Logan and Chillicothe

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Re: Logan and Chillicothe

Post by bigbluedad »

ironmen1987 wrote:Actually Jackson (as far as I know) hasn't played Marietta or Warren in jr high sports the last 2 years with the exceptions being league meets (track/xc) and I believe we had a tri meet @ Logan with Marietta.
You would be right, the only time Warren and Jackson have competed is at the track and xc meets.Most of the time the Warren JH compete locally against teams like FF, Waterford, and Marietta which does keep the travel short for the kids.

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Re: Logan and Chillicothe

Post by ironmen1987 »

I knew I had only been in the Warren/Marietta area twice and that was for a joint jr/sr high xc meet and for a jr high league track meet. I checked our other sched's and didn't see where we played. I met a couple from the area at the beach a few weeks ago and the first thing mentioned was the drive to see the games. We play local in everything but football and because of one sport we are forced into all this driving to be in a league. It's crazy....

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Re: Logan and Chillicothe

Post by mister b »

All the league switching is because of travel which really means money. BOEs are not wanting to supplement their AD's budgets because many is tight due to the pending state budget cuts and travel is killing their athletic budgets. Also, the AD's are having to depend more and more on their gate receipts, from all games at all levels, to supplement their budgets.

And yes, there are still some long distant travel in the SEOAL junior high games. Everybody is not playing everybody but there are still some travel times that the ADs are trying to cut down on.

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Re: Logan and Chillicothe

Post by QBear »

Zane Trace started pay to participate about five years ago.
Also, they cut one assistant coaching position in every sport two years ago.

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Re: Logan and Chillicothe

Post by A-Town Big Dog »

Mister B wrote:
gahs4ever wrote:I have been told that the SOC is not interested in Jackson and GAHS, and of course they wont take Portsmouth in my lifetime.

Why should they have to go all the way to Gallipolis? The SOC as it stands is primarily a one county league with a few Pike County schools.

The thing that gets me the most in all this nomadic crap is the potential for losing rivalries that have endured nearly 90 years. If indeed their travel excuse is the reason they are leaving, I cant see how long they would continue to play us as non league. That seems hypocrtical.

When the four schools we invited into the league left before the thing even got off the ground, GAHS non renewed contracts with Zanesville and I believe this is the last year for Marietta. Ive heard rumors about Ironton as well, and wonder if Chillicothe leaves if we would continue to schedule them. I mean....the travel is just too far!
All conferences are basically setup thinking about football, which is wrong. The travel (and expenses) doesn't really matter for a varsity or JV football game as that is "the cost of doing business.".

The travel concerns (and expenses) come into play when factoring in all the other sports, varsity and below, boys and girls, especially the junior high sports. Most conferences want you to play a conference schedule even for junior high sports. So figure how many times a year Warren makes a trip to Portsmouth for a game. Make sure you include all sports, boys and girls, varsity thru junior high. It adds up in time, money and lost study time on the busses.
Five words come to mind......The nail on the head! If Chillicothe and Logan feel they would be better served by leaving the SEOAL then several things could and would happen with far to many scenerios to name.

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Re: Logan and Chillicothe

Post by GAHS83 »

Another domino in the process fell yesterday as Canal Winchester accepted an invite to the OCC to replace Watkins Memorial. I think that clears the way a bit for the Mid-State League to move ahead as my feeling was that Logan and/or Chillicothe were waiting to see if they got in the OCC before moving ahead with the MSL.

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Re: Logan and Chillicothe

Post by moonshine »

GAHS83 wrote:Another domino in the process fell yesterday as Canal Winchester accepted an invite to the OCC to replace Watkins Memorial. I think that clears the way a bit for the Mid-State League to move ahead as my feeling was that Logan and/or Chillicothe were waiting to see if they got in the OCC before moving ahead with the MSL.
83, I agree over the next few months at least by Christmas you will see both Chillicothe and Logan accept an invite to the MSL. You can take it to the bank because it is a done deal!

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Re: Logan and Chillicothe

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Here is an article on Canal Winchester to the OCC.....

http://www.lancastereaglegazette.com/ar ... nav%7Chead
League prepares to add Canal Winchester
Indians would move to OCC in '13

CANAL WINCHESTER -- Members of the Ohio Capital Conference will meet in September to approve a recommendation to add Canal Winchester starting in 2013, the conference announced Monday.

The OCC's Alignment and Expansion Committee recommended Canal Winchester, and the Executive Committee of Principals will decide Sept. 19 if the school will replace Watkins Memorial, which is leaving to join the Licking County League in 2013.

"We believe that Canal Winchester is an extraordinary fit for our conference reflecting the criteria we established at the beginning of this process," OCC Commissioner Dave Cecutti said in a statement. "The academic integrity, competitive balance and cultural compatibility all played a factor in how the committee came to its recommendation."

The OCC, which consists of 32 teams in four divisions, also is the home of Lancaster, Pickerington North and Pickerington Central high schools. The most recent school to join the conference was Hilliard Bradley in 2008.

Canal Winchester athletic director Kent Riggs said consistent growth for the past 25 years has helped the school keep moving up in divisions.

"When I got there in the mid-'80s, we were in the smallest division in all sports," Riggs said. "To play at a Division I level, it's a decision we had to make."

Canal Winchester has been a part of the Mid-State League since 1966. If accepted, it will enter the OCC in the 2013-14 school year.

"We had good relationships with all the schools and their coaches," Riggs said. "That's the hard part about this."

Canal Winchester would join either the Cardinal Division or the Capital Division, Cecutti said. The meeting is protocol, and Cecutti anticipates it to go smoothly.

"The Alignment and Expansion Committee has strong support, and I think (the vote) will pass pretty easily."

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Re: Logan and Chillicothe

Post by Late 70s Logan grad »

Moonshine, it just goes to show what you know, or think you know, or wish you knew. You're someone not-so-fondly called a "consider the source" who deals in half-truths, innuendo and wishful thinking. You're the biggest slinger of BS on this website and you have no facts to back up what you write.

To all who read this forum: LOGAN IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE! LOGAN IS STAYING RIGHT WHERE IT IS IN THE SEOAL... and, Moonshine, you can take THAT to the bank!!!!!

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Re: Logan and Chillicothe

Post by moonshine »

Late 70s Logan grad wrote:Moonshine, it just goes to show what you know, or think you know, or wish you knew. You're someone not-so-fondly called a "consider the source" who deals in half-truths, innuendo and wishful thinking. You're the biggest slinger of BS on this website and you have no facts to back up what you write.

To all who read this forum: LOGAN IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE! LOGAN IS STAYING RIGHT WHERE IT IS IN THE SEOAL... and, Moonshine, you can take THAT to the bank!!!!!
Hey 70 When it happens and it will I will be serving you crow!. Remember the 50 mile rule which was instilled by our Supt. Remember also one word TRAVEL!

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Re: Logan and Chillicothe

Post by Late 70s Logan grad »

Crow it is... so, how do you like your crow prepared? I'll have it ready for you.

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Re: Logan and Chillicothe

Post by Amarranavajas »

Late 70s Logan grad wrote:Moonshine, it just goes to show what you know, or think you know, or wish you knew. You're someone not-so-fondly called a "consider the source" who deals in half-truths, innuendo and wishful thinking. You're the biggest slinger of BS on this website and you have no facts to back up what you write.

To all who read this forum: LOGAN IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE! LOGAN IS STAYING RIGHT WHERE IT IS IN THE SEOAL... and, Moonshine, you can take THAT to the bank!!!!!

Few people on here give any credence to anything moonshine posts. I don't think even he is cognizent of when he is telling the truth, and when he is not.

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Re: Logan and Chillicothe

Post by noreply66 »

moonshine wrote:
Late 70s Logan grad wrote:Moonshine, it just goes to show what you know, or think you know, or wish you knew. You're someone not-so-fondly called a "consider the source" who deals in half-truths, innuendo and wishful thinking. You're the biggest slinger of BS on this website and you have no facts to back up what you write.

To all who read this forum: LOGAN IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE! LOGAN IS STAYING RIGHT WHERE IT IS IN THE SEOAL... and, Moonshine, you can take THAT to the bank!!!!!
Hey 70 When it happens and it will I will be serving you crow!. Remember the 50 mile rule which was instilled by our Supt. Remember also one word TRAVEL!

The 50 miles is for everyone ----NEW

Late 70s Logan grad
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Re: Logan and Chillicothe

Post by Late 70s Logan grad »

Thank you, Amarranavaja, that's good to know. I appreciate you pointing it out!

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Re: Logan and Chillicothe

Post by moonshine »

moonshine wrote:Logan's 2016 Football Schedule

Teays Valley
Logan Elm
Canal Winchester

Have to find a replacment for Canal now that tey are in the OCC

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