Jackson Alumni Stadium turf condition
Re: Jackson Alumni Stadium turf condition
Valleys was replaced this past season. They say turf has about a 10-12 year lifespan, and Valley got about 11 years out of it I believe.4th n Goal wrote:I thought it was being replaced this winter?
Re: Jackson Alumni Stadium turf condition
The turf was put in the fall of 2004 and this past year at start of season over 150 rips and tears had to be repaired.The fix before this was to pour more rubber in holes which only makes things worse because a bad turf allows for the integrity of the base to be compromised and thats the real expense to fix. The advances since 2004 are very different the vulcanized rubber used could have come from any source and they are trying to link it to cancer in soccer goalies that play on these turfs. Many athlete have expressed concerns over the turf due to slipping and tripping over it and due to head and leg injuries the season before last a cheerleader did a flip and her hand got caught in a rip and she broke her hand and had to undergo surgery. Jackson has the money in a turf fund and the capital inprovements fund to replace and have had 11 years to plan for it also the stadium was paid off last March that frees up 300 k a year. The question is will it be safe to practice and play on Friday night i'm sure they will not halt game for carpet to be repaired and if a kid hits his head on a spot or steps in a hole it could be catastrophic and the soccer players have no helments for protection. The fact is the turf has done its job and its time to replace it before we lose a kid to a needless injury from our school or another school its our job to make it safe for everybody not allow a surface that will barely pass before the season starts up to be used. The sports our dangerous enough without using out dated equipment and to have parents have to deal with medical expenses that could have been avoided.
Re: Jackson Alumni Stadium turf condition
I haven't been on it since April of 2014 but it was 100% fine IMO.
Re: Jackson Alumni Stadium turf condition
That's what happens when you let the band do all that stuff on the football field; they just tear it up.
Oh wait, the Jackson Band isn't allowed to practice on the turf...

Oh wait, the Jackson Band isn't allowed to practice on the turf...

Re: Jackson Alumni Stadium turf condition
[quote="Ironman92"]I haven't been on it since April of 2014 but it was 100% fine IMO.[/quote]
That a great observation if your not sprinting and cutting or trying to gain traction you may not notice it. Tank stadium got new turf last year and when you walk on new compared to old it's like when you get new carpet in your house you didn't realize how worn out the old was. September of last year they patch over 150 tears in the carpet.
That a great observation if your not sprinting and cutting or trying to gain traction you may not notice it. Tank stadium got new turf last year and when you walk on new compared to old it's like when you get new carpet in your house you didn't realize how worn out the old was. September of last year they patch over 150 tears in the carpet.
Re: Jackson Alumni Stadium turf condition
Even in poor condition, the playing surface was still better than most of the grass fields in the area
- doubleplay643
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Re: Jackson Alumni Stadium turf condition
The last time I92 made a hard cut and accelerated past someone was at the Cardo's Pizza buffet line when he juked and made a head fake to get around Viking96.Ironman92 wrote:I haven't been on it since April of 2014 but it was 100% fine IMO.
Re: Jackson Alumni Stadium turf condition
Hah!doubleplay643 wrote:The last time I92 made a hard cut and accelerated past someone was at the Cardo's Pizza buffet line when he juked and made a head fake to get around Viking96.Ironman92 wrote:I haven't been on it since April of 2014 but it was 100% fine IMO.
Re: Jackson Alumni Stadium turf condition
Gallia would love to have a field like the current Jackson turf. Money has already been spent to repair it. Spend your tax money wisely.
Don't buy the safety card being played here.
Don't buy the safety card being played here.
Re: Jackson Alumni Stadium turf condition
Funny dp643....it really was
Anyways since he called me out and PIGSKIN assumes I did nothing of the athletic nature....
As recent as 10 months ago we had softball practice at Alumni Stadium. I fast-pitched to the girls, demonstrated proper OF techniques and the girls practiced at full speed (baseball boys even moreso)....nary an instance of a problem with the turf. I don't know where the tears were or when they were fixed but I never noticed a single one (I will note that I wasn't looking for any).....the majority of the girls and myself were wearing shoes not nearly as suited for quick movements as the football players. Full speed movements in many different ways and I honestly can't even remember a slip, let alone a trip.
Anyways since he called me out and PIGSKIN assumes I did nothing of the athletic nature....
As recent as 10 months ago we had softball practice at Alumni Stadium. I fast-pitched to the girls, demonstrated proper OF techniques and the girls practiced at full speed (baseball boys even moreso)....nary an instance of a problem with the turf. I don't know where the tears were or when they were fixed but I never noticed a single one (I will note that I wasn't looking for any).....the majority of the girls and myself were wearing shoes not nearly as suited for quick movements as the football players. Full speed movements in many different ways and I honestly can't even remember a slip, let alone a trip.
- All State
- Posts: 1042
- Joined: Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:00 pm
Re: Jackson Alumni Stadium turf condition
The Gallipolis Blue Devils(NOT GALLIA) as some of you dikheads like to refer to them Consumated their relationship with Jackson in a hard and appropriate way the year this dump opened up in 2004.!!...As they have MOST years in the last 40 or so...
Re: Jackson Alumni Stadium turf condition
I thought it was Gallia Academy Blue DevilsThe General wrote:The Gallipolis Blue Devils(NOT GALLIA) as some of you dikheads like to refer to them Consumated their relationship with Jackson in a hard and appropriate way the year this dump opened up in 2004.!!...As they have MOST years in the last 40 or so...
Now your are the Gallipolis Blue Devils?
- All State
- Posts: 1042
- Joined: Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:00 pm
Re: Jackson Alumni Stadium turf condition
Ok...THE ACADEMY.. I think that is how some of them like to be referred as 92
..I prefer DADDY myself when conversing with ALL JACKSOFFIANS..sorry...JACKSONIANS :122249 ..Except you
..BTW..Is that you on Redzone?

Re: Jackson Alumni Stadium turf condition
Probably do need new turf, after all look how much money it will bring into our school system when we hold ALL THE PLAYOFF GAMES in Alumni Stadium...
How many have we held the last 6 years that we weren't playing in?
After all, IT IS FOOTBALL!!! Don't take this the wrong way, I love football, ironman players, coaches and football staff work very hard and I sincerely mean it when I say"CONGRATS on your accomplishments this season."
I am happy you won the league, for had you not, the 5 LEAGUE TITLES that were won by sports teams in the 2013-14 school year wouldn't have their accomplishment recognized in the gymnasium on the Banners yet, so for that I thank you!!!

After all, IT IS FOOTBALL!!! Don't take this the wrong way, I love football, ironman players, coaches and football staff work very hard and I sincerely mean it when I say"CONGRATS on your accomplishments this season."
I am happy you won the league, for had you not, the 5 LEAGUE TITLES that were won by sports teams in the 2013-14 school year wouldn't have their accomplishment recognized in the gymnasium on the Banners yet, so for that I thank you!!!
- doubleplay643
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- Posts: 1776
- Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2012 8:40 pm
Re: Jackson Alumni Stadium turf condition
Ok, I will step into this "field" of land mines (figuratively of course not literally) maybe a poor analogy and put a couple cents in for consideration.
First of all it is not a dump, we actually have a playable field for the entire season for frosh, JV and varsity boys football, girls soccer, boys soccer, band concerts/competitions and a host of other things. It doesn't look like a tractor pull in Week 10.
Second it probably is a tough call whether to replace it or not, this decision isn't black or white but rather shades of gray (green). The turf at Jackson was different versus the newer fields the kids played on last year at Burg or Chillicothe, but does that "difference" equate to an unsafe condition or has the infill reached a point where it too hard due to the age of the rubber...no idea, but I assume there has been ample tests to show it is safe.
The cost of the entire field (base plus tuf/infill) is in the $7-$8 per square foot range. A little over half that cost is the base and the other almost half is the turf/infill. Call it an even $3.75 and $3.75 to split the difference and make the math simple for people affiliated with the "Academy" lol.
For a field like Jackson of around 84,000 SF that equates to an investment of about $600,000. The "good" thing about a replacement is that the base theoretically doesn't require much work so you are just investing in the turf or $3.75/SF. So call it $315,000 for a turf replacement only. The problem is if the turf is allowed to deteriorate too much and affect the base or sub-drainage then you are looking at the $3.75 turf cost plus a portion or allowance of some monies to fix the base/drainage. Obviously you won't have to spend the entire $3.75 for a base/drainage but even if it requires a buck a square foot of repair or fixing that can equate to some additional money real fast.
The decision to make is probably just as much about a balancing act of stretching the life of the existing turf without ending up cost the school additional money to repair the base. Tough decision when a school is looking at that investment or that investment plus some if they wait. I would probably lean toward sooner rather than later, but it is still a great field and never has been nor ever will be a dump (or swamp) lol.
First of all it is not a dump, we actually have a playable field for the entire season for frosh, JV and varsity boys football, girls soccer, boys soccer, band concerts/competitions and a host of other things. It doesn't look like a tractor pull in Week 10.
Second it probably is a tough call whether to replace it or not, this decision isn't black or white but rather shades of gray (green). The turf at Jackson was different versus the newer fields the kids played on last year at Burg or Chillicothe, but does that "difference" equate to an unsafe condition or has the infill reached a point where it too hard due to the age of the rubber...no idea, but I assume there has been ample tests to show it is safe.
The cost of the entire field (base plus tuf/infill) is in the $7-$8 per square foot range. A little over half that cost is the base and the other almost half is the turf/infill. Call it an even $3.75 and $3.75 to split the difference and make the math simple for people affiliated with the "Academy" lol.
For a field like Jackson of around 84,000 SF that equates to an investment of about $600,000. The "good" thing about a replacement is that the base theoretically doesn't require much work so you are just investing in the turf or $3.75/SF. So call it $315,000 for a turf replacement only. The problem is if the turf is allowed to deteriorate too much and affect the base or sub-drainage then you are looking at the $3.75 turf cost plus a portion or allowance of some monies to fix the base/drainage. Obviously you won't have to spend the entire $3.75 for a base/drainage but even if it requires a buck a square foot of repair or fixing that can equate to some additional money real fast.
The decision to make is probably just as much about a balancing act of stretching the life of the existing turf without ending up cost the school additional money to repair the base. Tough decision when a school is looking at that investment or that investment plus some if they wait. I would probably lean toward sooner rather than later, but it is still a great field and never has been nor ever will be a dump (or swamp) lol.
Re: Jackson Alumni Stadium turf condition
when the stadium was built they started a stadium fund so money would be put there just for the stadium around 30k a year from reserve seating not sure if part of gate money was also put aside so once again school is not funding it the comunity and parents are just like with the sports groups we pay for almost the total cost. That allows with parking our athletic fund is in black every year.If we wait the base may be damaged and someone maybe injured my guess no company will guarantee the turf for safety and that continue use of this turf will not damage base in writting. i can say its good my guess is i get a chance to replace it next year and when we pull off turf i get change order to replace base.
Re: Jackson Alumni Stadium turf condition
Jack Coyan also started a building maintaince fund for repairs only. can not be used for salaries or benifits so that fund has money there to.Alumni has people on it year round not sure why somebody wouldnt be aloud to use it. The Alumni built this thing to be used by all our kids and if that means all and now it needs repairs they need to be done not limit use of facilities so we can save a dollar to spend more later.