wobycat wrote:Don't let them get to you sport fan. Outside of minford, valley is the highest percentage of victories over an opponent that burg has. 39 games played 34 in burgs favor. They still call themselves regional champs, when they haven't even played a playoff game this year. Look up narcissism in dictionary and you'll find a purple and yellow Indian head.
Not getting to me at all.... Valley's 2011 Team was the real Deal period, that Team was very special , and no excuses for the Burg losing 2012 and 2013 ... One thing is I can say for sure when we go into Valley Friday Night and win we will not celebrate on their field for wining the SOC....We will shake hands , sing the fight song in front of our fans and get on the bus and get ready for the next game.. I love this expectation....When Valley one at Ed Miller in 2013, they celebrated for a long time , why because they did something many Teams have not done and that is beat the Burg... and win the SOC !!!! Pride to be a part of the Pirate community and our great tradition....Expect to go 10 and 0..expect to win SOC....Expect to win State.....Go Burg