This is my thought on this conversation: If you total the amount of Footplayers that came from the Tomahawk program and played all the way thru there senior year and counted the starters from that total my guess is it out ways the ones that did play flag football.dazed&confused wrote:You can make of the Tomahawks what you want but I think the biggest problem with them was not that they didn't teach fundamentals (they did) or that they don't prep players for the Logan system (offensively Logan they did a 360 two years ago and these kids are 8-12 years old) but that there is only one team for the entire community. Lots of deserving kids don't get to play because too many compete for too few spots. While a split Tomahawk squad may not be competitive year in and out, it would provide more well-grounded athletes to the JR high teams where, I say, should be where the "system" is taught. Too many kids (and parents) get discouraged. My son played three years for the Tomahawks, learned plenty of fundamentals and went on to start three years for the Varsity. Several of his teammates dropped out during Tomahawks because 50 kids went out and 15 played significant minutes. Tomahawks become a victim of their own success when they played ONLY to win and not make it a rewarding experience for the kids. But they DID teach fundamentals. My son played flag football instead of Tomahawks in the 6th grade because he wanted to have some fun with his buddies. Quite a few of the players that made Logan great the last few years played flag football (Patrick Angle was one). And there is nothing wrong with that, either!
FYI the plays are from the Varsity program play books.
There is 1 coach that has been there for 10 years that does not have any son playing and has not for the last 6 years that gives time to this program . Once a Tomahawk always a Tomahawk....
Parents are told up front how much there son will play. So if the child does not stick it out don't blame others. Granted there has been some changes in the last couple of years that has left a black mark on this program, but if you would drive down the practice field behind beside the smead Bldg you will see alot of faithful parents and players. These kids love this program.. Oh and I think its crap that this years seventh grade football team could not wear any Tomahawk shirts or anything with the Tomahawk logo on it. Really...
Oh and last thing... The Tomahawk program is a non-profit organization that gives out Scholarships to Seniors and also donates money to the Athletic Boosters... Maybe you need to go to a game or practice.. It might amaze U.