Prayers for the Vinton Football Player
Prayers for the Vinton Football Player
I understand there was a horrible accident to one of the boys. Our prayers are out to the family and team.
Re: Prayers for the Vinton Football Player
Squid is a very good friend of Dyl's, we all wish him a quick and uncomplicated recovery! Baby Dyl is playing for you tonight Squidward!! 

- Riding the Bench
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Re: Prayers for the Vinton Football Player
I dont know what happened but prayers from me and my family for this young boy.
- Freshman Team
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- Riding the Bench
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Re: Prayers for the Vinton Football Player
May i ask what happened? Prayers going to this young man..
Re: Prayers for the Vinton Football Player
They were having a homecoming parade and the coach as I understand it was driving a tractor pulling a lowboy trailer. The boy jumped off to get a small football or something and when he went to get back on his leg went under a tire, I don't know which tire the tractor or the trailer and broke his leg in three places. At first the damage looked as if he could possibly loose it as I understand it but from what I've heard he should recover and should mend well. I am going off of what others have told me. Matteson was quite impressive running the ball the few times I seen them play so I'm sure he'll be missed on the field as well.