CHIEFS VS GALES...........WEEK 1......

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Re: CHIEFS VS GALES...........WEEK 1......


congrats to the logan chieftains, fine win, watched some of it on tv, after the tiger game, congrats seoal.

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Re: CHIEFS VS GALES...........WEEK 1......

Post by chieflineman06 »

Perhaps one of the WORST shows of RESPECT and SPORTSMANSHIP I have ever seen (this is aimed at Lancaster).

Will not go into great detail but it involved heckling the refs all night long and then taunting the team while and injured player is down on the field? I mean come on have some common decency.

Besides that the offense looked great, especially when it went into No Huddle type play at the end of the first half.

Logan's defense on the other hand seemed to have a hard time slowing down Lancaster's wing-t attack. Especially that double hand off play, which led to one of the two Lancaster scores on the night. Good thing Lancaster had such an ineffective passing attack, maybe 1-8 with a little amount of yardage.

All in all, I left the game pleased except for the show of utter disrespect.

I hope this was a one night thing and doesn't continue all season long for the Gales.

First one down, one to go. Remember one at a time and Pick North Panthers are next.

Go Chiefs!!

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Re: CHIEFS VS GALES...........WEEK 1......

Post by ironman02 »

Congrats to the Chiefs...impressive Week 1 win.

Good luck next week against Pick North!

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Re: CHIEFS VS GALES...........WEEK 1......

Post by bird78 »

GOOD WIN CHIEFS :-D Defensive line played well and offensive line did a good job of giving Pat ''ASSASIN'' Angle time to hit his receivers.....speaking of receivers :shock: Mason ''ROOK'' Mays........had a awesome night catching and plowing over and around gales all ''NIGHT'' long ,and tallying 3 touchdowns 8) gets kudos for my player of the week...............GOOD LUCK NEXT WEEK AT THE reservation....and a much improved Pick-north panthers coming in.......the CHIEFS will be ready and be 2-0 going in to week 3.........6 PETE........FOR OLE ''petey boy'' :shock: :-D :!:

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Re: CHIEFS VS GALES...........WEEK 1......

Post by Tjhtygeverve »

Congrats Logan... Keep on winning. I just wished you could get a streak of luck in post season play...

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Re: CHIEFS VS GALES...........WEEK 1......

Post by dazed&confused »

chieflineman06 wrote:Perhaps one of the WORST shows of RESPECT and SPORTSMANSHIP I have ever seen (this is aimed at Lancaster).

Will not go into great detail but it involved heckling the refs all night long and then taunting the team while and injured player is down on the field? I mean come on have some common decency.

Besides that the offense looked great, especially when it went into No Huddle type play at the end of the first half.

Logan's defense on the other hand seemed to have a hard time slowing down Lancaster's wing-t attack. Especially that double hand off play, which led to one of the two Lancaster scores on the night. Good thing Lancaster had such an ineffective passing attack, maybe 1-8 with a little amount of yardage.

All in all, I left the game pleased except for the show of utter disrespect.

I hope this was a one night thing and doesn't continue all season long for the Gales.

First one down, one to go. Remember one at a time and Pick North Panthers are next.

Go Chiefs!!

I was going to post something in the same vein as this....all I'll say is the team reflects its coach. Lancaster officials have some soul searching to do. Coach Amyx would never condone some of the character lapses that the Gales showed on his team. A final note, Carpenter had no comment when questioned by Craig Dunn. 'Nuff said!

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Re: CHIEFS VS GALES...........WEEK 1......

Post by dave »

Congrats to Logan on the win and for keeping your heads on straight - this thing could have turned ugly real fast if Logan played into some of the BS that was going on.

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Re: CHIEFS VS GALES...........WEEK 1......

Post by ldr »

chieflineman06 wrote:Perhaps one of the WORST shows of RESPECT and SPORTSMANSHIP I have ever seen (this is aimed at Lancaster).

Will not go into great detail but it involved heckling the refs all night long and then taunting the team while and injured player is down on the field? I mean come on have some common decency.

Besides that the offense looked great, especially when it went into No Huddle type play at the end of the first half.

Logan's defense on the other hand seemed to have a hard time slowing down Lancaster's wing-t attack. Especially that double hand off play, which led to one of the two Lancaster scores on the night. Good thing Lancaster had such an ineffective passing attack, maybe 1-8 with a little amount of yardage.

All in all, I left the game pleased except for the show of utter disrespect.

I hope this was a one night thing and doesn't continue all season long for the Gales.

First one down, one to go. Remember one at a time and Pick North Panthers are next.

Go Chiefs!!

During the game, I thought about how boring of a team Lancaster had. I can't stand a Wing-T offense. I needed something to get myself into the game and what happned towards the end is what I was looking for. So Thank You Golden Gales. I guess you aren't so boring after all. Btw...Go Chiefs!!! :lol:

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Re: CHIEFS VS GALES...........WEEK 1......

Post by BigOrangeOne »

Congratulations to the Chiefs on the big win. Keep it going.

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Re: CHIEFS VS GALES...........WEEK 1......

Post by ironman02 »

Just saw that the Logan JVs defeated Lancaster 21-7 this morning. Impressive win for the young Chiefs. Seems as though everyone may be surprised by how good Logan will be again next season.

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Re: CHIEFS VS GALES...........WEEK 1......

Post by lhms »

Great Job Logan, you not only played like champions but carried your self with class. Stay focused. As far as the sportsmanship and character that was demonstrated by some of the Gales. I'll just say that you get a true sense of one's character when one is faced with adversity. I was disappointed after seeing how some of the Gales carried them selves while dealing with the adversity of how the game was going. I hope some of those Gales practice on developing good sportsmanship and positive character atributes that will serve them and thier community far beyond the football field.

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Re: CHIEFS VS GALES...........WEEK 1......

Post by 5kdude »

nice job boys let go to anyother 10-0 seson and a div 2 champion

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