Should Wellston Keep Playing Jackson?

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Riding the Bench
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Re: Should Wellston Keep Playing Jackson?

Post by coachperWHS »

It is interesting to read the comments here.

First, if you asked any of the Wellston athletes if they felt like they did not belong on the field with Jackson, there would not be one athlete who would say they felt like they should not be playing the game with Jackson. The athletes on the field were disappointed that they lost...if they felt like they did not have a chance against Jackson then they would have just been glad to get the game over and get off the field. These athletes believed they would win!

The athletes are not being used for fodder to make money any more than the Jackson athletes are used to make money (or for that matter any school...Logan or Gallia Academy or Oak Hill). Every single school uses football to be the major funder of athletics. The Wellston student-athletes are not so over-matched that they feel they cannot compete equally, so they are not being used as fodder!!!

Vinton County is a good example of being on the short end of a rivalry for years.
After consolidation in 1966-67 they started playing Wellston every year in 1967 and did not win a game against Wellston until in the 1980s (I am sorry I cannot remember the year of their first win against Wellston). The Vikings played hard every year and did not feel that they did not belong on the field. They finally got that win and had good success in the late 80s and early 90s in the series. They
did not try to duck out of the series when they were not winning.

Oak Hill used to play Wellston every year in the 60s and 70s...they did not defeat Wellston often, but I guarantee they played hard and felt like they belonged on the field with Wellston. They did not try to duck out of the series because of lack of wins.

The Wellston-Jackson series is a tradition-rich one. The student-athletes from each school play hard in this game because they know each other pretty well.
They are playing with a lot of pride (I did not see one athlete in school today that hung his head over this loss). I did not see one athlete that fretted over what had happened in the previous 20 years.

I have wonderful memories of the Wellston-Jackson games I was involved in as a player and a coach. I would not want these athletes to be deprived of the opportunity to play in this game and not have the opportunity to have these same kind of memories.

And as the Brooklyn Dodgers' fans always said "Wait until next year!"

Golden Rockets, I for one am proud of you!

And Jackson...good luck the rest of the year!

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Re: Should Wellston Keep Playing Jackson?

Post by falcon1 »

Ouch !!!

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Re: Should Wellston Keep Playing Jackson?

Post by Orange and Brown »

I think if the schools want to play each other and the fans want to see it then keep playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Should Wellston Keep Playing Jackson?

Post by 2old »


If I was from Jackson i would want a never ending contract to beat Wellston the first game of every season. However since Jackson is the king of weak scheduling i would expect nothing else. While you are at it be sure to schedule Vinton County every year too. Also remember Jackson showed their colors by trying to join the TVC this year.


No comparison between OSU and the MAC teams. It helps the MAC teams recruit. It does not help Wellston in the lower grades to lose the opener 19 straight years. Besides high school players are true amateurs. Getting a college ed is reason enough to get an occassional beat down. No argument.


What a thoughtful insight. i can see you bring a mature approach to this discussion. However i obviously do not agree with your position. 19 years without a victory is pretty telling. Maybe because you are in the system you are too close to the situation. I am sure going into the game the athletes felt they could compete. However in the contest Saturday night, if Jackson had not cooperated and committed so many penalties I shudder to think of what the results may have been.

I only suggest playing someone you can beat one year out of three. The jamboree game with Jackson would be a good idea. Playing Jackson is asking the Rockets to make the playoffs in 9 games but using a 10 game divisor. Any victory over the smallest school in Ohio could provide just enough points to qualify the Rockets for week 11. Or postion the Rockets to be a 4 seed and host instead of a 5 seed and go on the road. There is money in hosting also. Losing the first game every year effects the home crowd the rest of the season.

I like the VC example. i would be curious to know how many games VC lost before that first victory. Besides after the Rockets joined the TVC they had to play each other. It was no longer up for debate.

But alas the oak Hill example is not as strong. Oak Hill did win somewhere between every three or four games. And some times won two years in a row.

I think the Wellston-Jackson games you speak of had a different outcome than the current series between the Rockets and the ironmen. Maybe you should think more about shad williams. Of course that could be what is effecting your thinking.

You are a good guy coach. Thanks for your input.

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Re: Should Wellston Keep Playing Jackson?

Post by coachperWHS »


I cherish those games with Portsmouth and Shad Williams, Tony Booker, Walt Mannon, and Mike White. In spite of the score at the end...I loved competing in those games.

I really am close to the situation...but I am with those kids every day and I know that they want to play that game with Jackson.

Yes, Jackson had some fact quite a few! Wellston committed some costly penalties too and lost a couple of fumbles that were costly.

As I recall it was 1982 or 83 that Wellston joined the TVC and Vinton County won their first game against Wellston in the mid-80s...someone help me out on this one.

You, too, are a good guy, and I am glad you were on that line in front of me!

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Re: Should Wellston Keep Playing Jackson?

Post by boilermaker »

The 1982 football season VC got their first win on the Rockets. Last minute pass won the game.

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Re: Should Wellston Keep Playing Jackson?

Post by Ironman92 »

*Jackson needs to play a tougher schedule to improve more.

*Wellston being behind the 0-1 8 ball every year is not best for them.

*Most schools athletic programs are in rough shape

*The game this past Saturday was not only competitive....but the biggest crowd I've seen at a Jackson football game. I can't fathom what the gate/parking and concessions can pay for the rest of the athletic year. Bleachers completely full and 3 deep around the fence....looked like Saturday night at the Apple Festival.
Last edited by Ironman92 on Mon Aug 31, 2009 10:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Riding the Bench
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Re: Should Wellston Keep Playing Jackson?

Post by coachperWHS »

Thanks for the information, boilermaker!

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Re: Should Wellston Keep Playing Jackson?

Post by hawkeyepierce »

boilermaker wrote:The 1982 football season VC got their first win on the Rockets. Last minute pass won the game.

Again my friend you are wrong. I was a senior on that team and it went 0-8-2. Vinton County first played Wellston in 1967 and lost 28-0. The Vikings got their first win against the Rockets in 1972, 6-0. However, lost the next 10. I think you were confused with the 1983 score, which the Vikings won 15-14. The Vikings scored 15 points in the fourth quarter, on a Mike Ousley 1 yard run, Terry Radekin passed to Sam Crow for the two point conversion. The winning touchdown came from Radekin who connected with Mike Bolender for a 48 yard touchdown pass and Crow added a PAT for the win.

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Re: Should Wellston Keep Playing Jackson?

Post by NY BUCKS »

Look at the NY-LOGAN SERIES.Did it make sence ny played Logan.To the OUTSIDER NO.To NY YES we used logan as a measuring stick to see where NY WAS AT.If we stayed with logan NY would be ok.If not we worked on what needed Fixed.I see Wellstons point.2 and its a MONEY MAKER.

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Re: Should Wellston Keep Playing Jackson?

Post by ironmen1987 »

Jackson was looking at the TVC and the SOC because of the stability and proximity. I seriously doubt the admin thought we would dominate either conference. If they did then shame on them. The wounds we cause Wellston or Vinton are usually returned on the basketball court or in the other sports we compete in. I was a H Huntsmen in high school so i think i know what it feels like being the underdog most years (0-30 something in the 80's losing streak).

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Re: Should Wellston Keep Playing Jackson?

Post by Crazy Legs »

Quite simpily YES!!!! Money,pride, and it makes sense for both schools regardless of the outcome. Every school has one game on their schedule in every sport that the AD's make to make money for that program!! It takes money to make these sports go and I agree with gahs4ever you do not want pay to play in your school!! If that took place then how would the kids feel. This game hurts only because they are 0 for the last 19 it will change one season then this will be the post of how great this rivalry is!! To the point about using the kids for money?? Then why does every school charge to get in games or why even play them on fridays? That is not a very good argument just because you are upset that wellston lost, they will still have a great season and so will the ironmen!!! They should play this game beacuse this game in what OHIO HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL IS ALL ABOUT!!!!!

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Re: Should Wellston Keep Playing Jackson?

Post by 2old »


I will be glad to opine about the reasons Jackson wanted out of the SEOAL and about Jackson's schedule. Start a post and iwi be there. Heavens knows I have plenty of thoughts on the subject. i have previously expresed many of them. Much to the dismay of many Jackson followers.

As i posted before once VC and Wellston were in the same league it is a mute point of how many times Wellston has proven to have the upper hand.

As for Nelsonville, I will admit this was usually a game to remember for the Chiefs. However for the Nelsonville fans, remember this. The Buckeyes BEAT MIGHTY LOGAN more often than the Rockets defeat Jackson.

It is time to open the minds and eyes of people so the Rockets do not have to start EVERY year 0-1. How hard is that to understand.

Wellston needs to demand that this game be game 3. Jackson is not going to walk way from this gate or this victory. Jackson has never ended a series because they beat a team too often. Much more likely to occurr if Jackson is on the losing end of the score. It is time for Wellston to enter the scheduling meeting with its head held high rather than backing in with open palms. This is not (if you will excuse the term) rocket science here.

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Re: Should Wellston Keep Playing Jackson?

Post by 2old »


i agree with the first part of your name. Now moving on what school do you support? i can tell you this I bwager your team has not started 0-1 the last 19 years. In fact i would say that 0-1 is for 19 years probably is close to leading the state in futility.

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Re: Should Wellston Keep Playing Jackson?

Post by 2old »

I think gallia should keep playing Ironton. ironton is coming back to the pack so Gallia may do better against ironton soon.

My posts and others have provided other imaginative solutions to the Wellston Jackson series. I say until you have lost 19 straight openers it is hard to understand what it is like being 0-1 every year. It hurts the entire program. The Ironton game for Gallia is similar. Several years Gallia had the better team but were so caught up in the Ironton hysteria that Gallia found a way to lose.

I will tell you i would love to be on the winning side of this ledger. Heck a 1-0 start every year. I doubt many teams in Ohio can match that start.

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Re: Should Wellston Keep Playing Jackson?

Post by 91blue14 »

i guess when you dont have money you gotta do what you gotta do. ''pimpin is not easy'' lol.

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Re: Should Wellston Keep Playing Jackson?

Post by attitude »

I can certainly see why Wellston would want to drop this series. I was amazed at the discrepancy in talent between the two teams last saturday evening. With all of those blue-chip athletes running around on Jackson's side, it is amazing that some of the Wellston kids didn't lose limbs during the game? Interestingly enough, Wellston will compete with and beat Jackson at every other sport throughout the year. I guess Jackson's blue-chippers only stick to football.

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Re: Should Wellston Keep Playing Jackson?

Post by Poo Bear »

Why cant we start the season with Wellston vs Oak Hill and Vinton County vs Jackson both on saturday night. Start the first game at 600pm followed by the next game. One ticket gets both games. Teams could rotate hosting the game. VC is on paper big enough for Jackson. Oak Hill and Wellston is a natural rival. Make a big night of football out of it. May be a crazy idea though. Just thinking outside the box.

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Re: Should Wellston Keep Playing Jackson?

Post by chillidawg »

Of course they should continue playing this game. Any true fan of Wellston should want this series to continue. I was apart of the last team from Wellston to beat the ironmen and even though I don't live in Wellston anymore I am still passionate about the school and the football team. The day will come when this streak will come to an end. Losing this football game does not ruin the year or stop the Rockets from any of their preseason goals. They can still win the league or go to the playoffs. There are much more important things than worrying about losing. Just go out and play the game. The the day will come and won't it be glorious when they do win. Last Saturday night I did not think the talent level was that different. Rockets keep you head up and win the rest of them.

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Re: Should Wellston Keep Playing Jackson?

Post by grizzlynatural »

chillidawg wrote:Of course they should continue playing this game. Any true fan of Wellston should want this series to continue. I was apart of the last team from Wellston to beat the ironmen and even though I don't live in Wellston anymore I am still passionate about the school and the football team. The day will come when this streak will come to an end. Losing this football game does not ruin the year or stop the Rockets from any of their preseason goals. They can still win the league or go to the playoffs. There are much more important things than worrying about losing. Just go out and play the game. The the day will come and won't it be glorious when they do win. Last Saturday night I did not think the talent level was that different. Rockets keep you head up and win the rest of them.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

2old is right. How long are you going to put up with starting your season out 0-1? Has Wellston ever experienced a 10-0 season before?

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