Logan Football 2013

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by 3morethan2 »

it was the right time for him to go, with the expectations that people have of this team ( winning season, league championship, possible playoffs) and three years without any of those is too much for logan. I think when you have the record they did in the past three years at any school. It would be hard to keep a coach/coaching staff.

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by Paladin »

If you will recall ( or look it up here), I told everyone he was out after the 3rd game. Thats what 2 contacts i have there said. I don't know anything about problems later in the season. But they gave the program a chance to recover by taking off two tough programs ( Pick North & Reynoldsburg) and putting 2 losers on -- Newark, one of the worst programs in the state and Northland who isn't special in Football. Logan opened the year 0-3 and I was told then that turned on the lights and people had decided that was all. Wolfe is a very good coach & co-ordinator, but sometimes coaches fail as a HC. That may have happened here. I'd offer him a place on the staff, but don't know what they are going to do. I do know that the schedule was really weak this year and Logan went 2-8. Lancaster was only 3-7 and destroyed the Chiefs. Then the debacle with Newark & Northland. Alder come to town and stomps the Chiefs and the route is on. This was the first year in a very long time that I didn't get back down for a scrimmage or a game, so I can't offer a strong opinion. But I heard enough to know that change was coming. Have not heard who they may look at but I'd think they'll look outside , no local and no former LOgan player. The program is at rock bottom

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by dazed&confused »

I keep hearing that parents got involved in issues with the team. If that is so, shame on both those parents and the administration for letting that happen. Everything should be done within the locker room. My son played three years for varsity and I would have no more dreamed of interfering with the coaches than I would of flying to the moon. None of the coaches really knew me. And I was good with that. Only one word should concern the Chieftains going forward. TEAM! not individuals. Again, I'm only responding to the rumors but a parent's place is in the stands and ONLY in the stands.

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by Logan_Buckeye »

This is the type of cowardly administration LOGAN has!!! I was pretty sure last year that Coach Wolfe didn't have the support of his administration and now the proof is in the pudding.. I can't totally say he was "blind sided" by the fact he wasn't going to be the head coach next year, but to do it the way it went down is pretty pathetic. Atleast give the man a courtesy reach around before the act is done!! BOE and Pres are cowards that bow down to parental pressure, grow some!! and let the coach be a coach no matter who you bring in!!

With that said, clean the house and bring in an outsider... Let them know that they have control of the program and leave them alone!! That is how LOGAN will right the ship. No more, no less.

For the kids that quit the program or didn't even come out, piss off and take your parents with you.. You'll be quitter's your whole life. Life isn't a bed of roses.
Fot those that have stayed and toughed out the hard times, it will serve you well in your life..

Good Luck to the Logan Chieftain Nation, hopefully they will bring in a disciplinarian with strong core values about work ethics.....

I'm not fuming because Kelly was let go, I believe that was needed, but I foresee this administration putting the chain on whomever they install as the coach, which is why they will have limited interest from an outsider to come in!!! Have a nice day.. :)

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by loganlocos »

2013 Logan Chieftains Schedule

AT Lancaster
VS Teays Valley
VS Newark
AT Loudonville
AT Nelsonville-York
VS Portsmouth *
VS Jackson *
AT Zanesville
AT Gallia Academy *
VS Warren *

I'll post a position by position preview as well. I believe better days are ahead for Logan. No use in crying over spilled milk. Let's work on finding the next Chieftain Grid Boss.

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by doubleplay643 »

dazed&confused wrote:I keep hearing that parents got involved in issues with the team. If that is so, shame on both those parents and the administration for letting that happen. Everything should be done within the locker room. My son played three years for varsity and I would have no more dreamed of interfering with the coaches than I would of flying to the moon. None of the coaches really knew me. And I was good with that. Only one word should concern the Chieftains going forward. TEAM! not individuals. Again, I'm only responding to the rumors but a parent's place is in the stands and ONLY in the stands.

D&C, unfortunately this phenomena of extreme parent involvement is not just exclusive to LHS. 45 miles to your south there is similar parent drama with school administration. It is happening everywhere, I have friends in other districts that are aware of it as well...so it is not an isolated issue. Parent access to the program no matter what sport should simply be limited. Closed practices, limited coach contact except for legitimate reasons, etc. The day of players playing, coaches coaching, and parents being supportive are being tested. Perhaps it has always been bad and I have just never been aware of it because I was never around the program, but the extent of it seems to be on the rise from my observation.

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by noreply66 »

Not for one moment can you make me believe he was blindsided. Three bad years in a row and you never once think your job is coming to a end. The new coach needs to be told it is his program to build and parents will not be involved. At one time when the last home football game was played the seniors would line up and walk the field and it always seem to come close to running from side to side.Over the last years this has been going down him. This year it seemed like a few players forgot to come off the field after the game. The coach that comes in will have a talented SR and Soph class and will need to find the talent in the Jr class. I followed next years Jr class and some of those boys played out of position. Just hope the new coach will find the talent in the Jr class.

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by dazed&confused »

It is easy to be a critic; much harder to be the coach. I'll acknowledge that but ultimately you are what your record is. I'm in sales and I can tell you when sales are good, no one questions. When they are bad, no one is interested in the reasons why.

P.S.- Reading some of the comments on here, are they done firing yet? Shoud they be? :?

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by noreply66 »

dazed&confused wrote:It is easy to be a critic; much harder to be the coach. I'll acknowledge that but ultimately you are what your record is. I'm in sales and I can tell you when sales are good, no one questions. When they are bad, no one is interested in the reasons why.

P.S.- Reading some of the comments on here, are they done firing yet? Shoud they be? :?
New coach will decide that

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by dazed&confused »

noreply66 wrote:
dazed&confused wrote:It is easy to be a critic; much harder to be the coach. I'll acknowledge that but ultimately you are what your record is. I'm in sales and I can tell you when sales are good, no one questions. When they are bad, no one is interested in the reasons why.

P.S.- Reading some of the comments on here, are they done firing yet? Shoud they be? :?
New coach will decide that
Read that question as- above the coach!

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by LHS 72 »

Let's not lament on the pass! The future of the rebrith of Logan Football started today! The slate is clean and the young men must start hitting the weights. GO CHIEFS!

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by noreply66 »

Hope they have an idea who is out there.

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by bobcat43138 »

They need to revamp the entire sports program at Logan.Not just football.The biggest problem with Logan sports is the good ole boys network.Bring in some outside people and start fresh.No more, one of the good ole boys.Baseball program is in shambles and the basketball programs are headed in the same direction if something is not done.One basketball coach had to go out and try and recruit players just to have enough for a varsity and reserve team.Is this what we have to do at a D1 school.Let's fix them before they get worse.

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by LHS 72 »

bobcat43138 wrote:They need to revamp the entire sports program at Logan.Not just football.The biggest problem with Logan sports is the good ole boys network.Bring in some outside people and start fresh.No more, one of the good ole boys.Baseball program is in shambles and the basketball programs are headed in the same direction if something is not done.One basketball coach had to go out and try and recruit players just to have enough for a varsity and reserve team.Is this what we have to do at a D1 school.Let's fix them before they get worse.

Buddy boys baseball and girls basketball are head the way that our football program was in this year! But better times are ahead!

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by klaw10 »

LHS 72 wrote:
bobcat43138 wrote:They need to revamp the entire sports program at Logan.Not just football.The biggest problem with Logan sports is the good ole boys network.Bring in some outside people and start fresh.No more, one of the good ole boys.Baseball program is in shambles and the basketball programs are headed in the same direction if something is not done.One basketball coach had to go out and try and recruit players just to have enough for a varsity and reserve team.Is this what we have to do at a D1 school.Let's fix them before they get worse.

Buddy boys baseball and girls basketball are head the way that our football program was in this year! But better times are ahead!
What are you even trying to say here? Girls basketball has been outstanding since Coach Walsh took over. You obviously have an axe to grind and find the anonymity provided by a message board the way to do it. What a coward!

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by moonshine »

klaw10 wrote:
LHS 72 wrote:
bobcat43138 wrote:They need to revamp the entire sports program at Logan.Not just football.The biggest problem with Logan sports is the good ole boys network.Bring in some outside people and start fresh.No more, one of the good ole boys.Baseball program is in shambles and the basketball programs are headed in the same direction if something is not done.One basketball coach had to go out and try and recruit players just to have enough for a varsity and reserve team.Is this what we have to do at a D1 school.Let's fix them before they get worse.

Buddy boys baseball and girls basketball are head the way that our football program was in this year! But better times are ahead!
What are you even trying to say here? Girls basketball has been outstanding since Coach Walsh took over. You obviously have an axe to grind and find the anonymity provided by a message board the way to do it. What a coward!
Let's get back to the future of Logan Football! FORWARD!

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by noreply66 »

Have been told the Logan Daily is late today????????????????

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by Logangrad »

bobcat43138 wrote:They need to revamp the entire sports program at Logan.Not just football.The biggest problem with Logan sports is the good ole boys network.Bring in some outside people and start fresh.No more, one of the good ole boys.Baseball program is in shambles and the basketball programs are headed in the same direction if something is not done.One basketball coach had to go out and try and recruit players just to have enough for a varsity and reserve team.Is this what we have to do at a D1 school.Let's fix them before they get worse.

FOR THE RECORD I think it needs to be pointed out that the comment about "having to go out and recruit players just to have enough" is a complete and total fabrication. The Varsity has 6 seniors who have been in the Logan system since they were in grade school and 5 juniors who have been playing since 7th grade anyway. The reserve, who I saw first hand today; have an ENTIRE TEAM who have been playing since 7th grade within the Logan system. They're at my count 12 kids on their roster. The frosh, have a GREAT group even with two up on the JV; nice size and good guards. Logan even cut kids this year, so Im not sure where anyone would think they needed to recruit kids to fill roster spots. Its simply not true.

This has nothing to do with Logan football whatsoever but I cant stand when people state things that just arent true.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by LHS 72 »

Logan grad wrote:
bobcat43138 wrote:They need to revamp the entire sports program at Logan.Not just football.The biggest problem with Logan sports is the good ole boys network.Bring in some outside people and start fresh.No more, one of the good ole boys.Baseball program is in shambles and the basketball programs are headed in the same direction if something is not done.One basketball coach had to go out and try and recruit players just to have enough for a varsity and reserve team.Is this what we have to do at a D1 school.Let's fix them before they get worse.

FOR THE RECORD I think it needs to be pointed out that the comment about "having to go out and recruit players just to have enough" is a complete and total fabrication. The Varsity has 6 seniors who have been in the Logan system since they were in grade school and 5 juniors who have been playing since 7th grade anyway. The reserve, who I saw first hand today; have an ENTIRE TEAM who have been playing since 7th grade within the Logan system. They're at my count 12 kids on their roster. The frosh, have a GREAT group even with two up on the JV; nice size and good guards. Logan even cut kids this year, so Im not sure where anyone would think they needed to recruit kids to fill roster spots. Its simply not true.

This has nothing to do with Logan football whatsoever but I cant stand when people state things that just arent true.

Happy Thanksgiving.
Totally off base, let's get back to our new beginning of the rebirtth of Logan Football

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Re: Logan Football 2013


We can't change what happened. So let's hit the restart button and hope for the best. ONWARD CHIEFS! LETS GET- EERRR- DONE!! Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

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