good one. Its going to be a while before Logan is strong again. But I mean strong as in scheduling teams like Pic, and reynoldsburg.

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Re: Logan Football

Post by wrestler87 »

I'm not crucifying the new coach. I do think he should find new ways to make life miserable for those who don't remember how to hold onto the ball or remember the snap count! The current methods aren't working. :122249

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Re: Logan Football

Post by Muskie_259 »

First thing first, if you haven't been to a Logan football game in two years don't start a post about how bad the coaches are just becasue you talk to some poeple who said they were bad, that is to me as a ex-player nothing but disrespect to the town and the team. As discipline go's NYBUX's said it best it starts at home. Wolfe as done a fine job this year with the group that he has, let's face the facts this group is not Angle class and will never be that class on and off the field. As far as coaching go's way would you not want "home town boys" poeple who as played and knows what it's like to be a Cheiftian, by the way the coaching staff is the same as it was when Dale was the coach. I say keep coach Wolfe give him time to bring this program back, let's not forget that Dale had losing seasons too and we all know how that turned out

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Re: Logan Football

Post by ohbuckeye2 »

NYBUX wrote:I keep reading about discipline, or the lack of, and this being the coaches fault,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,WRONG......
Discipline starts in the home,,,maybe you should look in the mirror and ask if YOU have done anything for these kids...
We as parents have to take responsibility and do our part so the coaches can do theirs.
Great post.

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Re: Logan Football

Post by Chieftain »

Lets get something straight , Muskie. I didn't call for anyone's head. Re-read my post. I simply stated some concerns from friends in Logan. This is a discussion thread. Since I grew up there , played and coached at Logan, I have some idea about the tradition of the program. Look at the history of coaches in Logan. Those who lost regularly didn't stay long. They were few. I am one who has stated before that Angle had a great class. But I've also been around a long time and you'd have to look hard not to find football talent in Logan. I'm told there is talent here and by no means are we talking Angle's talent. That is understood.

I also was coached when I played there by one of the most successful coaches in Logan's history, Mel Adams and he wasn't from Logan. In fact the top coaches have NOT been local boys.

This is a chat about why there is failure in Logan, now for a second year. Enjoy !

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Re: Logan Football

Post by noreply66 »

NYBuckeye96 wrote:I'm surprised no one has brought up the team records of the schools that have beat Logan so far. It's not like Logan is 0-5 and being blown out by bad teams. All five schools Logan has played so far have been really great teams, with three of them undefeated.

I am not familiar with the records of the lower level teams Logan plays at all grade levels, but at least at the varsity level, Logan has played really dominating teams so far.

If the entire program is down top to bottom, I think you have to make corrections at the lowest levels first and then build off of that each year in the upper levels.
Most Logan people that are complaining about this team, isn't that that are get a L, it is the way they are getting it.

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Re: Logan Football

Post by noreply66 »

NYBUX wrote:As I said it starts in the home>>>> no coach teaches them how to fumble.....
My boy wants to succeed in this game,,,and that is what it is,,,a game, it is partially my responsibility to see that he does... If he fumbles,,, guess what he is going to sleep with a football,,,,he is going to carry the ball in the house and I am going to try to get it now and again. I will do my part to see that he is succsessful........
Will anyone be hitting him while in bed and how many times will he let you know when he drops it.

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Re: Logan Football

Post by NYBUX »

noreply66 wrote:
NYBUX wrote:As I said it starts in the home>>>> no coach teaches them how to fumble.....
My boy wants to succeed in this game,,,and that is what it is,,,a game, it is partially my responsibility to see that he does... If he fumbles,,, guess what he is going to sleep with a football,,,,he is going to carry the ball in the house and I am going to try to get it now and again. I will do my part to see that he is succsessful........
Will anyone be hitting him while in bed and how many times will he let you know when he drops it.
Won't need too He will get the point...........beleive me HE WILL GET THE POINT>.......
And yes he will still love me.

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Re: Logan Football

Post by 1987chieftains »

noreply66 wrote:
NYBuckeye96 wrote:I'm surprised no one has brought up the team records of the schools that have beat Logan so far. It's not like Logan is 0-5 and being blown out by bad teams. All five schools Logan has played so far have been really great teams, with three of them undefeated.

I am not familiar with the records of the lower level teams Logan plays at all grade levels, but at least at the varsity level, Logan has played really dominating teams so far.

If the entire program is down top to bottom, I think you have to make corrections at the lowest levels first and then build off of that each year in the upper levels.
Most Logan people that are complaining about this team, isn't that that are get a L, it is the way they are getting it.
YES... giving up.... the lancaster game they didnt give up now they have given up.... too early in the game maybe not all the players but some do. look at the Michigan/ND game Michigan down big early, didnt give up and they won! maybe thats not the best but you guys know what i mean.

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