2011 Marietta Tigers

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Re: 2011 Marietta Tigers

Post by bigcatmarietta »

Ok. Jbunk. You sound like one of the parent of a freshman or sophomore. I comend you for being so spirited. I think I know who you are, and I'm sorry to say but, getting upset won't help. Enjoy your sons games. If he plays as much as u think he should, and he is as good as u say, he is an NFL player for sure. I wish u and him the best.

As far as Johnson, don't quit cause of a coach. I'd say people need to get away from talking about how the kids love bob. If your working find a way to do both! It's worth playing. As far as if there was name calling or not playing both ways. There are ways to solve both of those problems. Prove your worth going both ways to the new staff. I know u are but they may not. And if this situation about name calling by a coach to a player is true. There is people in that school office you can talk to. That's not acceptable. The coaches remaining should step up also if that's going on. I've made my point on this matter to people and I can tell you from experience that's not a road you want to travell. In today's world your mouth can cost u as much as throwing a fist!!!

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Re: 2011 Marietta Tigers


As a parent of a football player, I am frustrated with the comments on this board. My son has been attending weight lifting all summer. He also attended the camps. (BTW, they DIDN'T go over 10 days..that schedule was ammended!)
Coach Springer has been nothing but positive to my son. Regardless of your opinion of him, he stepped up to coach. He also hasn't accepted pay for his coaching since he started. He has raised more money in the last 3 months than other other program has in a long time. He is still raising money. Yes, there are parents who have some money who have donated a lot. It's a tax write-off for them. Coach Eichorn WOULD have taken over the program thsi year, BUT he got married last weekend. That's why there is a one-year delay. Coach Eichorn is making a lot of the decisions. He just couldn't shoulder the responsibility this year. Football is a 24/7 364 days a year commitment.
This thread was started to ask your opinions on the TEAM this year. It went WAY off track. Why can't we talk about all of the positive things that are happening with the boys? Don't you know they read this? IF you are a true Marietta fan, build up the boys' confidence. Don't rip it apart.
One last thing, the coach said that most of the boys would only play one way. My son wanted to play both ways too. By only playing one way, you are rested to come into the next series. If the numbers are up, it's a great way to build a program.
This post isn't against anyone, it is totally in support of my son and his teammates. Your posts should be too. By supporting these boys you need to support the people who are coaching them. Nobody in their right minds would want to coach anymore. There are too many "armchair" coaches in the stands!

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Re: 2011 Marietta Tigers

Post by bigcatmarietta »

Seohiomom sure hope that sunk in. I've asked the same questions b4 and nasty Just keeps spilling. I've been trying to joke and be funny but know one thinks it's funny. Know what I mean jbunk I mean "jack". This guy please. One more time if you don't have a jersey or helmet and play on Fridays this team and game is more for the kids!!!

Anyway, I have in my schedule a scrimmage on 8-10-11 this is with athenes and should be at home. Next 2 are away, ripely wv the 13th. Then the jamboree is at John Marshal wvu the 19th. This one will be most like a real game. The other 2 games will be the coaches letting the kids hit someone not in the same uniform and evaluate talent and start to finalize positions.

Last thing is this playing time both way thing. It's way to soon to worried about who will play most or both ways. they have not hit yet. Every coach starts out wanting to have 22 starters, bob didn't come up with this idea. It's a wonderful thing to think and looks great on paper, but you have to play the best kids you have and fill in. If you have 15 legit starters then you fill in around them. But those 15 or 7 or whatever have to play whenever they can. We are trying to win not make sure everyone participates. Strive to get better and play. If your not ready, work hard and prove to the coaches your ready.

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Re: 2011 Marietta Tigers

Post by bigcatmarietta »

Those scrimmage games could change. When I got them I'm not sure they were in stone and I'm not sure on the times.

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Re: 2011 Marietta Tigers

Post by schenk11 »

SEOHIOMOM wrote:He has raised more money in the last 3 months than other other program has in a long time. He is still raising money.
I am not taking anything away from the work of the Touchdown Club or Bob!!! They have done a great job.

Although, he is not the first Marietta Coach to think of going to the public for fundraising. In the summer of 2008, we raised approx. $8,000 for a new CoachComm head set system and Cannon GL2 Professional Video Camera. Unfortunately the video Camera was sold to Warren last season.

In the summer of 2006 we raised approx. $6,700 for the purchase of much needed equipment to upgrade the "old" that was being used.

I am not asking for a dollar amount comparison to say who "won", but you make it sound as if no one else raised any significant amount of money over the years for the betterment of the program.

Also, this is first hand information not hear say, Coach Hale and Coach Spicer both had meetings with administration, talking to them about setting up a football fundraising group such as the Touchdown Club. They were both told that there was already a booster system to provide extra funds for the football program. And administration did not allow them to start an organization like the Touchdown Club. Farnsworth/Springer were not the first to think of the idea. They were just allowed to set it up while others were not.

SEOHIOMOM wrote:There are too many "armchair" coaches in the stands!
Welcome to Marietta!! That is the way it has always been and the way it will always be. That is why Marietta has its eight coach in the last 22 years and next year will be the ninth in 23 years. That is an average of 2.75 and 2.55 years per coach, respectively.

Please, parents be parents, Coach Springer and his staff does not need you imput!! Support you child on the field, encourage, and make them accept responsibility for their actions. What I mean by this is do not blame the coaches or other players for loses, bad plays, or mistakes. Focus on you own player, and what he can do to lessen mistakes.

Players be players, listen to your coaches, not you parents when it comes to schemes, play calling, technique, and anything else that has to do with on the field play (except when they tell you to give it everything you have).

Fans, be Fans and nothing else. Go to games, cheer for the good plays, make noise to support, and we don't need to criticize kids, or coaches at games, on this or other forums, or out in the community.

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Re: 2011 Marietta Tigers

Post by Boston Creampuff »

This thread reminds me of the Bill Parcells interview where he called the reporters a bunch of "commies" becuase they were subversive from within. Sounds familiar.

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Re: 2011 Marietta Tigers


Please don't think I was trying to compare coaches. I have no idea what others have raised. I am just saying what I have personally observed. My entire reason for posting was to get the topic back on the topic, to quit the badmouthing of previous coaches and current coaches, and to try to get the community to remain positive for a change.

I give what I can give, donate what I can, and try to help all the programs in the area. Right now my main focus is supporting my children in the activites they enjoy. It's really hard to have them remain positive when everyone around them is slamming them down. I try to explain, "Welcome to the real world!" I just wish that sometimes people would realize that what they write on these forums really do influence the children....

The rest of your post was great! Parents, just be a parent...Let the players play and the coaches coach.

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Re: 2011 Marietta Tigers

Post by tigerstrike2011 »

Agreed MOM. orange and black(sigh) I have been accused of being the former coach, the current coach, the superintendent, the middle school principle and the high school principle. I haven't been accused of being the AD, maybe that's who I am!? :) After agreeing with "MOM" I have to say that there is no need for either of us to be antagonists. I get your sarcasm, but I am no more, or less, informed than you. And really, what we say on here doesn't really matter. It's 90% opinion and gossip mixed with 10% facts. The players and coaches are the only ones that really know what's going on. They are the only ones there everyday. Who knows if the electric bill will be higher? But lets see how many students sign up for Chinese before we declare anything a big waste. With that said, I'm looking forward to practice starting in about a week so we can talk about on field production rather than giving our opinions that don't mean a whole lot(I am definitely included in that). Good luck to this years team, I've enjoyed watching these kids grow up and now it's their turn.

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Re: 2011 Marietta Tigers

Post by mhsfootballfan »

distance40: FYI the lunch room is being air conditioned. As far as only 10% of the school using the weight room, I hope that number is wrong!. Maybe if the other sports (and coaches) would realize the benefits of a proper weight lifting program MHS would have more successes in athletics. As far as Springer goes, I'm glad he's there. The coaches (mostly on the boys side and not all of the coaches) need a wake up call. Doing things as they always been done is not a good excuse for poor performance as a coach. The old boys club of coaches at MHS have NO leverage over Springer and that, I believe, is why all the hate is being directed towards him. My only concern about Springer is his language should be cleaned up some and he needs to listen to his assistants more. Matt K, Eli P, and Kiefer are huge losses. I wish the best for Matt at Gallia (they're getting a heck of an athlete), Eli will soon realize his mistakes in the classroom, and I hope Kiefer changes his mind about not playing and Springer lets him back on the team. We still have Gearhart, Baker, and Futrell that are being great leaders, as well as Leach and a super bunch of Sophs that will have to mature quickly. By the way; the new weightroom is awesome and the official opening is Aug 1. Good luck to ALL MHS athletes this year and to all athletes in the area competing. Lets pray no one gets seriously injured.

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Re: 2011 Marietta Tigers

Post by schenk11 »

mhsfootballfan wrote: Maybe if the other sports (and coaches) would realize the benefits of a proper weight lifting program MHS would have more successes in athletics.
More sucesses, let's look at the 2010-11 sports team at Marietta that you are referring to...

Volleyball 25-1 District Runners-up, SEOAL Title, League MVP, ranked 12th in the state
Golf - League MVP, District MVP, Sectional Champs, District Qualifying Team, All-Ohio Golfer (first ever)
Cross Country - Girls SEOAL Champs
Boys Soccer - SEOAL MVP, All-Ohio player (first every) and 3 2nd team selections, lost 1-0 in 2OT in regional semi, 17-2-2 overall record, SEOAL, sectional and district championships.
Girls Soccer - SEOAL MVP, 16-3-2 overall record, regional remifinalists, 6 all-district honors players including District MVP, SEOAL, sectional and district championships, 2nd team all-Ohio player
Girls Basketball - 22-3 overall record, Best season school has every had, SEOAL, sectional and district champions, regional semi-finalists, most wins in school history, SEOAL MVP, 3rd team all-state player, 1 1st team all-district, 1 2nd team all-district, 1 HM all-district
Boys Basketball - 15-7 1 1st team all-district, 1 2nd team all-district, 2 HM all-district, sectional finalists (lost in OT)
Wrestling - State Qualifier, 3 district qualifiers

and that is not counting the spring (During the spring, the Marietta girls track team was SEOAL runner-up, the boys tennis team tied for second, and the baseball and boys track teams both finished third.)

Multiple DI/II college signings (scholarships) in Soccer, Basketball, Cross Country, Golf that I can think of off the top of my head.

Marietta won not only the 2010-11 SEAOL All-Sports Trophy but the last three straight and seven of the last eight as well.

How much more success do you expect a school to have? Or what is you definition of success? How high are standards for success?

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Re: 2011 Marietta Tigers

Post by noreply66 »

mhsfootballfan wrote:distance40: FYI the lunch room is being air conditioned. As far as only 10% of the school using the weight room, I hope that number is wrong!. Maybe if the other sports (and coaches) would realize the benefits of a proper weight lifting program MHS would have more successes in athletics. As far as Springer goes, I'm glad he's there. The coaches (mostly on the boys side and not all of the coaches) need a wake up call. Doing things as they always been done is not a good excuse for poor performance as a coach. The old boys club of coaches at MHS have NO leverage over Springer and that, I believe, is why all the hate is being directed towards him. My only concern about Springer is his language should be cleaned up some and he needs to listen to his assistants more. Matt K, Eli P, and Kiefer are huge losses. I wish the best for Matt at Gallia (they're getting a heck of an athlete), Eli will soon realize his mistakes in the classroom, and I hope Kiefer changes his mind about not playing and Springer lets him back on the team. We still have Gearhart, Baker, and Futrell that are being great leaders, as well as Leach and a super bunch of Sophs that will have to mature quickly. By the way; the new weightroom is awesome and the official opening is Aug 1. Good luck to ALL MHS athletes this year and to all athletes in the area competing. Lets pray no one gets seriously injured.
You really don't look at Marietta do you?-7 out of the last 8 AST of the SEOAL

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Re: 2011 Marietta Tigers

Post by mhsfootballfan »

Schenk11- By no means was I putting down the success of MHS athletic program last year! So, Schenk11, Marietta has the premier athletic program in the SEOAL 7 of the last 8 years? NO need for a weightroom, our athlete's are so superior no lifting required?! You should know better than most on this site about the good old boys coaching network at MHS. They are attacking Springer on this site because he is making things happen. Distance40 made the assumption that only 10% of the students use the weightroom. My response was meant to convey to him the importance of a weight program. I'm sure that if you look at the successful athletes they probably visit a weightroom once in awhile. Again, I agree with the previous writers that this should be about the players and the weightroom will help the players no matter what the sport. The SEOAL all sports trophy is great, but how many more sports did we get points in than other schools can't or don't participate.
So Schenk11 you and I are closer than you think, we both want MHS student athlete to be successful but I think either I was confusing in my last post or you misunderstood (probably my post).
So again, I wish the very best for ALL the athletes at MHS this coming year and to distance40, hit the weights it will really help you.
Go Tigers!

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Re: 2011 Marietta Tigers

Post by bigcatmarietta »

I'm not sure but I think schenk11 was possibly saying people are using the weights. That's why we win that all sports trophy. Not sure just my thought.

Another thought is that it is wonderful that so many people stepped up to make it happen. I sure would have loved to been apart, my personal resons kept me away. I would like to point out b4 we build bobs statue the td club was started under Farnsworth watch. I'll agree bob was there in the inception, but not his brain child. So he has helped the process and kept it going. Good job. That weight room needed a facelift and with everything old and dirty it's so nice to have it new. Something to be proud of.

I don't care if it has AC or whatever, everyone should care about this language issue. These young men are boys and it's 2011. Gone are the days when cusing and calling the kids crude names is acceptable, it's uncalled for in anyplace today. I dont believe this is acceptable at any level. That football field is an exstention of the classroom. It's all school property and events. It don't matter how much money you raise, how many people like you. Clean it up!!! I made my stand about this and I've been very quiet about it. It's out now. I've read things about this in respoce to articles in the paper, now on here. It's not ok to speak to people this way, not mentioning kids. I'm not perfect i know that. The things come out of your mouth have consequinces, Player and coach alike. But flat out refusing to change something like this is plain STUPID! Ask yourself this, if your at work and your boss is constantly screaming at you and calling you a stupida__ or whatever, how well can you perform. I miss those kids and that team dearly. Not a day goes by that I don't think of them. I don't regret standing by my decision, and standing by what I believe. I'm publicly apologizing to the boys on the team now. I've been very quiet for a while, but I'm going to move on. I want the team to be susessful, and all the kids to enjoy this game they are blessed to play. Let's keep the bar room talk in the private con finds of the office or your home.

Bob has good ideas, but poor ways to get them across. It's been said on here that the "goodolboys" of Marietta coaching hate bob. Not true at all. AT ALL. I can only speak for me and that's not true. I will be on that Marietta sideline again. One just never knows when. Good luck and go tigers!!!

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Re: 2011 Marietta Tigers

Post by wingT »

bigcatmarietta wrote:I'm not sure but I think schenk11 was possibly saying people are using the weights. That's why we win that all sports trophy. Not sure just my thought.

Another thought is that it is wonderful that so many people stepped up to make it happen. I sure would have loved to been apart, my personal resons kept me away. I would like to point out b4 we build bobs statue the td club was started under Farnsworth watch. I'll agree bob was there in the inception, but not his brain child. So he has helped the process and kept it going. Good job. That weight room needed a facelift and with everything old and dirty it's so nice to have it new. Something to be proud of.

I don't care if it has AC or whatever, everyone should care about this language issue. These young men are boys and it's 2011. Gone are the days when cusing and calling the kids crude names is acceptable, it's uncalled for in anyplace today. I dont believe this is acceptable at any level. That football field is an exstention of the classroom. It's all school property and events. It don't matter how much money you raise, how many people like you. Clean it up!!! I made my stand about this and I've been very quiet about it. It's out now. I've read things about this in respoce to articles in the paper, now on here. It's not ok to speak to people this way, not mentioning kids. I'm not perfect i know that. The things come out of your mouth have consequinces, Player and coach alike. But flat out refusing to change something like this is plain STUPID! Ask yourself this, if your at work and your boss is constantly screaming at you and calling you a stupida__ or whatever, how well can you perform. I miss those kids and that team dearly. Not a day goes by that I don't think of them. I don't regret standing by my decision, and standing by what I believe. I'm publicly apologizing to the boys on the team now. I've been very quiet for a while, but I'm going to move on. I want the team to be susessful, and all the kids to enjoy this game they are blessed to play. Let's keep the bar room talk in the private con finds of the office or your home.

Bob has good ideas, but poor ways to get them across. It's been said on here that the "goodolboys" of Marietta coaching hate bob. Not true at all. AT ALL. I can only speak for me and that's not true. I will be on that Marietta sideline again. One just never knows when. Good luck and go tigers!!!
Wow! I can't believe this negitive behavior would be displayed by Bob. Did you personally witness the cusing and crude name calling to the kids by Bob? I thought Bob was an old Human Resourse guy with extensive training on how work with people in a positive and professional manner. This doesn't sound like the Bob that everyone loves!!! BigCat, If your accusations are true... you have an obligation to report this to the Athletic Director, Principal, and School Board. Did you Report?
Last edited by wingT on Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: 2011 Marietta Tigers

Post by MttaFan »

Back to the field, how many wins are on the schedule this year?

9/16 at GALLIA
9/30 at Cambridge
10/7 at NEW PHILLY
10/14 at ROSECRANS
10/21 DOVER 7:30

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Re: 2011 Marietta Tigers

Post by #1MHSfan »

MttaFan wrote:Back to the field, how many wins are on the schedule this year?

9/16 at GALLIA
9/30 at Cambridge
10/7 at NEW PHILLY
10/14 at ROSECRANS
10/21 DOVER 7:30
Farnsworth set the measuring stick @ 6 & 4. With the new weightroom they should go 7 & 3, and if you throw in the legendary Coach Bob Springer into the equation it's possible to see them at 8 & 2. :aaaaa46 Only two losses come from Dover and Zanesville.

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Re: 2011 Marietta Tigers

Post by bigcatmarietta »

Someone beat me to it.

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Re: 2011 Marietta Tigers

Post by el savior »

MttaFan wrote:Back to the field, how many wins are on the schedule this year?

9/16 at GALLIA
9/30 at Cambridge
10/7 at NEW PHILLY
10/14 at ROSECRANS
10/21 DOVER 7:30

Don't know much about River View or Rosecrans.

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Re: 2011 Marietta Tigers

Post by Snowman79 »

Shi_heads isn't exactly proper language either, I've heard that's his most used compliment from a few young men I've been involved with this summer who take part in his stuff at the high school.

Unfortanitly this isn't real uncommon at Marietta, I could blow the whistle on many coaches at Marietta for such... Just treated as no big deal.

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Re: 2011 Marietta Tigers

Post by schenk11 »

mhsfootballfan wrote:Schenk11- By no means was I putting down the success of MHS athletic program last year! So, Schenk11, Marietta has the premier athletic program in the SEOAL 7 of the last 8 years? NO need for a weightroom, our athlete's are so superior no lifting required?! You should know better than most on this site about the good old boys coaching network at MHS. They are attacking Springer on this site because he is making things happen. Distance40 made the assumption that only 10% of the students use the weightroom. My response was meant to convey to him the importance of a weight program. I'm sure that if you look at the successful athletes they probably visit a weightroom once in awhile. Again, I agree with the previous writers that this should be about the players and the weightroom will help the players no matter what the sport. The SEOAL all sports trophy is great, but how many more sports did we get points in than other schools can't or don't participate.
So Schenk11 you and I are closer than you think, we both want MHS student athlete to be successful but I think either I was confusing in my last post or you misunderstood (probably my post).
So again, I wish the very best for ALL the athletes at MHS this coming year and to distance40, hit the weights it will really help you.
Go Tigers!
Before I respond, let's clarify something. Are you saying I am part of the good old boys club and I am attacking Bob on this site?

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