Sorry about the typos didn't know we had typo police on here. ..... obviously you have never seen other football programs and how they are ran...have to have structure...and MOTIVATION...where do you find majority of that...hum ...military is the most stuctured organization on earth where you find motivation to be the in that case I would say a military TYPE of approach would not be bad...not saying strictly a military standard but take the way they structure objectives and motivate and use it..
Don't are prime example
LOL, otterslide you have to be the dumbest person on the planet. You're comparing the military to high school football? I always look forward to reading your posts..i can't wait until you respond to this one. ATTENTION EVERYONE FROM BELPRE: WE NEED TO HIRE A MILITARY GENERAL TO BE FOOTBALL COACH AT BELPRE TO PUT IN STRUCTURE AND MOTIVATION. lol, unreal
So, you're telling me that if we have structure and motivation, then we will go 10-0, otterslide you are a genius, why didn't anyone else think of that!? I wish i was as smart as you, and if you're going to try to make a point, at least spell things right, i can't take you serious when you don't