2010 SEOAL Previews: Chillicothe Cavaliers

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Chillicothe Cavaliers

Post by Cav4life »

Was at the 7 vs 7 watching the cavs. Yes they looked great. The Elliott kid looked like a fixture in the pocket. Although, Max took some reps at QB, I strongly believe that Elliott will be at QB. Max may start due to his knowledge of the system coming from Amanda, but all in all, I believe that Elliott will end up with the job. I hope that they all can gel, and come together as a team, and make a winning team in Chillicothe, something that Chillicothe hasnt had in a long time !!!1

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Chillicothe Cavaliers

Post by Cav4life »

Good luck Coach Hinton and the 2010 Chillicothe Cavaliers. Go get'em !!!

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Chillicothe Cavaliers

Post by bvmv4life »

Yea patience will be the key here in Chilly,the faithful have to stay faithful and give coach time to do what he does best! I'm not good with predicting football like basketball because I was really wrong last year during the summer when I "thought" they were gonna be good(1-9 oops). BUT to be honest 4-6 wouldn't be a bad year considering last year,but I see maybe 5-5 and or 6-4 either way it will be a HUGE improvement! I will though brag about the Future already because its looking very BRIGHT! GO Cavs!

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Chillicothe Cavaliers

Post by gilchs »

That would be great if Elliott can step and qb. What year is he and what other positions does he play? There are alot of special teams players that can play several positions. Too bad we don't have more on the line.
Hopefully we will have alot of excitement and help build the program. This team has a good attitude.

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Chillicothe Cavaliers

Post by Cav4life »

After a little investigation, I discovered that the Elliott Kid was a transfer from Central Crossing where he was their starting QB. His younger brother, also a QB, has been a fixture in the Chillicothe system for some time. The Cochran Kid transfered from Amanda, and was a receiver under Coach Hinton prior to him transfering. I'm not sure what will happen with this time, but i can say, there is alot of HYPE in the community as a whole !!! Should be interesting. Football and Basketball team should be very good this year, if they can play together as a team and not as ME, ME, ME !!!!

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Chillicothe Cavaliers

Post by gilchs »

This senior class is very tight. They have been togather since Little Cavs including Corcoran who played his freshman year at CHS.

They have the heart just not the numbers. Chemistry shouldn't be a problem.

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Chillicothe Cavaliers

Post by datchillicav »

I do not know where you have been getting your information Cav4life but you are WAY off base on a lot of things. Aaron Elliot is a Junior. He transferred here before last school year and played football for the Cavs. He split reps as the JV quarterback with Marcus Dunn and lots of people could see that the kid had very good potential. He just had to have some time in the system and gain experience. He was NOT the starting quarterback at Central Crossing. He only went there for his freshman year. He will also be a pretty good basketball player.

Also you say that a winning team is "something Chillicothe hasn't had in a long time!!" Well last year they were 1-9. We all know that. But just the years before that the team went as far in the playoffs as any team in school history and had an 8-4 record. Two years before that another playoff team was 7-4. Consistency is something that has definately been lacking in Chillicothe for a long time but winning has happenned about as much as losing over the last 5 years or so.

As for the Cavs this year. I am comfortable with whatever the coaches decide. I do believe strongly in Aaron Elliots ability as a quarterback and think that Max Corcoran can be used in other positions. I do not believe that Elliot would fit in offensively at any other position. The true test of the Cavs this year, as any team in any year, will be the offensive and defensive lines. If the lines play well they could have a decent season. If the lines are not cohesive then they will be in for a long season.

Go Cavs.

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Chillicothe Cavaliers

Post by Cav4life »

Maybe, however, I assure you that the Elliott kid was the starting QB for CCHS. I also assure you that Elliott was the starting QB for the JV, until he broke his wrist in the game against us, LOGAN. As for other positions, I would believe that if Coach Hinton only wants his QB to play offense, then yes Elliott will not be playing defense, however, if Cochran is the QB I would bet that Elliott is in the defensive backfield somewhere.
I hope that Oats and Beverly step up, and play well, but I agree with you that this season depends on the LINE. Who and how they protect and pursue will be the difference this year.
I believe that Elliott is the better fit for the QB position, if he learns the system, due to the fact that Cochran can play Wr and DB. They both are great athletes and great students, and I believe are great friends. Just hoping for the best for the Cavs this year.....GO BLUE !!!

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Chillicothe Cavaliers

Post by noreply66 »

If the Cav's line comes through I think Oates can be one of the best backs in the area. He does have a lot of speed plus he has football moves with that speed. From the first time I saw him in the 8th grade a always thought we would hear a lot about him.

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Chillicothe Cavaliers

Post by datchillicav »

Trust me Cav4life. It is not a big deal but I just want the info people read to be right. I know Aaron Elliot personally. I got to know the kid last year quite well and still do talk to him when I see him. He was not the startnig quarterback at CC as a freshman. The starting quarterback for CC in 2008(Elliot's only year at the school) was a kid by the name of Yates. You can look it up if you don't believe me. Yates is the only player who through a TD for CC that whole year. Elliot was the starting quarterback on the freshman team. And yes, Elliot was the statring JV QB last year, but he split reps quite evenly with Marcus Dunn and some with the Freshman Luke Barnes before he broke his arm in a freshman game early in the season.

CORCORAN(not Cochran) can be utilized on defense and possibly at receiver, I do agree with you on that.

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Chillicothe Cavaliers

Post by gilchs »

How lucky are we to have two qb's. Something that's been lacking on our team. There's no doubt that the coaches will make the right choices. It's not their first rodeo.
It's going to be a tough year without large numbers. You will see heart and soul played out on that field. We are up against some large teams with alot of good players.

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Chillicothe Cavaliers

Post by bvmv4life »

Thanks dat on the real spelling of Max's last name....

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Chillicothe Cavaliers

Post by Cav4life »

Although I am originally from Chilli, and wish them the best, I now live in Logan and have a son playing on the 8th grade team. I was only making a comment about the talent on the Chilli team. I strongly believe that Coach Hinton will make a wise decision on the QB spot, and as far as Corcoran, (spelling correct) I believe that he will be better suited as a DB, unlike the Elliott kid, Corcoran is valuable in different positions. Sorry DAT and Bvm, thanks for clearing it up. Heart is with the Cavs, but I gotta pull for Logan.....

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Chillicothe Cavaliers

Post by kantuckyII »

What's the name of Chillicothe's football stadium? thanks in advance!

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Chillicothe Cavaliers

Post by trojandave »

Chillicothe's football stadium is Herrnstein Field.......located right next to Smith Junior High.......don't know how old it is, but it may have the smallest seating capacity of any SEOAL stadium.......but I like the place........the parking and concessions are very good.......and I really like how the CHS band marches down the street and into the stadium.......very classy.

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Chillicothe Cavaliers

Post by loganlocos »

Updated - 8/9/10

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Chillicothe Cavaliers

Post by kantuckyII »

trojandave wrote:Chillicothe's football stadium is Herrnstein Field.......located right next to Smith Junior High.......don't know how old it is, but it may have the smallest seating capacity of any SEOAL stadium.......but I like the place........the parking and concessions are very good.......and I really like how the CHS band marches down the street and into the stadium.......very classy.
Thanks Dave, I've been there a few times...dark it is! One of the last really dark stadiums left

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Chillicothe Cavaliers

Post by datchillicav »

The stadium was built sometime in the 30's I believe as part of one of the depression era(New Deal) work programs. I can't recall details but that is what I was told by someone sometime??? I know the middle school next door was built in 1933ish.

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Chillicothe Cavaliers

Post by datchillicav »

I would also guess that Gallia's is smaller capacity wise. I am terrible at guessing capacities so I will not venture to guess for CHS or GAHS but their's always looked smaller to me based on the smaller visitors section. Could be wrong. It is definately smaller than all the others I have been to.

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Chillicothe Cavaliers

Post by bvmv4life »

Chillicothe does have plans in place to spruce the place up though. The only thing missing is of course is the money! With a new coach and new attitude about the football program maybe someone or some business could step up in the future and help make it a nicer venue to watch High School Football.....Go Cavs!

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