letting your child play football "child abuse"? Hell no; it's not.
Now, is
forcing your child to play football, particularly at the HS level, somewhat neglectful? Sure, it is. We had a guy, whose kids have since graduated, who made his youngest son play HS football on a roster that was varsity only (not enough kids for junior varsity.) The unsettling thing about this case is the kid stood no more than 4'11 his freshman year, and never grew any bigger past 5'4 by the time he graduated high school and it probably was not until the student's senior season that he actually had the strength and build to actually protect himself on the field. I'm not against parents emphasizing and demanding extracurricular involvement on their kids, but there's sense and sensibility to be had.
The other fork on this topic that I issue with how some parents treat football as being a latchkey, of sorts. I don't see this happen too much at the high school level, but at the middle school level I've known parents who pretty much saw football as a place to dump junior off for 2-3 hours after school because they personally were inadequate/disinterested in providing any quality time with their child(ren) during the school week. Quality parenting is not letting sports act as a substitute for family involvement; instead, quality parenting is allowing sports to act as a supplementary, value-building experience for a child's life with direct involvement and interaction with the parent(s).
Then there's also the crowd of dads who make their kids play football because they personally are football fans, and want another avenue of entertainment toward the sport that isn't college football or the NFL. Even if the kid doesn't want to play, and instead would rather read a book or play an instrument.
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The only thing I can really surmise as being truly "abusive" about football is parents not taking a direct involvement nor attention heed toward the well-being of their child playing the sport. But even that is more so neglectful than "abusive." I believe every parent should be required to take the same training and education that the coaches do as it relates to concussions. I think there is one toxic element of the current state of affairs surrounding football and concussions: the rhetoric of "toughing it out" and stigmatization that comes with telling an adult "I'm not feeling alright after that helmet/helmet clash from a few plays ago." I think this is further compounded with the fact that, often times, you have complete lummoxes (read: daddy ball coaches) running youth/MS football that don't prioritize players' safety because it can come at the expense of a) winning a game or b) finishing a game/season (more so true for low roster numbers.)
greygoose wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2018 1:05 am
If there was a rule country wide that set the age of tacking at let's say 14 than we could get somewhere possibly. Part of me though watches these pee wee games and I just don't see those hits coming to cause concussion until that 6th-8th grade level and above as kids are putting on the mass.
There has been some discussion on other boards about possible ways to police tackle football nationwide. My personal opinion is it's a very complex, tricky and possibly unlikely issue that will see resolution on the national level. For instance, where is the line drawn? Age as the criteria makes sense, if not for the fact that we don't divide our football (let alone sports) on an age basis (we do it on a grade basis... loosely.) Let's say that there shouldn't be tackle until ninth grade/freshman year. That is probably the most black-and-white, no room for gray area rule. But two obstacles are then presented: a) do we make it federal law, or instead a rule to be policed via the National Federation of High School Sports and other relevant governing bodies surrounding interscholastic football; b) do sports such as hockey and soccer also stand to be litigated as such?
As an aside: 'can't say I'm too much a fan of the "kids these days" rhetoric that's surrounded this discussion for years (not just on this thread.) "Oh... kids these days would rather play Xbox"; "oh... these kids are weak and coddled." The common denominator between the so-called "lazy" kids and the kids playing football is the fact there is a parental unit/guardianship that steers and encourages the decisions of their children. If anything, it should be "parents these days". They're the ones who ultimately make the final choice; they're the ones that don't have to be buying their kids video games for Christmas, but still do otherwise. If anyone is truly outraged about the mythical absolution of work ethic across generational lines, get on the darn parents... at least talk to them. Who permits the current generation to go about their youthful, leisurely activities? The generation above.