Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by grizzlynatural »

Its awful nice of us here in Logan to let you guys win one every once in a while.

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by Ironman61 »

0-4 u guys must be feeling especially gracious this year, looks like Christmas came early for everyone on your schedule

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by loganlocos »

Blazer83 wrote:Logan, with their 23 seniors, did a pretty good war dance on the J I during pre-game. O'well. I hope they win more games so Jackson can get their second level points. Only two teams in Region 12 between Jackson and the top ranked team play two more upper division teams each: Jackson and Gallia Academy. Everybody else only play one each. Lets stay healthy and make a playoff run. Great job by Jackson's 19 seniors and great prep by the coaches!
Pretty much every team in Ohio meets at midfield before the game. It is not disrespectful. Get a life. This goes for all teams. Jackson can meet at midfield and "dance" on the 'L' every year for all I care.


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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by pappy1 »

Congratulations to Logan on a great win streak. It is over but that does not take anything away from a great run. When you dominate for such a long time you have a bullseye on your back. There is always much clapping and yelling when the win streak comes to an end. I think the source of the most clapping and yelling will always come from those who are the most jealous of said win streak. Having said that I do think that animosity towards Pallidin is different than jealousy of Logan's win streak. He is a total jerk and Logan's football program should not be judged by his arrogance/ignorance.

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by C-Bolt »

grizzlynatural wrote:
Ironman61 wrote:Well first off it looks like Farmer Hall and Co. were able to clear most of the cow patty's off the field before the the game. Unfortunately i feel as though it had little significance in this game. im just astounded that Jackson with their "cream puff" schedule was able to put one up on the Godly all mighty powerful Chiefs.Guess that scheduling did wonders for ya well any how enjoy your crow (talking to paladin here). but to the rest of Logan good luck the rest of the year. great job Ironmen you opened the season with a tough loss and it would have been easy to loose confidence but i think Jackson has proven they got heart thats what counts lets keep them W's rolllin in.

:roll: :lol: Dear old dad has been holding that in for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. Enjoy it. Amyx will be back on the staff sometime and the discipline that this team is lacking will be back.[/qu

Thats funny you mentioned that Grizz because I have been thinking the exact same thing,I bet money Amyx is already thinking of coming back,Probably not to head coach but maybe say defensive coordinator,same thing he did as a head coach anyway, but with less responsibilites as head coach.Enjoy your fun now SEO the man will be back and everybody will be playing for second again.I don't mean to sound arrogant like people say about Paladin, but its how I really feel.His hard work and attention to detail cannot be matched.

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by Ironman61 »

first off my post is to take nothing away from the Logan football program or their accomplishments. On the contrary i have a lot of respect for their program,however i will not hesitate to call out individuals that proceed to put down other programs at the expense of their own ego so that they may go around beating their chest. Plain and simply put Jackson showed up to play and was the better team Friday night. Logan played hard and managed to almost come back in the 2nd half but came up short. Congrats on a hard fought game good luck the rest of the season,Im sure next year will be another slugfest as it always is in the Jackson/ Logan game.

:roll: :lol: Dear old dad has been holding that in for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. Enjoy it. Amyx will be back on the staff sometime and the discipline that this team is lacking will be back.[/qu

Thats funny you mentioned that Grizz because I have been thinking the exact same thing,I bet money Amyx is already thinking of coming back,Probably not to head coach but maybe say defensive coordinator,same thing he did as a head coach anyway, but with less responsibilites as head coach.Enjoy your fun now SEO the man will be back and everybody will be playing for second again.I don't mean to sound arrogant like people say about Paladin, but its how I really feel.His hard work and attention to detail cannot be matched.

ps. i thought this was a forum to root for our local football teams not their coaches or former coaches

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by BigCarlito72 »

The truth is Logan had a run of a few years where they had exceptional players but as a whole this is more like what we have come to know and love when considering Logan. Like I said Logan is Logan again.

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by dazed&confused »

I'd like to posit a theory here on this season's team. Perhaps they are suffering from Logan's recent dominance. They sat on the sidelines as underclassmen when the real football minutes were played the last few seasons. There is a difference in minutes when you are playing mop-up duty and when the game is still fresh and on the line. In the few games Logan was tested during the last few years the starters played deep or all the way. That is a huge difference. Yes, there are a lot of seniors on this team but the have relatively few meaningful varsity minutes of experience. When a game goes south early, they don't know how to respond; they never had to before. Last year's team had the benefit of several of its players having played significant minutes on varsity as sophomores and juniors. They knew what it took to win a game and walked on the field with a certain swagger that both gave them confidence and intimidated their opponents. That confidence and aura are gone this year. The upside is many underclassmen this year are earning their stripes and will lay the foundation for future teams.

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by Blazer83 »

LoganLocos wrote:
Blazer83 wrote:Logan, with their 23 seniors, did a pretty good war dance on the J I during pre-game. O'well. I hope they win more games so Jackson can get their second level points. Only two teams in Region 12 between Jackson and the top ranked team play two more upper division teams each: Jackson and Gallia Academy. Everybody else only play one each. Lets stay healthy and make a playoff run. Great job by Jackson's 19 seniors and great prep by the coaches!
Pretty much every team in Ohio meets at midfield before the game. It is not disrespectful. Get a life. This goes for all teams. Jackson can meet at midfield and "dance" on the 'L' every year for all I care.

I did not say that Jackson was disrespected by the war cries. But if you come in 0-3, give me a break. Do your little chants AFTER your victory. Get a life? What are you, 19 years old? LOL? My daughter talks like that.

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by friday_nite_fan »

Any word on the Logan O-lineman that injured his lower leg?? He was down on the field for quite awhile then was carried to the sidelines. I hope everything turns out ok.

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by Gray Fighting Tiger »

pappy1 wrote:Congratulations to Logan on a great win streak. It is over but that does not take anything away from a great run. When you dominate for such a long time you have a bullseye on your back. There is always much clapping and yelling when the win streak comes to an end. I think the source of the most clapping and yelling will always come from those who are the most jealous of said win streak. Having said that I do think that animosity towards Pallidin is different than jealousy of Logan's win streak. He is a total jerk and Logan's football program should not be judged by his arrogance/ignorance.
First, I agree Logan's program should not be judged by his actions, but in reality, it is.

Second, I doubt any Ironton fans are jealous of Logan's streak, despite a few who perhaps do appear to be "clapping and yelling".

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by walker »

friday_nite_fan wrote:Any word on the Logan O-lineman that injured his lower leg?? He was down on the field for quite awhile then was carried to the sidelines. I hope everything turns out ok.
They think Nathan Chandler has a dislocated knee. He goes for an MRI today. He will be a big loss to both O and D line.

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by dazed&confused »

walker wrote:
friday_nite_fan wrote:Any word on the Logan O-lineman that injured his lower leg?? He was down on the field for quite awhile then was carried to the sidelines. I hope everything turns out ok.
They think Nathan Chandler has a dislocated knee. He goes for an MRI today. He will be a big loss to both O and D line.
That's a tough loss. Time (and opportunity) for someone else to stand up. No one is going to feel sorry for Logan, that's for sure.

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by loganlocos »

I was afraid that Chandler's injury was serious.

He has done a great job on both sides of the ball this year. But D&C is absolutely right, it is an OPPORTUNITY for some younger players to step up.

Coy Blair has done a great job on the defensive line and this should give him more opportunities. Aaron Wolfe should get increased reps on BOTH sides of the ball, and Alex Schneider will probably get an opportunity also. Heck, maybe Jacob Hood will get a shot to move inside to guard from tackle as well on the offensive side.

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by Chieftain »

More injuries ? Wow, another two way player. But the games are scheduled & will get played. Someone has to step up. Adversity is part of the game too.

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by grizzlynatural »

LoganLocos wrote:I was afraid that Chandler's injury was serious.

He has done a great job on both sides of the ball this year. But D&C is absolutely right, it is an OPPORTUNITY for some younger players to step up.

Coy Blair has done a great job on the defensive line and this should give him more opportunities. Aaron Wolfe should get increased reps on BOTH sides of the ball, and Alex Schneider will probably get an opportunity also. Heck, maybe Jacob Hood will get a shot to move inside to guard from tackle as well on the offensive side.

Coy Blair DOES NOT have the endurance to play both sides the ball but with the correct motivation and self motivation it CAN be done. DO YOU WANT TO WIN!?!?! Thats what needs to be asked of this group of kids.

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