Portsmouth West Football 2014
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Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
West fan we should just agree to disagree because I don't agree with anything you say. And it makes me laugh out loud for you to say that some website is putting pressure on your new coaches and players. But you can't have it every which way. You and some of your buddies talk out of both sides of your mouth because turn about is fair play. Some maybe mad and probably have every right to be but I am not one of them! And to place blame on the former coach is a great try at manipulation of the truth.
Last edited by dreamweaver on Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
That's fine. Agree to disagree.dreamweaver wrote:West fan we should just agree to disagree because I don't agree with anything you say in the least. And it makes me laugh out loud for you to say that some website is putting pressure on your new coaches and players. But you can't have it every which way. You and some if your buddies talk out of both sides of your mouth because turn about is fair play. Some maybe mad and probably have every right to be but I am not one of them! And to place blame on the former coach is a great try at manipulation of the truth.
I supported Tripplet. When a board member tried to push him out a few years ago I supported him with others. And would still do if he was here but he's not. He quit.
We have a new coach now and I support him. He is doing what he thinks is right. That is starting over and doing things his way with his people around him. I just really struggle finding what people think is wrong with that?
Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
my gosh. I'm not sure where I said anything like that :122248dreamweaver wrote:I wasn't aware the new head coach or the new assistant coach was up front or spoke with anyone. I do not believe that ever happened. Nothing has been up front. That is not the point I have tried to make anyway. This coach is more than welcome to get all new staff except one! That is a choice. It is funny to blame someone else for that choice. If they lose a game will that be the former staffs fault? Can they not take responsibility for that? Does that not make sense to you for real?You miss the point a lot. No one succeeded in doing anyONE wrong last year EXCEPT a huge disservice was done to the seniors that were trying to focus on games and loved their Coach and Staff. Those facts dont go away because of a new Coach or Staff.
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Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
The new coach has not been able to get his own people, and probably won't be able to get them to make the trip from LU. In my opinion he should have kept some of the old staff that knew the kids. The one coach he kept was only at a few practices and showed up for only 5 of the 10 games.
State is a long term goal that a team should set, but it should not be the only goal . Might want to win the regular season games first.
State is a long term goal that a team should set, but it should not be the only goal . Might want to win the regular season games first.
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Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
I learn more from these message boards than my friends at West. I am assuming the new staff will be hired this summer?
Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
dreamweaver if you are so interested in what is going on with the football program feel free to attend the monthly booster meeting and you can ask all the questions you want. But we all know you won't because you would prefer to hide behind a computer and complain than to face someone and get your questions asked.
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Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
Noles I have been to meeting and don't worry about me. The freshman did great at the combine. Congrats.
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Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
Also Noles I like the Jackson passing tourney and the Coal Grove Jamboree.
Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
dreamweaver wrote:I wasn't aware the new head coach or the new assistant coach was up front or spoke with anyone. I do not believe that ever happened. Nothing has been up front. That is not the point I have tried to make anyway. This coach is more than welcome to get all new staff except one! That is a choice. It is funny to blame someone else for that choice. If they lose a game will that be the former staffs fault? Can they not take responsibility for that? Does that not make sense to you for real?You miss the point a lot. No one succeeded in doing anyONE wrong last year EXCEPT a huge disservice was done to the seniors that were trying to focus on games and loved their Coach and Staff. Those facts dont go away because of a new Coach or Staff.
You are right the new head coach was not up front about anything. Maybe we are blaming the wrong person it could be the BOE was not up front with anyone. How do you hire one coach without even going through the BOE for approval? And if it was approved they must have done it in the back of someones garage. LOL
Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
Your getting warmer. The wrong person has been getting the blame for what some on here say is wrong. As I said before I agree to disagree.OSU 77 wrote:You are right the new head coach was not up front about anything. Maybe we are blaming the wrong person it could be the BOE was not up front with anyone. How do you hire one coach without even going through the BOE for approval? And if it was approved they must have done it in the back of someones garage. LOL
I have talked to people involved with the hiring process, on the BOE, and big supporters of the program. I have yet to talk to one that isn't excited about the direction of the program. Everyone I talked to agreed we needed a complete overhaul.
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Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
Westfan I disagree again on so many levels. Not worth getting into. I will agree that a complete overhaul is taking place and leave it at that. I do wish the program good luck and will be rooting for West as always.
- Riding the Bench
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Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
Westfan wrote:Your getting warmer. The wrong person has been getting the blame for what some on here say is wrong. As I said before I agree to disagree.OSU 77 wrote:You are right the new head coach was not up front about anything. Maybe we are blaming the wrong person it could be the BOE was not up front with anyone. How do you hire one coach without even going through the BOE for approval? And if it was approved they must have done it in the back of someones garage. LOL
I have talked to people involved with the hiring process, on the BOE, and big supporters of the program. I have yet to talk to one that isn't excited about the direction of the program. Everyone I talked to agreed we needed a complete overhaul.
That may be true but what heard and I talk to many people from West because I work in Portsmouth, the process they used was not professional at all. They have not used a common format to hire the first assistant coach when others have to go through an entire process. These assistant coaches have applied for the open positions and have been waiting for months to hear back from the school or the head coach. I am not sure who is in charge down at West but the process is out of control. The first Assistant Coach that was hired as not even coached 1 high school football game that is not a process it is politics$$. The program may need to be over hauled but the process that is being used has been totally unprofessional. The next time you talk to these people who are so excited about the change inform them of the process that is being used and if they think it is fair they have their heads in (You finish this part for me)!
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Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
I don't believe any of the previous assistant coaches reapplied for the open positions.
- Riding the Bench
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Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
Do you know if any of them were interviewed for the assistant coaching positions?
Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
You don't get your West info at OSCO do you???Gallipolis Blue Devil wrote:Do you know if any of them were interviewed for the assistant coaching positions?

Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
That would make sense considering West is the Senators, which of course originated in Rome(modern day Italy), Spartans of course originated in Sparta which is modern day Greece. So if we are going for historical accuracy West should have a bust of a Roman emperor and given the general state of decline and debauchery in Nauvoo, Caligula would be the appropriate bust to choose. I suppose just a plain classic helmet with no script would be too much too ask, something like Burg's but in West colors? Ultimately I hope this is just a rumorplaya_44 wrote:I heard the coach has a new West logo with Sparty look alike?
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Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
The Senator mascot is dressed as George Washington when he was in charge of the continental army during the Revolutionary War. Washington High School in Washington
township was named after him. That's the reason for the mascots uniform. All of which we originated from before Friendship and dry run were added to the district. I also hope its a rumor!!
township was named after him. That's the reason for the mascots uniform. All of which we originated from before Friendship and dry run were added to the district. I also hope its a rumor!!
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