State of Marietta Football?

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Re: State of Marietta Football?

Post by edforshey »

Coach Farnsworth will not put up with this type of behavior from his players.
He can't control what mommy and daddy says, but he will have total control over his team actions.

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Re: State of Marietta Football?

Post by cpatiger »

Black and Orange you have hit the nail on the head!
I love my Tigers and wish Coach Farnsworth the very best but he has a long, long road to hoe to make any progress in this town. Hopefully, he has the determination and patience to stick around long enough to change the attitudes.
EdForshey - hope you are right about the team but he better have a plan for the mommy and daddy's as well. They can't be ignored -

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Re: State of Marietta Football?

Post by MattaFan »

edforshey wrote:Coach Farnsworth will not put up with this type of behavior from his players.
He can't control what mommy and daddy says, but he will have total control over his team actions.

This would be great if he doesn't pay attention to what they say. However if things are the same as they have been in the past, mommy and daddy will go to the admin and the board, and have him removed. Or if they can't have him removed, they will make sure 'his' staff isn't renewed in order to back him in into a corner and make it seem like it was his choice to leave, when in reality they will be pushing him out. Until things like this change and a coach has control of his/her program at Marietta, the 'state of marietta football', will never change. Same goes with basketball.

I have always said Marietta is a perfect place for high school football, as far as the setting, size, etc. Just take a look at the 2002 team the how the town backed them. However the nomal person who has nothing to do with the program(no kids etc..) that just wants to go and support the team on a Friday night, gets tried of the same old thing from the school system and the select few parents each year that run the program.

You have to give a coach time to build a program. Coach Hale for example started to realyl build somethin at Marietta, and his work was shown in 2002, when the program he built was taken to the playoffs with guidance of Coach Spicer. I think Andy would have had some great things going if he wasn't forced out, and the program wasn't hit with the number of injuries as it was last year. When the last game of the season rolls around and you only have around 30 some kids left, and 18 or so are Freshman, what do parents think is going to happen? Yes good conditioning can help limit injuries, however many of the types the kids had last year, had nothing to do with their lack of condition. Many were freak injuries.

I don't think its a lack of talent, commitment, from the kids, not a first at least. I think they have been let down by a school system who is supposed to be teaching them how to be leaders and stand up young people, yet the school system they watch, doesn't lead or stand up for the right people, causes, or most important the best intrest of the kids. After a while, a community, the players, and the coaches can't keep trying to beat the SYSTEM anymore. And it ends up like it is at Marietta right now. So until the system changes, (which it very well could be with a new board, super, etc)..,Marietta football will always be that place where 'great things COULD happen.' It all starts with leadership from the top!

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Re: State of Marietta Football?

Post by AHM »

edforshey wrote:Coach Farnsworth will not put up with this type of behavior from his players.
He can't control what mommy and daddy says, but he will have total control over his team actions.

This is easy to say when you are away from the situation. This will be harder for coach to live up to.

Aside from the coaching mess and a meddling board of education, the Tigers just dont have much talent coming through the system and are about to move to an absolutely brutal league.

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Re: State of Marietta Football?

Post by MattaFan »

AHM wrote:
edforshey wrote:Coach Farnsworth will not put up with this type of behavior from his players.
He can't control what mommy and daddy says, but he will have total control over his team actions.

This is easy to say when you are away from the situation. This will be harder for coach to live up to.

Aside from the coaching mess and a meddling board of education, the Tigers just dont have much talent coming through the system and are about to move to an absolutely brutal league.

I would say there is plenty of talent on the surface, the problem is the depth of talent. I covered Hilliard Davidson football last year for radio for an example. They went 4-5 weeks without 3 of their top 4 backs(run a wing). And we are talking missing kids that are D-1 to D-2 prospects and in a league that could be argued the best in the state. My point is, they ran the table, why? Because they plugged in a soph and a tweak of the offense, and didn't miss a beat. However, this was because they depth they have built over years with kids buying into their program. Depth isn't always built on the number of kids that are out, its the program that is built. And you have to keep a coach around long enough to build that at the grass roots, much like Brian White did at HD.

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Re: State of Marietta Football?

Post by black_and_orange »

Rescued from page 2: i.e. "The State of Marietta Football"

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Re: State of Marietta Football?

Post by edforshey »

Has Marietta been in any 7 on 7s,
If so how have they done?

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Re: State of Marietta Football?

Post by warrenwarrior55 »

i was told they would not be doing any this year. not sure if its true.

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Re: State of Marietta Football?

Post by playaction »

I heard they are not even doing 2-a-days.

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Re: State of Marietta Football?

Post by javagt »

I have lived in several Southeastern Ohio towns.. Graduated from Logan ...
Moved to Portsmouth, Piketon, Waverly (worked at the A plant) Back to Logan,
Athens .... And now Marietta (finial destination) ... Always supported the local high schools,
and I will support MHS. I can't understand what is going on with football in this town. I have
read the previous posts and still can't make sense out of it ... Come on, Marietta Support
the kids and coaches! Good things can happen here...

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Re: State of Marietta Football?

Post by playaction »

javagt wrote:Come on, Marietta Support
the kids and coaches! Good things can happen here...

Welcome to Marietta!

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Re: State of Marietta Football?

Post by warrenwarrior55 »

Come on, Marietta Support
the kids and coaches! Good things can happen here...
great thought javagt, it would be great if that happened!!!! since your new ill tell you ive lived here 30 years and been asking the same thing all those years. i wish it would change.

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Re: State of Marietta Football?


You would think with the location, number of students, population, etc. the people of Marietta and the surrounding area would show more support than what they do. There are some school districts in SEO that would kill to have half the resources and possibilities that Marietta has at it's disposal. JMO

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Re: State of Marietta Football?

Post by noreply66 »

Seems like football is the only sport Marietta doesn't do well in.

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Re: State of Marietta Football?

Post by playaction »

You are pretty much correct, though that will change with the move to the ECOL.

If they wanted to move leagues, the TVC would have been a better chioce

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Re: State of Marietta Football?


playaction wrote:You are pretty much correct, though that will change with the move to the ECOL.

If they wanted to move leagues, the TVC would have been a better chioce
No one in the TVC would've voted for that move unless they were going to let the likes of Jackson, Gallipolis etc. move in and they could form a third division. The ECOL will be a killer in football year in, year out so the Tigers better be prepared for consistent thumpings (even from smaller schools) IMO.

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