Belpre Eagles Football 10
Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
All you need to be a successful coach at Belpre is to a good motivator, get the kids to play with some emotion, know how to get the kids strong, and get each individual to perform to the best of their ability.
If the rumors are true, I believe the new selection and staff will be up to the staff.
Go Eagles.
If the rumors are true, I believe the new selection and staff will be up to the staff.
Go Eagles.
Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10

Last edited by teach123 on Sun Feb 21, 2010 3:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
Ya'll gotta get behind your team and quit crying. Whoever gets hired gets hired. After that you have to get behind that coach and the team 100% Belpre has a great bunch of kids. The more people behind them the better they will do.
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- SE
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Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
From whom and where did he learn the game? Every coach has a mentor and a background.
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Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
Bobcat Coach wrote:Do the rules change in football from the youth level to high school? I don't think so. The only difference is the ability to learn and retain what is being taught. Just because someone is a youth coach doesn't mean they can't coach in the high school level. I really don't understand some peoples thinking. In order to be a coach in this thread you can't be a parent, can't have youth football coaching experience, can't be a professional/bussinessman, can't be a local. What is it you are looking for, someone who doesn't know how to work with the kids, someone who doesn't have a job, someone who doesn't understand the history of Belpre football?
Well put bobcat !
mtswngrvsg wrote:From whom and where did he learn the game? Every coach has a mentor and a background.
Believe that he coached with Coach Bolen, Coach C and has always had the approval and support and opportunity to play for Ralph Holder. . .not a bad mentor and/or coach to have a background with. . .
teach123 wrote:mtswngrvsg,
He helped raise the money for the new
Which took rallying the Belpre community, organizing it, and getting something needed for Ralph Holder Stadium DONE period. . . .
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Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
Being a successful youth league coach does not garauntee success nor failure at he high school level. But one thing is for sure there is a whole lot more that goes into coaching high school than there is in youth league. Weight training, grade requirement, scouting, film eval... the list goes on and on. Kind of like the difference between high school and college.
Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
I am just glad to know that if you raise a lot of money for lights you can be the coach. Looks to me like that would mean Horace Karr will be the next coach at eastern.... 

- screamineagle54
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Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
Believe that he coached with Coach Bolen, Coach C and has always had the approval and support and opportunity to play for Ralph Holder. . .not a bad mentor and/or coach to have a background with. . .
zerotosixtynforty i just wanted to correct you on one thing Greg Adams didn't coach under Coach C it was just Bolen. If Adams is hired it's not a bad hire.
Good Luck Eagles
Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
baldeagle wrote:I am just glad to know that if you raise a lot of money for lights you can be the coach. Looks to me like that would mean Horace Karr will be the next coach at eastern....
I thought the big coach that got fired at Southern was the new coach at Eastern?
- Waterboy
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Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
Heavy D,
The only difference I see is preseason "weight lifting" and post season "possibly helping get a player a scholarship". The grades are up to the individuals playing. Scouting and film evaluation should be part of the youth coaches duties. By watching films of your games you are able to correct any mistakes that are made and correct them in practice. You have to make your foundation solid before building on it. Of course the timing and action is much quicker. This is my opinion though.
The only difference I see is preseason "weight lifting" and post season "possibly helping get a player a scholarship". The grades are up to the individuals playing. Scouting and film evaluation should be part of the youth coaches duties. By watching films of your games you are able to correct any mistakes that are made and correct them in practice. You have to make your foundation solid before building on it. Of course the timing and action is much quicker. This is my opinion though.
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Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
This is an interesting discussion.
I have not coached football at the midget or pee-wee level; I have only coached high school football, so I really do not have the experience to compare the two situations.
However, there is a guy in California who has done both, and has written extensively on the topic. His name is John Reed and his Web site is
He has some interesting insights on the topic.
I have not coached football at the midget or pee-wee level; I have only coached high school football, so I really do not have the experience to compare the two situations.
However, there is a guy in California who has done both, and has written extensively on the topic. His name is John Reed and his Web site is
He has some interesting insights on the topic.
Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
Bobcat Coach wrote:Heavy D,
The only difference I see is preseason "weight lifting" and post season "possibly helping get a player a scholarship". The grades are up to the individuals playing. Scouting and film evaluation should be part of the youth coaches duties. By watching films of your games you are able to correct any mistakes that are made and correct them in practice. You have to make your foundation solid before building on it. Of course the timing and action is much quicker. This is my opinion though.
Let me say that the high school coach that says the grades are up to the players is probably one that has players ineligible year after year. From what I have been told and read on here that has been an ongoing problem for Belpre. So lets hope the youth league coach they hired does not share your belief. I have coached youth league. Not one time did I ever view a film of the teams we played. Never had a chance to cause no teams we played would give us a film. But I have talked to our high school coaches, and they spend hours upon hours watching films of themselves and thier opponents who are required to trade films with them. So they go in with a game plan that is much more indepth than any youth league team I have ever heard of. To me those are major differences. But maybe that is just me?
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Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
Bobcat Coach wrote:Heavy D,
The only difference I see is preseason "weight lifting" and post season "possibly helping get a player a scholarship". The grades are up to the individuals playing. Scouting and film evaluation should be part of the youth coaches duties. By watching films of your games you are able to correct any mistakes that are made and correct them in practice. You have to make your foundation solid before building on it. Of course the timing and action is much quicker. This is my opinion though.
WOW TIMMY, leaving grades up to kids! Never heard of that one. Also, never heard of many youth coaches who even knew HOW to evaluate film. Where are these wunderkind youth coaches you speak of? And really, weightlifting is a bit more specific than waht you are describing. DO YOU COACH BASKETBALL?

- Waterboy
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Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
"So lets hope the youth league coach they hired does not share your belief".
Bottom line is, if the kids truly want to play they will make the grades. I never stated anything about grades not being important. Yes, the coach should be emphasisng the importance of doing well in school, after all they are students first and athletes second.
Evaluating your youth teams performance during practice and games is also essential. That is the stage in life where learning is very important.
Weight lifting, conditioning, isometrics, plyometrics, speed and strength training, and some yoga for flexability. Is that a little bit more specific? I know I'm going to hear it about the yoga, but go ahead, I can take it.
The wunderkind youth coaches you are looking for are in the successful programs in your youth league.
Bottom line is, if the kids truly want to play they will make the grades. I never stated anything about grades not being important. Yes, the coach should be emphasisng the importance of doing well in school, after all they are students first and athletes second.
Evaluating your youth teams performance during practice and games is also essential. That is the stage in life where learning is very important.
Weight lifting, conditioning, isometrics, plyometrics, speed and strength training, and some yoga for flexability. Is that a little bit more specific? I know I'm going to hear it about the yoga, but go ahead, I can take it.
The wunderkind youth coaches you are looking for are in the successful programs in your youth league.
- PerfectionInPurple
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Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
Bobcat Coach wrote:"So lets hope the youth league coach they hired does not share your belief".
Bottom line is, if the kids truly want to play they will make the grades. I never stated anything about grades not being important. Yes, the coach should be emphasisng the importance of doing well in school, after all they are students first and athletes second.
Evaluating your youth teams performance during practice and games is also essential. That is the stage in life where learning is very important.
Weight lifting, conditioning, isometrics, plyometrics, speed and strength training, and some yoga for flexability. Is that a little bit more specific? I know I'm going to hear it about the yoga, but go ahead, I can take it.
The wunderkind youth coaches you are looking for are in the successful programs in your youth league.
You should give Howdy Caldwell a ring, I hear he knows a bunch about polymetrics. then get Wings Teaford on the phone and implement those cattleballs. That should fetch the exact athlete you are referrring to......

Re: Belpre Eagles Football 10
Ineligible players are a problem at every district. Yes, Belpre has had their share and it has been well documented on here.
Belpre asks their kids to maintain a 2.0 GPA to stay eligible to play sports. I for one have a problem with that. You can earn your high school diploma with a D- minus average and graduate from any high school in the state and your diploma carries the same weight as a kid who graduates with A- average, but you can't play sports. You can have an F in every class but you can still take part in the marching band on friday nights because band is a class or you can take part in the school play. I think athletes are singled out unfairly. OK, my rant is done.
Schools provide the resources necessary to help the students get the 2.0, sadly must do not take advantage of the help that is provided to them. With a 9 week grading period the student can't wait until the last week to check their grades and get their work done AND expect to get a 2.0
Schools can only do so much to help the student out. The importance of making and maintaining good grades should be the highest priority at home. I know it is at my house and I am proud to say my kid is ranked 13th in his class and we reinforce this at home both in his sport season and out. Sadly, it isn't reinforced in alot of the homes of the kids who are struggling with their GPAs.
The student that truely wants to play sports will work to get their GPA to where it should be regardless of their enviroment.
If you can't get and maintain 2.0 in high school, you might want to rethink the idea of going to a 4 year college and playing ball because if you can't manage your time in high school, then you sure aren't going to manage it any better in college where they don't spoon feed you like they do in a public high school.
Belpre asks their kids to maintain a 2.0 GPA to stay eligible to play sports. I for one have a problem with that. You can earn your high school diploma with a D- minus average and graduate from any high school in the state and your diploma carries the same weight as a kid who graduates with A- average, but you can't play sports. You can have an F in every class but you can still take part in the marching band on friday nights because band is a class or you can take part in the school play. I think athletes are singled out unfairly. OK, my rant is done.
Schools provide the resources necessary to help the students get the 2.0, sadly must do not take advantage of the help that is provided to them. With a 9 week grading period the student can't wait until the last week to check their grades and get their work done AND expect to get a 2.0
Schools can only do so much to help the student out. The importance of making and maintaining good grades should be the highest priority at home. I know it is at my house and I am proud to say my kid is ranked 13th in his class and we reinforce this at home both in his sport season and out. Sadly, it isn't reinforced in alot of the homes of the kids who are struggling with their GPAs.
The student that truely wants to play sports will work to get their GPA to where it should be regardless of their enviroment.
If you can't get and maintain 2.0 in high school, you might want to rethink the idea of going to a 4 year college and playing ball because if you can't manage your time in high school, then you sure aren't going to manage it any better in college where they don't spoon feed you like they do in a public high school.
Last edited by mister b on Wed Feb 24, 2010 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.