National records
Total Yards, Career 1st, 19,628 1999-2002 (17,364 passing, 2,264 rushing)
Total Yards, Season 1st, 7,928 2002 (6,540 passing, 1,388 rushing) 2nd, 6,727 2001 (5,770 passing, 957 rushing)
Total Yards, Per Game 1st, 528.5 2002 (7,928/15) 2nd, 448.5 2001 (6,727/15) 5th, 395.5 2000 (3,955/10)
Passing yards per game 1st, 436.0ypg (2002) 4th, 384.7ypg (2001)
Most Passing Attempts, Career 1st, 1,905 (1999-2002)
Most Passing Attempts, Season 1st, 674 (2001) 2nd, 669 (2002)
Most Passing Attempts, Per Game 4th, 44.9 2001 (674/15) 5th, 44.6 2002 (669/15)
Most Completions, Career 2nd, 1,095 (1999-2002)
Most Completions, Season 2nd, 413 (2002) 3rd, 369 (2001)
Most Completions, Per Game 3rd, 27.5 (2002) 9th, 24.6 (2001)
TD Passes, Career 2nd, 178 (1999-2002)
TD Passes, Season 2nd, 76 (2002) 12th, 60 (2001)
Passing Yards, Career 1st, 17,364 (1999-2002)
Passing Yards, Season 1st, 6,540 (2002) 2nd, 5,770 (2001) 57th, 3,936 (2000)

WOW!!! Those numbers are unreal. I would give anything to see a QB and offense like that around this area. Anyone from Portamouth West remember his performance in the State Championship?