region 12, region 15, region 19 after week 3

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region 12, region 15, region 19 after week 3

Post by kvnchambers »

division 3 region 12

jonathon alder 7.55
athens 7.33
archbishop alter 7.31
shawnee 7.16
logan elm 6.06
kenton ridge 5.63
jackson 5.56
taft 5.08
just outside top 8
thurgood marshall 4.81
gallia academy 4.33

division 4 region 15

monroe 6.58
ironton 5.96
coshocton 5.90
st clairsville 5.34
chesapeake 5.26
amanda clearcreek 4.19
martins ferry 4.08
meigs 3.85
just outside top 8

minford 3.80
harrison central 3.61

i know 7 weeks to go and means nothing i have just been working on a little spread sheet to help me with playoff scenarios as end of season gets closer and just trying it out.

guess i will see if i made any mistakes next day or so.

region 19
i am missing a few secondary games so this might not be exact order but will be close by next week i should also have d6 ready to go if time.

1. ridgeview
2. grandview heightd
3. wynford
4. portsmouth west
5. centerburg
6. lucasville valley
7. alexander
8. crestview
just outside
9. hillsdale
10 mount gillead
11 nelsonville york
Last edited by kvnchambers on Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: division 3 region 12 and division 4 region 15 after week

Post by 55buckeyes98 »

Did you use a 100 or 99 divisor for Johnstown-Monroe?

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Re: division 3 region 12 and division 4 region 15 after week

Post by kvnchambers »

99 for st clairsville, chesapeake, amanda clearcreek, and harrison central.

why should it be 99 for johnsown monroe this week. i have all those listed but the spread sheet goes so far out. i'm not sure i got them all.

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Re: division 3 region 12 and division 4 region 15 after week

Post by 55buckeyes98 »

Their week 10 opponents Johnstown-Northridge played a club team last week and their 2nd game should not count in the rankings.

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Re: division 3 region 12 and division 4 region 15 after week

Post by kvnchambers »

yea i got all the byes but i think i missed some asterisks for club teams and games that didn't count thank you.

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Re: region 12, region 15, region 19 after week 3

Post by 55buckeyes98 »

I don't think Joe Eitel put the divisor at 99 yet either. Thanks for crunching the numbers!

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Re: region 12, region 15, region 19 after week 3

Post by ohbuckeye2 »

What's the Formula for figuring out the points? I can't remember it to save my life lol.

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Re: region 12, region 15, region 19 after week 3

Post by ChainMan »

first level points divided by weeks played . second level divide by 10 (Or 9.9- 9.8 ect. if club teams are played,)then add the two together.
So Ridgewood as an example: Week 3
First level 12.5 divided by 3 = 4.166
Second level 21 divided by 10= 2.100
add the two together = 6.266

kvnchambers , if you have microsoft excel. and are have used it before, I have a spread sheet that I use to calc. the points for Ridgewood but can be changed to cover any teams or entire regions(which i do when it gets to crunch time). Send me a pm with with a email address and i will gladly share it with you.

Keep up the good work.

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Re: region 12, region 15, region 19 after week 3

Post by piratepride05 »

How are 1st and 2nd level points awarded?

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Re: region 12, region 15, region 19 after week 3

Post by ChainMan »

1st level points are fixed by division
6.0 d1
5.5 d2
5.0 d3
4.5 d4
4.0 d5
3.5 d6

So if you play a d3 school and beat them you get 5.0 first level points. You get nothing for a loss.
So as an example, Ridgewood played two D5 schools and one d4, they won all three games so 4+4+4.5 = 12.5 first level.

Second level points are beaten teams total first level points. These will increase as the season progresses if they win games.once again you get nothing from a team you lose to. confused?
As of week 3 Ridgewood beat Buckeye trail D5 which won 1 game so far against a d6 school they have 3.5 first level points.They beat Waynedale which has beaten two d4 schools and the have 9.0 first level points(4.5+4.5). then Ridgewood beat Martins Ferry last week which had beaten a d4 and a d5 so the had 8.5 first level points(4.0+4.5).
So now we add all there firsts levels together to get our second level points.
3.5+9.0+8.5 =21 second level points.
Clear as mud.

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Re: region 12, region 15, region 19 after week 3

Post by piratepride05 »

I had a vague idea of the point structure, I wasn't sure what the increments were. Thanks. Not too confusing, just have to have basic math knowledge.

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Re: region 12, region 15, region 19 after week 3

Post by bucks_09 »

I think i got this right but dont take it to the bank.
D5 R19
1. Ridgewood 6.266 3-0
2. Wynford 5.670 3-0
3. Portsmouth West 5.25 3-0
4. Grandview Heights 5.167 3-0
5. Centerburg 4.983 3-0
6.Valley 4.85 3-0
- Alexander 4.85 3-0
8. Crestview 4.617 3-0
9. Nelsonville-York 4.366 3-0
10. Hillsdale 4.233 3-0
- Mount Gilead 4.233 3-0

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Re: region 12, region 15, region 19 after week 3

Post by 55buckeyes98 »

I think Johnstown's average should actually be 6.78

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