Chesapeake 39 Symmes Valley 33 3OT's

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Chesapeake 39 Symmes Valley 33 3OT's

Post by mattash »

The streak continues now at 20 in a row. Symmes Valley was up 21-7 with around 8 minutes left in the game. Peake scores and Symmes Valley is up 21-14 first down with around 3 minutes to go then fumble. Chesapeake scores again to tie the game with their running back breaking 3 or 4 tackles. Both team scores in the first two overtimes and then SV had the ball 3rd and 1 and had two penalty's to make it 3rd and 11 and they don't convert. Peake then scores again with their running back who breaks tackles left and right. This was one of the best games I seen so great job both teams.

However, I honestly think it may be time for Symmes Valley to find another week 3 opponent maybe switch it up every couple years. Try Rock Hill and Coal Grove. I think they will double the Peake's fans. If we could not beat them this year I don't see us beating them anytime soon.

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Re: Time for Symmes Valley to drop Chesapeake?

Post by mattash »

I think Symmes Valley goes 8-2 this year easy. Line is solid and the backs run the ball hard. Play calling is real good to.

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Re: Time for Symmes Valley to drop Chesapeake?

Post by jl724 »

Even with peake winning it still doesn't make them any better, I look for them to win 3 games lol

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Re: Time for Symmes Valley to drop Chesapeake?

Post by mattash »

Was that punt return by Symmes Valley where the kid leaped a Peake defender not awesome?

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Re: Chesapeake 39 Symmes Valley 33 3OT's

Post by fuzzhead »

Symmes Valley is definitely capable of a playoff birth. Too bad they couldn't break the streak, but this team has too much going for it to dwell on this game.

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Re: Chesapeake 39 Symmes Valley 33 3OT's

Post by robycop3 »

What about that INT by Peake's Pinson on their 1-yard line? That, as much as anything, led to Peake's victory.

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Re: Chesapeake 39 Symmes Valley 33 3OT's

Post by Musigep07 »

for the most part this game always comes down to coaching. It looks like again SV coaching let the great fans of the valley down. I think SV should keep this game, schedule some good none conferance games and build the program. I am alumni of SV and i think it is pathetic that you can be up 21-7 on the peake with 8 minutes left in the game and lose!

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Re: Chesapeake 39 Symmes Valley 33 3OT's

Post by riverball »

Musigep07 is obviously someone who has absolutely NO idea of what he is talking about. There is not a coach in the area that works any harder or puts as much time and effort in to coaching as the coach out at Symmes Valley does.

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Re: Chesapeake 39 Symmes Valley 33 3OT's

Post by Boonedawg »

Can't blame a coach for fumbles.

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Re: Chesapeake 39 Symmes Valley 33 3OT's

Post by fuzzhead »

No one from Symmes Valley should dwell on this.
The Vikings are a playoff-caliber team, but if they let this get them down it could lead to more losses.
Personally, I'd like to attend a Viking playoff game so buck up, get your chin-straps on, and keep on playing good football.

Go Vikings!!!

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Re: Chesapeake 39 Symmes Valley 33 3OT's

Post by riverball »

Very well put boonedawg and fuzzhead.
I just hate when people try to blame a coach who has never done anything but run a class program and is the winningest coach in the school's history and has gone farther in the playoffs than any other coach in the school's history.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not bashing any previous coaches either. I think a couple of coaches in the past were very good for the school too. They are just in the past though. This is the present. Everyone should back and support a coach that is this dedicated to putting together a winning and class program.

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Re: Chesapeake 39 Symmes Valley 33 3OT's

Post by s.v.vikinglinex2 »


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Re: Chesapeake 39 Symmes Valley 33 3OT's

Post by riverball »

There you go Musigep07.
The previous post from s.v.vikinglinex2 is from a parent who has a stake in the program. HIS KIDS!.
What do you think of your idiotic post now?

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Re: Chesapeake 39 Symmes Valley 33 3OT's

Post by Boonedawg »

Wasn't Triplett at the helm when they played for a state title? I may be wrong...I think i was kinda busy flying around the persian gulf at that time period.

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Re: Chesapeake 39 Symmes Valley 33 3OT's

Post by s.v.vikinglinex2 »

We have never played for a state title. we went to our first playoff game with triplett as head coach.

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Re: Chesapeake 39 Symmes Valley 33 3OT's

Post by 1longtimeviking »

I've been to every one of the games against Chesapeake over the past 20 years and this was the best game Symmes Valley has played against Chesapeake in those 20 years. Our players, fans, and coaches should all be proud of the awesome effort and true Viking heart and spirit that was displayed Friday evening. As far as coaching goes, Herb Conley and Rusty Webb are the people to credit for Symmes Valley having a football program. Yes, another coach took the Vikings to the first round of the playoffs in 1989, but as far as character and caring for our kids, Rusty Webb is at the top of the list. Some people may not agree with me, but I feel most true VIkings who know anything do.
The one thing that I feel cost us the game was the fact that this was the first game of the season that our JV's haven't played almost the entire 2nd half. Our players were tired at the end of the game because unlike Chesapeake's 2 losses, our two easy wins left our varsity players plenty of time off at the end of the games. Maybe we should schedule some tougher opponents in weeks 1 and 2 to be prepared for week 3.

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Re: Chesapeake 39 Symmes Valley 33 3OT's

Post by ddavis »

There are always those that don't like a coach for some reason or another and are just waiting for something to go wrong so they can take stabs at the coach. Sometimes it's because the head coach didn't want them as an assistant. Other times it's because a coach doesn't play their son at the position they wanted or the coach didn't start his son. Rusty has done Symmes Valley proud during his tenure as head coach. You have had some good head coaches but Rusty doesn't take the back seat to any of them. Anyone who thinks differently is a fool. Rusty Webb takes pride in game preparation and outworking the opposing coaches. This doesn't always lead to victory but I promise you it has won more than one close game for the Vikings. Every year the Viking faithful are hoping for another playoff appearance. These high expectations are the result of the hard work Rusty Webb and his staff have done over the years. In two weeks I'm going to work my butt off to help the Mohawks prepare for your Vikings because I know Rusty will be doing the same thing and if we would be fortunate enough to win then we as a staff should be proud because we would have beaten a well coached team and an excellent coaching staff. It amazes me that someone who says they are an alumni and fan would post negative things about the coach knowing that kids read these things. Creating dissention during a season is not a way to support your team. I know it was a hard losing to Chesapeake in three overtimes but in my opinion without Rusty Webb as coach you may have been complaining about getting beaten by three touchdowns.

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Re: Chesapeake 39 Symmes Valley 33 3OT's

Post by Boonedawg »

I agree to disagree...Coach T is the man who brought pride to being a viking to SV, no disrespect intended to coach Webb in the least. Jusr giving credit where it's due.

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Re: Chesapeake 39 Symmes Valley 33 3OT's

Post by riverball »

Tripplet was the one who got everything started. He took SV to their first winning seasons and playoff birth. He deserves all the credit for that. After he left, the program was lost again and to the point of possibly not even having a football team at SV. Conley came along with Webb and brought the program back. Webb took over when Conley retired and has taken the program to the next level, with several years of playoff births and SOC championships.

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Re: Chesapeake 39 Symmes Valley 33 3OT's

Post by riverball »


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