Westside Working hard in off-season

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Re: Westside Working hard in off-season

Post by jtj »

sider wrote:
WestSideFan2002 wrote:Listen Boys, I dont know if this is true or not, but if you guys are on here talking about yourselves, grow up, you will get all the talk you want about yourselves on saturday morning after a big win against Burg hopefully, i hope this isnt true, you boys dont need to worry about this silly website, this is for all of us has beens who remember playing hard on those friday nights, you guys win a few games and a i promise you see your name on here, West Side Pride Forever !
Very good post. I second that statement.

I agree completely!! WEST SIDE PRIDE- WEST SIDE WIDE

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Re: Westside Working hard in off-season

Post by BigBlueNation »

soc4life wrote:I have seen the west team workout this off season. Many lineman whom are benching 350+, on a bad day. 2 of their o-lineman run a 4.9 40, and are probably the strongest in the area. The backfield is loaded, unlike any west backfield we've seen recently, incredibly fast and strong. Speed and strength will be what opposing teams face here. Hard work and dedication is all thats been happening in West's facilities.

An no, I am not a player, I am just a very involved fan.
I'm gonna have to call bullcrap on that one. At the 2012 NFL combine only two OL ran under 5.0 in the 40 (Matt Kalil 4.99 and Donald Stephenson 4.94).
Now I'm sure they are great kids, and I'm sure they are working their tails off. But to say you have two O-Linemen with Elite NFL speed for their position, I don't believe it.
With what i've seen from the dedication in the offseason i'am going to say it is not bullcrap on how fast and quick some of these lineman are two of them played tennis this spring and another one is fast and quick enough to put in the backfield. This line is big very strong and very athletic and very good. The backfield also is big strong and fast you will probably see at least 4 kids over 200 lbs that are very strong with good speed, Meeker has been clocked several times at around 4.6 and is build just like Trevon Pendleton only shorter he was 215 last season and has put on around 15lbs of muscle. The thing that has not been mention is the d-line which could be the strong point of this team they will also be very quick very strong and very physical. The sky is the limits for the 2012 West Siders and if you do not beleive you will see this fall.
Last edited by BigBlueNation on Sun May 13, 2012 6:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Westside Working hard in off-season

Post by West Side Pride »

It's not bull, and so what a couple Minford posters think a different way....B.R. has ate enough crow last few years to feed half of south africa. West will be pretty
well rounded on both O and D. High work ethic which will pay dividends this fall. Good luck west and prove yourself on the field, not on here!!!

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