WK6 Minford 16 Wheelersburg 15 SOC II

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Re: WK6 Minford 16 Wheelersburg 15 SOC II

Post by wobycat »

falconbacker92 wrote:Congrats Minford!!!! I have heard so much trash talking about how burg would dominate Minford that you could choke on the arrogance or ignorance. I am assuming not everybody watched last years games. Both teams really needed this win. Burg hasn't had as good a year as everybody thinks. The only two teams they have played was Ironton and VASJ, Ironton beat them up and VASJ is a smaller school than burg. Yes everybody wants to talk about Minford playing RV and HR,but aside from burgs 2 big games who have they played....lets see....Rock Hill? Two teams Minford played already I believe were ahead of the mighty burg in the computer points. So burg you may want to start praying that you survive this year and maybe you can still make the playoffs. Go Falcons!!!!

You're insane. You are probably going to eat your words. The Burg year in and year out plays a tougher schedule than Minford. Minford won the game and outplayed Burg, but Minford was given many gifts, two turnovers and two bad coaching decisions. I will root for Minford come playoff time if they get in but I will not listen to an insane post as this. No true burg fan predicted a blowout and all the fans on our side knew it was going to be a battle. Hopefully both teams make it in to represent the county well in the region.

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Re: WK6 (4-1) Wheelersburg @ (4-1) Minford SOC2

Post by alabama mike »

fanatic23 wrote:wow this is a first nobody from THE BURG on here to talk about the game

I've seen plenty of Burg posters on here talking about the game and giving props to Minford on the win. You do have to give people a chance to get home from the game. Remember, Slocum Station has a major detour around it at the present time.

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Re: WK6 Minford 16 Wheelersburg 15 SOC II

Post by MuletownManiac »

I have been pleasantly surprised with the reaction from the Burg fans...as they have been gracious in defeat, and were class acts. There are always going to be a few bad apple/ has beens/ never were's, that like to rear their ugly heads when put in these situations, that goes for some of the Minford fans who act like this, and cant even win respectably.

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Re: WK6 Minford 16 Wheelersburg 15 SOC II

Post by Mikenmike »

MuletownManiac wrote:I have been pleasantly surprised with the reaction from the Burg fans...as they have been gracious in defeat, and were class acts. There are always going to be a few bad apple/ has beens/ never were's, that like to rear their ugly heads when put in these situations, that goes for some of the Minford fans who act like this, and cant even win respectably.

Why? Minford just had a HUGE win over a team that was suppose to go untouched in the SOC and make a deep playoff run? Let the fans and kids enjoy it and if they want to puff their chest out a little bit who cares what anyone else thinks. IMO that win shows everyone how far this program has came from going 3-7 and loosing to Northwest a few years back, good things are on the horizon in Minford and that win just shut up anyone who doubted this program couldnt beat good teams. Congrats to Coach Daniels and Co. now lets get west this week!

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Re: WK6 Minford 16 Wheelersburg 15 SOC II

Post by falcon1 »

Last edited by falcon1 on Sun Oct 04, 2009 4:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: WK6 Minford 16 Wheelersburg 15 SOC II

Post by samiam »

OMG Burgtown 2008- You've got to be kidding me. You must be a basketball coach . The 'Burg will do fine the rest of the season. And, since I am a TRUE PIRATE FAN- I will be there cheering for them win or lose. You are NOT a true Pirate football fan!

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Re: WK6 Minford 16 Wheelersburg 15 SOC II

Post by F-4 Phantom »

That's an amazing post and I'm certain not what most burgites feel. Their tradition speaks for itself and I'm sure they haven't hit the panic button. They lost to a very good Minford team that has given them fits for 2 years. Lots of football left to be played in the SOC and they aren't out of the title by any stretch. I'm not a Burg fan until week 11 and I wouldn't count on them being out of anything just yet. JMO

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Re: WK6 Minford 16 Wheelersburg 15 SOC II

Post by Mad-Dogg »

the only thing i have to say is why in the world would you go for two in a position like that let along try to run the ball up the middle. IMHO that was absolutely the most PATHETIC call i have ever seen.

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Re: WK6 Minford 16 Wheelersburg 15 SOC II

Post by fuzzhead »

It'd be interesting if these two met again in Week 11. . . 8)

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Re: WK6 Minford 16 Wheelersburg 15 SOC II

Post by Westfan »

Kind've ironic that Wheelersburg never got off of Lewis's (sp?) back. I'm sure he never felt comfortable or wanted. He took teams with alot less talent and won with them. I know he went back to his alma mater, but he may never have left had people not been so critical of him. I wrote on here when Lewis left that Wheelersburg would look back and see how good of a coach that he was.

Now with this guy, I rarely ever read on here where he's not being criticised going back to the playoff loss last year. I can just imagine how they'll treat him if West beats them in a few weeks.

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Re: WK6 Minford 16 Wheelersburg 15 SOC II

Post by bubcules94 »

all i can say is tie the game and dont try and be a hero i think the call was rediculous

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Re: WK6 Minford 16 Wheelersburg 15 SOC II

Post by Westfan »

the old saying is go for the win on the road and for the tie at home.

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Re: WK6 Minford 16 Wheelersburg 15 SOC II

Post by BigOrangeOne »

bubcules94 wrote:all i can say is tie the game and dont try and be a hero i think the call was rediculous

There is no assurance they would have tied the game. They missed the 1st XP attempt if you remember. In fact, that is what kept the game from being tied at 16 to start with. :) They both had 2 TDs and a field goal. Minford made one of their XPs and the Burg didn't.
If they had kicked it.... and missed it again and not tied the game up, everybody would be saying "Why didn't they go for 2 and the win? They could have made it and won". Armchair quarterbacks. :lol:

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Re: WK6 Minford 16 Wheelersburg 15 SOC II

Post by yabbadabbadoo »

siderman wrote:Kind've ironic that Wheelersburg never got off of Lewis's (sp?) back. I'm sure he never felt comfortable or wanted. He took teams with alot less talent and won with them. I know he went back to his alma mater, but he may never have left had people not been so critical of him. I wrote on here when Lewis left that Wheelersburg would look back and see how good of a coach that he was.

Now with this guy, I rarely ever read on here where he's not being criticised going back to the playoff loss last year. I can just imagine how they'll treat him if West beats them in a few weeks.

I don't know if I would toot his horn that big. Yeah, he was good coach, but his biggest downfall was that he would get a lead and then play not to lose instead of going for the juggler on teams and putting them away. The biggest evidence of that was in, I think 2003 when he was up 10-0 at halftime on Ironton at Ironton. He got that lead by running the spread and Lutz was having trouble stopping it. Lewis comes out in the second half and starts running from the power I, played right into Irontons hands and loses the game 22-10.

His first year at Burg, he jumps out to a 21-0 1st qtr lead on Portsmouth, plays not to lose once again and ends up losing that game 42-35, which knocks them out of the playoffs. I loved his style of the wide open offense, but he was bad about not sticking with it for the whole game. If it wasn't broke, why fix it?????

Burg will be okay, they just need to work on certain aspects of there game, mainly the passing. I'm sure someone will come on here and say they haven't had to throw the ball, but why not work on it when you have the chance, so that just in case you do need to throw you will be ready. It hurt them last night as Minford came out in the second half and put 9 in the box and basically shut down the run game in the 2nd half up until that last drive. If they were able to throw the ball, some play action passes would have really opened the field up.

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Re: WK6 Minford 16 Wheelersburg 15 SOC II

Post by vladimir »

wobycat wrote:
falconbacker92 wrote:Congrats Minford!!!! I have heard so much trash talking about how burg would dominate Minford that you could choke on the arrogance or ignorance. I am assuming not everybody watched last years games. Both teams really needed this win. Burg hasn't had as good a year as everybody thinks. The only two teams they have played was Ironton and VASJ, Ironton beat them up and VASJ is a smaller school than burg. Yes everybody wants to talk about Minford playing RV and HR,but aside from burgs 2 big games who have they played....lets see....Rock Hill? Two teams Minford played already I believe were ahead of the mighty burg in the computer points. So burg you may want to start praying that you survive this year and maybe you can still make the playoffs. Go Falcons!!!!

You're insane. You are probably going to eat your words. The Burg year in and year out plays a tougher schedule than Minford. Minford won the game and outplayed Burg, but Minford was given many gifts, two turnovers and two bad coaching decisions. I will root for Minford come playoff time if they get in but I will not listen to an insane post as this. No true burg fan predicted a blowout and all the fans on our side knew it was going to be a battle. Hopefully both teams make it in to represent the county well in the region.

So that why our Webmaster puts on our website at burgfan, the game is at Muletown Stadium, and how we're going to beat the flying mules 40+something to nothing and they don't even deserve to be on the same field as us...?

All week long we gave the Minford boys lockeroom material by showing a lack of respect for them and their team and now it's us eating our words. We'll be lucky to make it in as an 8th seed b/c none of the team we beat are winning. VASJ lost again tonight, so now we're counting on PHS, South Point, and Rock Hill. RH and SP play each other so it's a wash and after this week, even with a 68-0 win over NW we still drop to 15th in the region. Time to get out the roundball.

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Re: WK6 Minford 16 Wheelersburg 15 SOC II

Post by fan4sure »

told all them Ptown posters, all because burg smashed them does not mean it will happen to all the SOC2 teams they have to play,the soc always plays each other hard this is why it is so hard to predict who will win the title. According to Ptown posters Minford would have smashed them also sense they "beat the burg"

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Re: WK6 (4-1) Wheelersburg @ (4-1) Minford SOC2

Post by Bobby Love »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:

Wow, that Minford education you're getting is really paying off. lol

enrollment has sky rocketed at minford since friday nights victory!!! i guess that shows whos smarter than who with an educated guess like that :lol:

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Re: WK6 Minford 16 Wheelersburg 15 SOC II

Post by fbbacker »

Congrats Minford on a big win. Right to the point....the Minford boys just wanted it a little more than the Burg boys. But I think the Burg will have a great rest of the year.

I will continue to root for Minford especially if they make the playoffs. I will root for SOC and Scioto County kids no matter what. I will not let the ignorant posts from some Minford fans (or so called Minford fans) on here sway my decision to root for kids.

The crow tastes pretty good today!! I prefer it with barbeque sauce. LOL. :122245

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Re: WK6 Minford 16 Wheelersburg 15 SOC II

Post by fbnut »

yabbadabbadoo wrote:
siderman wrote:Kind've ironic that Wheelersburg never got off of Lewis's (sp?) back. I'm sure he never felt comfortable or wanted. He took teams with alot less talent and won with them. I know he went back to his alma mater, but he may never have left had people not been so critical of him. I wrote on here when Lewis left that Wheelersburg would look back and see how good of a coach that he was.

Now with this guy, I rarely ever read on here where he's not being criticised going back to the playoff loss last year. I can just imagine how they'll treat him if West beats them in a few weeks.

I don't know if I would toot his horn that big. Yeah, he was good coach, but his biggest downfall was that he would get a lead and then play not to lose instead of going for the juggler on teams and putting them away. The biggest evidence of that was in, I think 2003 when he was up 10-0 at halftime on Ironton at Ironton. He got that lead by running the spread and Lutz was having trouble stopping it. Lewis comes out in the second half and starts running from the power I, played right into Irontons hands and loses the game 22-10.

His first year at Burg, he jumps out to a 21-0 1st qtr lead on Portsmouth, plays not to lose once again and ends up losing that game 42-35, which knocks them out of the playoffs. I loved his style of the wide open offense, but he was bad about not sticking with it for the whole game. If it wasn't broke, why fix it?????

Burg will be okay, they just need to work on certain aspects of there game, mainly the passing. I'm sure someone will come on here and say they haven't had to throw the ball, but why not work on it when you have the chance, so that just in case you do need to throw you will be ready. It hurt them last night as Minford came out in the second half and put 9 in the box and basically shut down the run game in the 2nd half up until that last drive. If they were able to throw the ball, some play action passes would have really opened the field up.

If the burg would not have attempted a pass last friday they would have won. If they ever have to pass in order to win they will lose.

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Re: WK6 Minford 16 Wheelersburg 15 SOC II

Post by BurgGrad »

I think it's about time that some of the people get off coachs back. If you can do better apply for the job next time it comes open. I am sick and tired hearing some of the adults in the stands screaming and yelling at these coaches and kids. If you don't like it either found you a new team to root for or don't go!!!

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