FANOSPORTS wrote:Orestes wrote:FANOSPORTS wrote:Answers to above:
I didn't go to NY, and will not be playing against any team. So I won't have much of a say in whether Liberty Union and NY is a good game, AGAIN.
Sorry, but you have a warped view of mediocrity and success. Making the playoffs every year is not mediocrity. Losing closely contested playoff games is not mediocrity. Whether NY is mediocre or elite depends on the breadth of your scope. They are an elite TVC program. They are a very good SEO program. They are a solid state program.
Obviously, I'm sure they would like to improve. Every team does. However, mediocre they are not.
I only hope that you live up to your own definition of success and mediocrity within your own career of choice. Local dominance is not good enough. Being among the best in your region is not good enough. I'll see you in the Wall Street Journal.
My stocks have been increasing quite nicely lately as International funds are the way to go at the moment rather then U.S. stocks as the dollar is down against about all other currencies at this time but that is another story. As for your rational above: In this century from 2001 to 2008, N-Y went 55-25 in the regular season (approx. 68% wining pct) and 0-5 in playoff games getting outscored in those playoff games by an average of 16.2 points per game (Opp avg. pts. per gm. 31.4 - N-Y pts. per gm. 15.2). In 3 of those 8 seasons they didn't make the playoffs even if they won the TVC championship. Local dominance is good enough if that's all you aspire to do (Tri-County area) and they have not even been remotely the best in the region as they haven't won a first round playoff game (and they have 8 teams in each region now so it is easier to make the playoffs than it was years ago). They are by no means a great team, just in a mediocre league which has no aspirations to do anything other than win the league. Have a good day

I am not the master of the NY football universe, so I can't speak for their aspirations. I am an outside observer that doesn't get my kicks from criticizing high school athletic programs by moving the goal posts of the thread's discussion.
This discussion would make sense if NY fans had been claiming state or regional dominance. However, the claims have not been made in this thread, or in any other recent thread that I have read.
Though, if we are going to dwell on this subject, how many other teams in Region 19 have the number of playoff appearances this decade as NY? It seems to me that a few teams have been a constant (NY included), while the rest of the names have shuffled. However, I don't gather high school football statistics, so I could be off. Either way, NY deserves credit for consistent success, even if they have not gotten over the playoff-hump.
As for the last 5 playoff appearances, your use of statistics proves the quote, "Lies, darn Lies, and Statistics." The Amanda Clearcreek and Columbus Academy games were major blowouts. Those two games skew the numbers. The Monroe Central, East Knox, and Liberty Union games were all instant classics. That is inches, not miles. A tweak can turn that completely around, not an overhaul.