Who should be hired at wellston?

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Re: Who should be hired at wellston?

Post by boilermaker »

Ive told you before no Envy , but I do respect the program just not alot of their arrogant fans.
Fans like bishtakes are class acts ,but some not so much . That goes for all places I guess.

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Re: Who should be hired at wellston?

Post by Orange and Brown »

boilermaker wrote:Ive told you before no Envy , but I do respect the program just not alot of their arrogant fans.
Fans like bishtakes are class acts ,but some not so much . That goes for all places I guess.

I was just kidding about the envy thing! You should know that.

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Re: Who should be hired at wellston?

Post by bobcatfan4728 »

It amazes me that they would take phillps now after he try to get the job everytime it was open for years.He has one good season with a great group of boys now Wellston wants him it makes me chuckle.

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Re: Who should be hired at wellston?

Post by Boss429 »

Spoken just like someone that has NO IDEA what they are talking about bobcatfan4728. First, I know for a fact that Phillips only applied one time the Wellston job was open . . . that was 2003 and he withdrew his name before interviews started. Did you ever think it may not have to do with just this season? He has been coaching for over 20 years, he is from Wellston, and has coached there before. Not to mention, he has improved Oak Hill's program EVERY YEAR he has been there. All everyone wants to talk about is the talent. True, they have talent, but it still has to be developed, conditioned, and put in the right place. List me some coaches that have won 11 games in one year without talent. List'em . . . Sounds like an axe to grind for you. What, "little Johnnie" didn't get to play quarterback?

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Re: Who should be hired at wellston?

Post by Da Bears »

Very good points Boss. I am sure some people haven't even thought of this (bobcatfan4728). Some of the players he coached in the mid-80's may have kids playing now. They might want him to return. I don't think he will take or even apply for the job. Probably some friends and people from the community want him to get the job, and I am sure since he is an alum and coached there years ago, he has a feeling for Wellston. However, I still say it won't happen. He has a very nice team coming back at Oak Hill.

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Re: Who should be hired at wellston?

Post by goldenboy »

Wellston needs a coach thats hardnosed, likes to run the ball, plays hardnosed defense and plays the players where they should play not where they're parents want them!

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Re: Who should be hired at wellston?

Post by nugget77 »

goldenboy wrote:I just don't understand why oak hill fans complain with what happened last yr. Coach Phillips took over a program that was the laughing stock of southeastern ohio and turned them into a pretty good team that went 11-1 last year be thankful for what you have oak fans!

the oaks had a good year indeed last year...should have went 2 rounds deeper in the playoffs nonetheless....the talent at oak hill turned the program around...coach Lewis had to start kids both ways when they were freshman and 2 of those kids didnt even start their senior years under phillips because the talent was in..oak hill had nothing to work with before phillips came...oak hill should have kept Lewis and they would have won just as much if not more

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Re: Who should be hired at wellston?

Post by hsfbfan »

heard it today from a very reliable source close to the situation that Phillips has not yet applied for the job. In fact no one locally has even applied.

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Re: Who should be hired at wellston?

Post by Charles Farquar »

Hmmm.. Lets see if you just pulled someone off the street in Oak Hill and put them in charge the kids at Oak Hill would have been in the same position to be as successful and it wouldnt have mattered. Or better yet Nugget let the kids figure out their own overall program , sit down have a long range plan that they have thought about for years. Then come up with their own weight program and conditioning program, make sure everybody is doing it during the the year, make sure its the correct one that its based on principles of periodization , that the types of lifts and training to be done at that point in the year is being done, or maybe not having done that let them go out without that weight program and try to move some people up front or protect the passer.Then there is the administrative stuff that allows the team to have the support it does, the warm ups the equipment, organize the overall support from people who really do support the team. Figure out an offensive and defensive scheme that fits the talent on their own, try to find people to put in all the positions, because yes even at Oak Hill there is a depth problem at some positions, filling every position sometimes requires you rob Peter to pay Paul and leave yourself vulnerable at another position.Then work on that Offense and Defense and install it at a rate that they can then understand, impliment and execute it as a team in the small amount of time they have during two a days. Come up with the practice schedules that are made down to the minute and allows the team to practice the fundamentals and game plan that enables them to be successful. Oh also on the weekends watch hours of film by themselves and their opponents spend hours doing that. Then take that information and make their scouting report, decide what they will do in practice that week and what needs fixed. Finally have the patience and thick skin to put up with people like you, when they know they have put in hours and hours and work , only to hear people like you that sit in the stands on Friday night and are never at practice give your second guessing opinions , when they really no idea of the amount of work put in by the coaching staff .

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Re: Who should be hired at wellston?

Post by bigmama42 »

well goldenboy, coach needs to be hardnosed,likes to run,play defense,play the right player without influence from others.well phillips gets 2 off the 4.To many passing yards last year to be a running coach.also some of players that didnt start for phillips there jr. and senior yers that started for lewis was just as good as the freshman phillips started.Seemed like alot of the qb's friends were inserted, not because they were better but because who they were.even last year when daddy slone got added to coaching staff, dont think head coach was to excited.Hard to be head coach and not be in full charge.so i also think phillips is gone

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Re: Who should be hired at wellston?

Post by goldenboy »

Bigmama im glad you think that Phillips will be. But the reason why they had more passing yards then running is because thats what their players are better at, throw the ball around and get into space, not a ground pound like Wellston is made for. If Phillips comes to Wellston, hes to good of a coach not to realize that you have to run the ball at Wellston to win!

Charles Farquar
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Re: Who should be hired at wellston?

Post by Charles Farquar »

Oak Hill is a very balanced team offensively, they run as much as they pass. No matter who is at quarterback Phillips will run a three step short passing game as well as play action pass. They had a 200 pound tailback in Weston Hale and ran him alot, it was hard nosed off tackle football. The best running play Oak Hill runs is the power off tackle out of the I, you will always see that play on any team Coach Phillips coaches Thats the biggest bunch of bull about favoritism I have ever heard. I dont know of any coach who is a successful one that doesnt put the best 11 players he can out on the field if he wants to win and keep his job. Do you really think Phillips would not play the best players that he had, and just play kids based on who they were at the risk of losing games. Its hard enough trying to fill holes and find enough people to be in positions at a school like that. At schools the size of Oak Hill coaches do not have the luxury of being political, that have play with cards they have been delt, and get the best hand possible.Coaches stay up nights trying to figure out the best line up they can get on the field , and then with injuries how to replace players who are injured, because usually there are so many depth problems if someone gets hurt the bottom falls out.

Charles Farquar
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Re: Who should be hired at wellston?

Post by Charles Farquar »

Another thing I have been both a parent and a coach, the only thing I have ever expected out of other coaches is that my child is treated like I would treat them, is not put into dangerous situations, gets equipment that is equal,is not singled out and verbally abused and is given the instruction that other team members are given, after that it is up to the child. I can watch the game and see that my child may not executing during play as well as other team mates, even when I do not know that much about the sport. I do not let my love for my child over shadow that. I expect when there is a chance to play late in the game that they get a chance to be in there, just like the other team mates. My child was a senior this year and because of surgery missed the junior year, when my child came back for the senior year the coach said you have to play JV and earn a spot on the varsity. Lot of parents would have been screaming how their kid was screwed, I didnt see it that way, I would have been doing a disservice to my child if I would have led her to believe that. Everytime a challenge would come up in life she would have grown up thinking someone was cheating her if she didnt get what she wanted immediately. My child told the coach all she wanted was to dress varsity for her senior night game . She played JV, started to sit the bench in varsity and started getting varsity playing time. By the end of the year she lettered. After it was all over she told me how she liked being a leader to the younger girls. At the award banquet the coach told everyone what she had done, and after it was over I told her how proud of her I was.

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Re: Who should be hired at wellston?

Post by bobcatfan4728 »

Boss429 wrote:Spoken just like someone that has NO IDEA what they are talking about bobcatfan4728. First, I know for a fact that Phillips only applied one time the Wellston job was open . . . that was 2003 and he withdrew his name before interviews started. Did you ever think it may not have to do with just this season? He has been coaching for over 20 years, he is from Wellston, and has coached there before. Not to mention, he has improved Oak Hill's program EVERY YEAR he has been there. All everyone wants to talk about is the talent. True, they have talent, but it still has to be developed, conditioned, and put in the right place. List me some coaches that have won 11 games in one year without talent. List'em . . . Sounds like an axe to grind for you. What, "little Johnnie" didn't get to play quarterback?

He withdrew for the same reason he never applied the other times he was told he would not be hired. You have no idea what your talking about so don't get on here and act like you know everything. I know he been coaching for years i know he from wellston i also know he had no chance at the job in years past. The powers that be made their selection known before he applied and it wasn't him.

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Re: Who should be hired at wellston?

Post by bigmama42 »

hey goldenboy the reason theres more passing yds last year was because its the first year daddy slone was in press box.Not because the players were better at it,these same players have been in the system for 3 years so why now.did thet just all of sudden get better.dont think so.also to charles if favortism wasnt so plain as day,if some wouldnt been inserted because of who they were, then oak hill should have made playoffs at least the last 2 years possibly last 3.but league was down last year .

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Re: Who should be hired at wellston?

Post by goldenboy »

Yeah the players did get better they were sophmores and went 7-3, this past yr. as juniors they went 11-1....so there they did get better genius!

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Re: Who should be hired at wellston?

Post by bigmama42 »

so since your going on numbers only,oak hill can go ahead and make room for the state title trophy? i mean since so much improvement, to kept getting better from 1 loss only means title. your funny,just because these kids have improved in your eyes,doesnt mean a hill of beans this year.they like got away from phillips wanting to run the ball to throwing a lot more.it will happen for at least 1 more year.yell the big back will get his carries but slone will lead the area in passing yds barring injuries.mark it down genius

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Re: Who should be hired at wellston?

Post by goldenboy »

Obivously your to darn blind to see that they have got better. You just don't go from being horrible to being one of the best teams in the area over night.

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