Why don't you call our AD and ask him?Ironmen#2588 wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2017 11:29 am If that is legit and true, then why won't west schedule jackson then? if west thinks they can play with jackson, then schedule jackson, it's that simple. Teams won't play jackson because who they are, they talk all the time and say that they can beat jackson but they won't schedule them to play them. Why do you think jackson couldn't get into any of the local leagues in the area when the SEOAL was over, no wanted them to come in to their league. That's why they had to go form their own league and I will definitely see in the future years of schools being added to that league. And most important piece they lost to a broken leg in Evans. Who was an game changer every time he was on the field.
Jackson is D3. The SOCII is a D5 league. They don't belong. And more than anything, the long bus rides late at night for basketball, soccer, tennis, whatever have as much to do why they weren't voted in.