Ex-Blue Devil great passes away

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Ex-Blue Devil great passes away

Post by jottings »

Robert (Bob) Marchi, around 80, has passed away in St. Mary's Hospital in Huntington, W. Va.

A long-time Gallipolis businessman, Bob was a 1949 graduate of Gallia Academy High School and a 1953 graduate of Ohio Univversity where he starred in football at both schools.

Bob was an active Blue Devil booster. He was a past president of the GAHS Boosters. He also held seats on the Gallipolis Board of Education and Gallipolis City Commission for several years.

Bob still attended home Blue Devil football games and also attended numerous GAHS grid practice sessions on Memorial Field.

In Gallipolis' dedication game of Memorial field on Oct. 8, 1948, Bob scored the first touchdown on the new field as GAHS blanked Athens, 21-0.

He will be missed by his many friends.

Bob is the second "Golden Era" football player to pass away this year. Earlier, Forrest (Brock) Borden, a class member passed away. Both Borden and Marchi were members of the GAHS Athletic Hall of Fame.

Freshman Team
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Joined: Mon Mar 28, 2005 1:56 pm

Re: Ex-Blue Devil great passes away

Post by radioman »

A great loss, tremendous athelete , but a better man.
He truly will be missed by many.

Posts: 7056
Joined: Wed Apr 13, 2005 12:31 am

Re: Ex-Blue Devil great passes away

Post by Raiderball »

I remember Bob coaching the Marchi's Mustangs midget league teams in the early 70's.

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