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Re: Officiating

Post by M0TIVAT0R »

XandOs wrote:Dazed and confused, there are pretty much three ways (in my opinion) to monitor/reprimand officials. These can be official or unofficial. Two are unofficial and one is official. The first of the two that are unofficial, is for coaches to give poor ratings for the officials that do their games. This, in turn, will have an effect on the official's abilitity to procure playoff games. Secondly, just don't rehire them. This will send a message and as word gets out, will make it harder for them to procure games, period. The official way to get a reprimand is to forward game films to the state and if they feel it is bad enough they can suspend the official(s) in question.

I may be wrong but I doubt the OHSAA will look at a game film that a fan sends to them in a complaint about a bad call by an official. If for no other reason, a camera is at a much different angle than what the official has. Now if an official gets into an altercation with someone during a game, the film may or may not be used. But on a normal call, or bad call for that matter, I doubt they use it. You might be surprised what power your voice to an AD might have though. Especially if you are not a chronic complainer. Most AD's do listen. I have seen some officials not be asked back because of this type of interaction.

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Re: Officiating

Post by coachb »

As a coach, and an EX official, One of the biggest complaints I have is the Referee (white hat) will almost never ever over rule another officials call even when he knows it was a bad call. I've seen it time and time again from both sides of the fence. It's usually discussed after the game or on the ride home, but "seldom"corrected during the game. This holds true many times during pee-wee and Middle School games when alot of the officials are fairly new and in training. They have to learn somewhere, I understand that, but correct them and be fair to the teams playing. Sometimes rookie refs tend to be flag happy, trying to call every thing they see. As we learn,we are taught to not call some things which dont affect the play. If I saw a minor hold on a play but away from the action, not really affecting the play, I would not call it. But I would warn the player that I saw it and would be watching him. Try to keep the game flowing without affecting the outcome. Most more senior officials will tell you that a great game is one that very few flags are thrown. That doesn't meen turn your head from a foul but call what is neccesary. And it is amazing the number of coaches that don't know the rules. Reffing has without a doubt made me a better coach. Teaching players the rules while teaching them the game should be part of their learning expirience.

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Re: Officiating

Post by Attack »

^^ My biggest problem with officials, and I am one in several sports, is that some of them seem to think that they are better coaches than the actual coaches. It is not part of our duties as officials to question coaching decisions, or techniques. We should not care what plays, formations etc... a coach uses. I coached for several years too. So it really bothers me when such-and-such official criticizes a coaches decision. Especially an official who has never coached.

As far as over ruling another official, I think that can open a can of worms. I have seen it done a few times, and the situation can quickly get out of hand. Now if it is a misapplication of the rules, that is one thing. But if official A makes a call, he is usually at a different vantage point than official B. So for B to come in and over rule the call I think may be the wrong thing to do in most cases. Just my 2 cents.

Frank Reagan
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Re: Officiating

Post by Frank Reagan »

M0TIVAT0R wrote:
XandOs wrote:Dazed and confused, there are pretty much three ways (in my opinion) to monitor/reprimand officials. These can be official or unofficial. Two are unofficial and one is official. The first of the two that are unofficial, is for coaches to give poor ratings for the officials that do their games. This, in turn, will have an effect on the official's abilitity to procure playoff games. Secondly, just don't rehire them. This will send a message and as word gets out, will make it harder for them to procure games, period. The official way to get a reprimand is to forward game films to the state and if they feel it is bad enough they can suspend the official(s) in question.

I may be wrong but I doubt the OHSAA will look at a game film that a fan sends to them in a complaint about a bad call by an official. If for no other reason, a camera is at a much different angle than what the official has. Now if an official gets into an altercation with someone during a game, the film may or may not be used. But on a normal call, or bad call for that matter, I doubt they use it. You might be surprised what power your voice to an AD might have though. Especially if you are not a chronic complainer. Most AD's do listen. I have seen some officials not be asked back because of this type of interaction.

Motivator, you are probably correct, the OHSAA wouldn't take a fan's complaint, but I failed to say in my post that a school/coach/AD could send in a game film if they felt a major problem was needed to be looked at and I feel that the OHSAA would take that into consideration from a school over a fan. Sorry for the omission.

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Re: Officiating

Post by 91blue14 »

oh the best call from the fans is THE BALL WAS UNCATCHABLE. what a laugher :mrgreen:

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Re: Officiating


bobcatfan4728 wrote:
gahs4ever wrote:Has anyone ever noticed how fans really love to help the officials with calls that benefit THEIR team but suddenly go blind and get stupid when the calls go AGAINST their team?

I never noticed that before thanks for pointing that out. :lol: It bugs me at every game that people yell scream and have no idea what is going on. It is the ones that yell the loudest that are the most clueless.

I agree and I think the ref's do a commendable job overall (someone has to do it). Any knowledgeable football fan that knows the rules and has a passion for the game knows there are a couple calls missed every game but we also realize that mistakes and oversights will happen as with any other job you do. They do the best they can and take too much heat overall, more today than yesteryear it seems.

Frank Reagan
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Re: Officiating

Post by Frank Reagan »

91blue14 wrote:oh the best call from the fans is THE BALL WAS UNCATCHABLE. what a laugher :mrgreen:

That or "he's out of the tackle box." Another laugher. :mrgreen:

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Re: Officiating

Post by 91blue14 »

XandOs wrote:
91blue14 wrote:oh the best call from the fans is THE BALL WAS UNCATCHABLE. what a laugher :mrgreen:

That or "he's out of the tackle box." Another laugher. :mrgreen:

that is a laugher too :idea: :mrgreen:

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Re: Officiating

Post by ballrmom »

Trimble Juvenile wrote:really bad and getting worse from what i have witnessed. we really need to start seeing some new faces at some of these places. the same ole different day really is getting to be same ole, and it aint good.
there will always be the good the bad and the ugly this year has been a toss up between the bad and the ugly

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Re: Officiating

Post by mr.dude2010 »

Orange and Brown wrote:
DILLIGAF wrote:I like it when a fan starts screaming bad call before they even know what it is,then when they find out is against the other team they start clapping for the call then they like to finish up with its about time they call it

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

its even more hilarious when the student section starts booing a call that everyone else in the world could see was correct, even the people on the team the penalty applied to. that being said the refs for the VC-Athens game were horrible in terms of uncalled penalties. im pretty sure that in any league hitting someone square in the small of the back or throwing a corner down but their facemask is a penalty

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Re: Officiating


Does your school hire the refs, or the league???

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Re: Officiating

Post by toadstool »

when u r officiating half the time when u make a call u r wrong remember that

each side of the field will think ur r rite or wrong

The Man of Football
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Re: Officiating

Post by The Man of Football »

There has been quite a few bad calls this year but in defense of the the refs. you can't always get it right. But I will have to complain about the refs. letting a kicker roll a ball in the soaked grass before a kick off was the most out-rageous thing I ever saw. Meigs/Warren game. Meigs kicker guility as charged! Shame on you refs.

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