Grove4Life wrote:Not to get in the middle of the discussion between the 2 of you, but Coal Grove never has really been a super fast team to begin with and as the score reflected, it obviously didn't matter if we were slow. And as it stands right now, we've only lost 1 game so however it is we are, it works!
Now, I want to vent about our team and sorry if it offends anyone. I am appauld by how our Senior football members treat others. I have been to all of the games and am really offended and amazed at how some of our so called "main players" talk to and even heckle their own marching band members and their teachers and the coaches say nor do NOTHING!! Yes, I know that the band and football team have always had their moments but when the band is marching off the field, the CAPTAIN does not need to yell derogatory remarks to them. If you don't like them then ignore them. This also happened at Greenup and when a teacher told them to watch their language, it was a blatant "F-You" with the coaches standing right next to them. Some of these boys need to be jerked off the field and they are the most rude and ill-manered kids that I have ever seen and all that I can say to least the band knows they are going to State. Can't say the same for the team. And before anyone jumps down my throat, all of these kids work hard. The band, football team, cheerleaders..all of them. I don't hear the cheerleaders yelling that the football team sucks if they miss a tackle nor do I hear the band members booing the team when they run onto the field. Instead, the band plays the school song, the cheerleaders cheer them on and the football team thinks that the world owes them something and that they can stand and belittle others because they think they are better than they are. Yes, I'm ticked and I think the coaches need to grow a pair and demand respect from these boys and not be scared that they are going to make them mad.
Very good post.
I commented last year about the same issue after Coal Grove came down to Minford. I had the pleasure of being on the Coal Grove sideline for a while during the second half and some of the things I heard and saw was astonishing.
Players backtalked the coaches. Players cursed at the refs. After a really bad cheap shot put on a Minford player late in the game, not much was said to the player when he came to the sidelines. Players making a very funny noise and after a while I caught on. They were making fun of coach Jr. And that was just about all of the players doing it.
From what I understood one of the better Coal Grove players quit the following week last year and then came back.
I can tell you this, and I am NOT bashing coaches.....that CG coaching staff gets no respect because they dont demand any.
When Minford played CG this year I talked to a couple of the players from CG after the game as I was walking through the parking lot to my wife is a Coal Grovian and I know alot of the kids there....I told several CG players that I knew "good game" and one of the better players skill wise said to me "I havent cared all year, why start now".
The CG program has all the potential in the world. I think the problem is the coaching caters to the players now and the last I checked the coaches are still the adults and the ones that should be making the decisions.
And some people say it is not the coaches responsibility to teach a player manners. I agree....but someone has to. Either you change the kids behavior or you put up with it. And I can tell you that I never had a coach that would "put up with it" all the way through college.