Week 5 Waverly @ Ashland Blazer

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Re: Week 5 Waverly @ Ashland Blazer

Post by smurray »

And when would they have found out he had a broken fibia? He got hurt two weeks ago at Wellston and they just now found out? Can someone else confirm this?

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Re: Week 5 Waverly @ Ashland Blazer

Post by Tigers24 »

..Again, I was at practice the whole time last night and although he did not participate in team drills, he was walking and running along the sideline. When I asked him how he felt he said that he was fine just a bit sore. He also said that he planned on playing, if all went well. Take this info as you wish. Things could have changed between now and then (I hope they have NOT), but you just never know. Never the less Kevin's health is way more important than playing HS football.

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Re: Week 5 Waverly @ Ashland Blazer

Post by smurray »

I totally agree with you, 24. His health is way more important than a football game.

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Re: Week 5 Waverly @ Ashland Blazer

Post by Trivium5 »

If you really think about it, he shouldn't even be in this situation. Waverly had the game won and they should've just took a knee. Which means Kevin would still be playing. That is a HUGE blow to Waverly, but they still have a safe bet in Underwood in the backfield.

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Re: Week 5 Waverly @ Ashland Blazer

Post by Tigers24 »

#7 is done for the season. I truly hate this for such a great young man. I am sure he will be there cheering his teammates for the remainder of the season. You never know, if the TIGERS can get in the playoffs he might just get another shot.

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Re: Week 5 Waverly @ Ashland Blazer

Post by Tigers24 »

Trivium5 wrote:If you really think about it, he shouldn't even be in this situation. Waverly had the game won and they should've just took a knee. Which means Kevin would still be playing. That is a HUGE blow to Waverly, but they still have a safe bet in Underwood in the backfield.

Kevin's injury was not due to anything that happened late in the game. This injury happened in the third quarter when one of our own lineman kicked him in the leg. A very unfortunate injury, but one that could happen to anyone who puts on a uniform.

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Re: Week 5 Waverly @ Ashland Blazer

Post by Trivium5 »

I agree with you 24, but why wouldn't you knee it at the end of the game when you have it already in your hands? He was hurt to begin with, why would you put him in and run the ball when he is already hurt? I just didn't see the reason in it.

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Re: Week 5 Waverly @ Ashland Blazer

Post by Seops123 »

Kevin's injury was not due to anything that happened late in the game. This injury happened in the third quarter when one of our own lineman kicked him in the leg. A very unfortunate injury, but one that could happen to anyone who puts on a uniform.

So he played the 4th quarter with a broken leg. He must be a very tough kid.

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Re: Week 5 Waverly @ Ashland Blazer

Post by smurray »

The Tigers lose allot more than just a running back in Kevin Malone. Some of the most vicious hits in the Wellston game were delivered by Mr. Malone from the defensive side of the ball. The Tigers will miss Kevin allot.

Let's pray for a speedy recovery.

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Re: Week 5 Waverly @ Ashland Blazer

Post by tigerfaner »

Malone played an entire fourth quarter with a broken leg, took some hard hits in that quater, and wasn't complaining and running at practice tonight, my god, where can you find a tougher kid than that?

Hope he comes through this okay!

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Re: Week 5 Waverly @ Ashland Blazer

Post by coppercat »

Sorry to hear about the injury to Malone as a fan you hate to see a player lost for the season. To all the posters regarding Ashlands points for Ohio playoffs, if you dont get points for a loss dont worry about it, your wasting your time. See ya at the game and good luck.

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Re: Week 5 Waverly @ Ashland Blazer

Post by bucki4life »

I thought the handoffs in the final seconds against Wellston were bad too- as I stated earlier- however, the broken leg was not a result of those runs and we should put that in the past, both the fans and the coaches- as always I support the coaches and they have been dealt a horrible setback and now is the time for everyone to rally and support them and the team as they try to overcome. I am so sad for Kevin, he is a senior and he has gave the football program 4 hard years of dedication. I hope he recovers quickly!

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Re: Week 5 Waverly @ Ashland Blazer

Post by Bleeding Red »

Didnt the Malone kid miss a large part of last season due to an injury?

Hate to see that happen. Especially 2 years in a row.

Good luck to him on a speedy recovery.

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Re: Week 5 Waverly @ Ashland Blazer

Post by fbone »

Bleeding Red wrote:Didnt the Malone kid miss a large part of last season due to an injury?

Hate to see that happen. Especially 2 years in a row.

Good luck to him on a speedy recovery.

No, Malone didn't miss a large part of the season, that was Kretzer, it was a misconception by a few. He is an awesome athlete, #17 in the state of Ohio for running backs! He will be missed, he was a favorite to watch on the field.

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Re: Week 5 Waverly @ Ashland Blazer

Post by fbone »

bucki4life wrote:I thought the handoffs in the final seconds against Wellston were bad too- as I stated earlier- however, the broken leg was not a result of those runs and we should put that in the past, both the fans and the coaches- as always I support the coaches and they have been dealt a horrible setback and now is the time for everyone to rally and support them and the team as they try to overcome. I am so sad for Kevin, he is a senior and he has gave the football program 4 hard years of dedication. I hope he recovers quickly!

Are you a doctor? How do you know when the injury occured? Yes I was at the game and the blow in the 3rd quarter is what everyone is blaming it on. It could have been a stress fracture and with every step he takes and every blow he delivered or took could have made it worse. How are we to know. There is no need to bash the coaches, I agree but people just "let it go" is bogus. We shouldn't let it go but keep Malone in our thoughts and Prayers the rest of the year and remember that the kid was playing with a broken leg. How much more could we ask for in a dedicated football player. Because of his four years of dedication and the comittment he has shown he deserves props of being one of the best running backs Waverly has seen. Again, RANKED #17 RUNNING BACK FOR THE ENTIRE STATE OF OHIO!!!

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Re: Week 5 Waverly @ Ashland Blazer

Post by bucki4life »

fbone- i never said i was a doctor and i feel horrible for kevin- all i was doing was repeating what had already been stated- that it was an injury other than the final two handoffs- is this true- i have no idea - all i was trying to say is thanks kevin for four great years of dedicated football and please not have anyone blame anyone for the injury. sorry for making you mad! I have really enjoyed watching him play football and how he got hurt is not as important as getting him better!

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Re: Week 5 Waverly @ Ashland Blazer

Post by bookem13 »

Hats off to a very good Tomcat football team...they kicked our tails!!!

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