I think if you spend some time around different programs with different levels of playoff success, you will see a
very different approach to the playoffs.
Some teams are just "tickled-pink" to be there! Other, more successful programs consider round one of the playoffs the beginning of the next journey, not the end-all-be-all of their season.
Last week I was at a playoff game between two teams.
Team "A" has a long history of playoff appearances and they completely EXPECTED to be there. Their team and fans treated it like any other game on their schedule because in their mind, they EXPECTED to be playing week 11.
Team "B" has not had much playoff success. They had t-shirts made up that said "2009 State Playoffs". It was obvious that both the fans and the team were just happy to be there. Their attitude and demeanor completely revealed that week 11 was the "crowning achievement" of their season.
Long story short, team A destroyed team B.
Team "A" just won last night too. This also was exactly what the fans expected (even though this years team is far from the best they have ever known). They truly believe their SEASON begins in the Regional Championship.
Scheduling up, being progressive in the development of your athletes and program, and changing your team expectations and attitudes can go a long way to helping your program be competitive in the playoffs.
Don't get me wrong, take the time to enjoy ever win and every trip to the playoffs, but expect and prepare for excellence......... Sometimes VERY GOOD things happen