Totally agree with your point on putting the big kids in the backfield, but this class at Minford threw the ball A LOT.fbnut wrote: Wed Jul 12, 2017 7:24 am Minford has been known in the past to play big strong more mature kids at running back in Jr. High knowing that those kids won't be in the backfield in high school. There is nothing wrong with that but it is hard to determine future success when you have 250lb kids trying to be tackled by 100lb kids. Those 250lb kids often end up being 250lb linemen in high school and those 100lb kids end up being 165-185lb skill athletes
In the few games I watched, I was really amazed how well the receivers ran routes, how they tracked down the ball and the zip from the QB's arm.
Granted a lot can change in a few years, but their fundamentals looked outstanding and that can be built upon. If these Freshman can contribute, I hope they get some playing time. If they cant make a big impact its better to let them play JV and not throw them to the wolves and break their confidence.