Week 11. #7 Symmes Valley @ #2 Trimble

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Re: Week 11. #7 Symmes Valley @ #2 Trimble

Post by old bird »

That is the biggest pile of bs that anyone has ever stepped in. I need more details to make anymore comments

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Re: Week 11. #7 Symmes Valley @ #2 Trimble

Post by bigblue allday »

This is BS. Theres a reason we have a first round home game. We earned it. Playing at NY is not a home game. If there worried about the field start by putting tarps on it. Theres a big one for starters on the girls softball field and im sure supporters in the area will donate to cover the field. I have one myself they can have

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Re: Week 11. #7 Symmes Valley @ #2 Trimble

Post by Gecko »

The game has not been moved yet. It is a possibility. Waiting to see what the weather does. Why would it be b.s.???? The field has no grass on it. With any rain at all it will be a mud put. Ny has went out of their way to make this happen and they have a great facility. Anyone that was at trimble vs fed hock game would agree the field was in terrible shape. Get your tarps right now. Rain tonight. And rain saturday. Cant play with tarps on field.

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Re: Week 11. #7 Symmes Valley @ #2 Trimble

Post by old bird »

If N-Y lets Trimble use their field that's kudos to them (being serious). But the Sty is where Trimble plays there "home" games and the community want to c a game there. All of a sudden we can't play football in the mud. I think this sets a president that no one wants to go down. And I would like to know who's idea this was anyway.

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Re: Week 11. #7 Symmes Valley @ #2 Trimble

Post by bigblue allday »

Cover it all week. Doesn't seem right to have a home playoff game and not play at home. Im willing to bet im not the only one who feels this way

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Re: Week 11. #7 Symmes Valley @ #2 Trimble

Post by bigblue allday »

old bird wrote:If N-Y lets Trimble use their field that's kudos to them (being serious). But the Sty is where Trimble plays there "home" games and the community want to c a game there. All of a sudden we can't play football in the mud. I think this sets a president that no one wants to go down. And I would like to know who's idea this was anyway.
Agree Nothing against NY its a very nice gesture

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Re: Week 11. #7 Symmes Valley @ #2 Trimble

Post by fairlandboi'06 »

[quote="TTomcat99"]This is BS. Theres a reason we have a first round home game. We earned it. Playing at NY is not a home game. If there worried about the field start by putting tarps on it. Theres a big one for starters on the girls softball field and im sure supporters in the area will donate to cover the field. I have one myself they can have[/quote]

I am gonna go with traveling 10 minutes would still be a home game considering Symmes must travel over 2 hours to get here. Quit your pouting and get in your car and drive to NY. Don't forget to take 2 extra dollars with you for parking.
Last edited by fairlandboi'06 on Wed Nov 05, 2014 1:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Week 11. #7 Symmes Valley @ #2 Trimble


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Re: Week 11. #7 Symmes Valley @ #2 Trimble

Post by dilligaf »

How did anyone ever play before turf this is the dumbest thing i ever heard of.

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Re: Week 11. #7 Symmes Valley @ #2 Trimble

Post by 93Bulldog »

How did everyone reheat something before microwaves? How did people contact each other while on the road without cell phones? It goes on and on ... call it evolution I guess. The turf allows the game to be decided by players, not elements, which is why the OHSAA mandates playoff games be played on it past round 1.

If I were Trimble, I would push for that game to be played at NY ... Why give an underdog like Symmes Valley the chance to play in a mud-pit and allow other circumstances to possibly play a part in the outcome? If you think you're the better team, you want all 'X' factors removed if possible, and then let your players go out and win the game.

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Re: Week 11. #7 Symmes Valley @ #2 Trimble



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Re: Week 11. #7 Symmes Valley @ #2 Trimble

Post by fairlandboi'06 »

93Bulldog wrote:How did everyone reheat something before microwaves? How did people contact each other while on the road without cell phones? It goes on and on ... call it evolution I guess. The turf allows the game to be decided by players, not elements, which is why the OHSAA mandates playoff games be played on it past round 1.

If I were Trimble, I would push for that game to be played at NY ... Why give an underdog like Symmes Valley the chance to play in a mud-pit and allow other circumstances to possibly play a part in the outcome? If you think you're the better team, you want all 'X' factors removed if possible, and then let your players go out and win the game.

I agree, move the game. I understand everyone wanting the game to be played at "THE STY" but the conditions are terrible. I cant remember the last time the field has been in the condition it is in now. I agree the field has always been a mud pit but it is beyond mud, it has turned to soup and you can barely walk on it.

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Re: Week 11. #7 Symmes Valley @ #2 Trimble

Post by Green Beagle »

Talked to my buddy at Symmes and he says they are mad as heck this may be moved. They want this game at Trimble in the Mud Pit! Turf didnt work out for them so well last week. They knocked Oak Hill off in the mud and think they can do the same at Trimble.

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Re: Week 11. #7 Symmes Valley @ #2 Trimble

Post by fairlandboi'06 »

Green Beagle wrote:Talked to my buddy at Symmes and he says they are mad as heck this may be moved. They want this game at Trimble in the Mud Pit! Turf didnt work out for them so well last week. They knocked Oak Hill off in the mud and think they can do the same at Trimble.

I really dont think it will matter where its played. The outcome will be a Trimble win, it would just be a larger margin if its played somewhere that the Trimble playmakers can actually get some traction.

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Re: Week 11. #7 Symmes Valley @ #2 Trimble

Post by bucks_09 »

I would rather see the game played at Trimble. I love the atmosphere over there during games and love being able to stand 5 feet behind the visiting teams coaches and talk trash to them. But no matter where it's played at Trimble controls every aspect of this game. Good luck tomcats hoping for another state championship game again this year. It's been a really fun team to follow and watch even for a buckeye fan.

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Re: Week 11. #7 Symmes Valley @ #2 Trimble

Post by old bird »

93, most of time I can agree with what u r saying but this time I would have to respectfully disagree. Getting a home game means playing at home. If u start changing that aspect of first round then before too long all games will b played on turf. Playing week 12-14 on turf makes sense but I feel that "home field" means just that, good or bad

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Re: Week 11. #7 Symmes Valley @ #2 Trimble

Post by dilligaf »

The game is in Glouster

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Re: Week 11. #7 Symmes Valley @ #2 Trimble

Post by The scout »

bucks_09 wrote:Game is at nelsonville York

How can a Team, heck entire town for that matter say so proudly that they are RUTTER TOUGH and then want to move a game because the field is to muddy?
Seriously the game is scheduled to be at Glouster Memorial and that is where it should be played. Lets prove to people that Trimble is truly Rutter Tough.

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Re: Week 11. #7 Symmes Valley @ #2 Trimble

Post by The scout »

DILLIGAF wrote:The game is in Glouster
Is this just some rumor you are starting or is the game really in G-Town? Who told you this? Will they be making a public announcement?

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Re: Week 11. #7 Symmes Valley @ #2 Trimble

Post by Bulldog70 »

Interesting, I hadn't heard any of this. I tend to agree that playing at home has advantages, regardless of the field condition. Moving to another venue could only serve to benefits Symmes which would take away the advantage of home field that Trimble had fought hard to win.

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