2018 Unioto Sherman Falcons Football Outlook

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2018 Unioto Sherman Falcons Football Outlook

Post by State7 »

What do the Sherman's have coming back for 2018? Please post projected roster schedule, and outlook and keep this thread going throughout the football season.

I never really understood why Unioto does not have turf yet? They are a school I feel like would have made that move or in the process of it. I was just wondering why you guys thought they do not have yet? Good team, and great school I know they love basketball there is that why? Opinions? Not just opinions on Unioto but other schools that could get but have not.

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Re: Why Doesn't Unioto have turf

Post by toast »

Great question! I've honestly wondered the same thing. So many benefits to turf it's rather strange they haven't made the transition. An awful lot of schools have made the switch.

Is it just a coincidence that Unioto has never seemed to embrace "football" to the same degree that many other schools and communities have? Perhaps a school board and superintendent that just aren't that interested in making the jump. Perhaps a community that is really not of board or just indifferent when it comes to getting a turf field.

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Re: Why Doesn't Unioto have turf

Post by greygoose »

Unioto has good teams every few years they are not a traditional quality team every year and that's even being in the SVC. Other KEY problem is unless they have about $500,000 for initial installation of a turf field, or someone who is willing to donate most of the money and they make him the head coach, then they're not getting a turf field.

Fred Flintstone
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Re: Why Doesn't Unioto have turf

Post by Fred Flintstone »

Who are you talking about goose? :D

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Re: Why Doesn't Unioto have turf

Post by greygoose »

Fred Flintstone wrote: Wed Nov 15, 2017 9:10 pm Who are you talking about goose? :D
LOL, the smile leads me to believe you already know. :D

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Re: Why Doesn't Unioto have turf

Post by Orange and Brown »

State7 wrote: Wed Nov 15, 2017 8:07 pm I never really understood why Unioto does not have turf yet? They are a school I feel like would have made that move or in the process of it. I was just wondering why you guys thought they do not have yet? Good team, and great school I know they love basketball there is that why? Opinions? Not just opinions on Unioto but other schools that could get but have not.
They are waiting on you to donate the money.....

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Re: Why Doesn't Unioto have turf

Post by danicalifornia »

Comes down to money. The soccer field doesn't cost much to maintain and several others buildings needed renovated or built before turf could realistically installed.

I'll guess that it'll happen in the next few years when enough money is saved up. Or possible a private (but obvious lol) donation will help get it done quicker?

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Re: Why Doesn't Unioto have turf

Post by Rolltanks »

I don’t think it has anything to do with money. Unioto has millions of dollars in surplus. The higher ups don’t want to and it doesn’t look good for a levy cause they tried to pass one for a new gym that failed. A major problem Unioto has is they don’t have there own community. Ppl are spread out all around Chillicothe and lot of them prolly don’t even vote for the levys. As far as a new coach that is laughable. MetZ has been there 3 years and has made 2 post seasons and has to be close to the schools all time winningest coach. As far as Uniotos future I think it only gets better. The other svc schools are on the decline in football and the tanks keep getting better. I am worried about realignment in few years if we move to d3 we will have to rethink a few things. If we keep improving maybe other fans from area schools will stop bashing us or stop making little comments to city at us all the time. I think most these ppl on here think there teams are way better than they are. Be nice if ppl just supported there team and had normal discussions bout hs football in the area. This site is going downhill fast.

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Re: Why Doesn't Unioto have turf

Post by CavalierAlum05 »

Metz is not going anywhere. He is a heckuva coach. Coached me as a freshmen at Chilli in 2002. Great guy.
He is going to start to win SVC championships consistently (as Unioto always should have).

I often wondered why Unioto has not done this to the football staidium. I bet in the next few years it will be a discussion with the success Metz is implementing.

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Re: Why Doesn't Unioto have turf

Post by se-alum »

Unfortunately, there are a lot of politics that go into something like this. Schools are very cautious of using money or receiving donations when they are trying to pass levy's. If you put in field turf, nobody is going to vote Yes on a levy to build a new gym complex. This stuff happens all the time. It happened at Adena fairly recently. Turning down money in hopes of receiving more money is a very fickle thing. I also agree with the community aspect that was brought up. Unioto isn't like SE(Richmond Dale/Londonderry), Adena(Frankfort/Clarksburg), Piketon, PV(Bainbridge), etc... where they have tight knit community support for their schools. They have a lot of open enrollment, and those parents can't vote for the levy's. I'm sure though, if they made it clear they wanted turf, they could raise the money or have a large portion donated. I know they are currently doing some upgrades to softball facilities that was paid for by donors.

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Re: Why Doesn't Unioto have turf

Post by greygoose »

Other poster said they've got millions of dollars in surplus so they don't need any levy and they don't need donations. Must be the only school the area that has those sort of funds.

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Re: Why Doesn't Unioto have turf

Post by 645945 »

Because football should be play on grass not carpet.

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Re: Why Doesn't Unioto have turf

Post by danicalifornia »

greygoose wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2017 3:17 pm Other poster said they've got millions of dollars in surplus so they don't need any levy and they don't need donations. Must be the only school the area that has those sort of funds.
Lol, yeah that's not true. Any surplus that there is is to be spent to maintain facilities and you know, pay employees and cover benefits.

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Re: Why Doesn't Unioto have turf

Post by smurray »

At least one person from Unioto came to Waverly on more than one occasion, including the special invitation open house to check out the newly installed turf and meet/talk with the owner of the Co. who installed it.
I think it’s just a matter of time before Unioto has it.

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When will Unioto join the FAC?

Post by Jerry Newman »

It is so obvious that they would be a better fit in the FAC than they are for the SVC. The SVC really needs to replace Unioto with Beaver Eastern. It would just make a lot more sense.

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Re: When will Unioto join the FAC?

Post by Rolltanks »

If they move to d3 it might be considered. If they stay in d4 they have no reason to move . There current schedule they play 4 d4 1 d5 rest are 6. Last two seasons they have made the playoffs with 8 wins. As far as better competition goes, the tanks have yet to show they can even win the svc. If they start to win the league or move to d3 I could see it but if things don’t change why move. The fac might not even be around by then anyway.

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Re: When will Unioto join the FAC?

Post by i83 »


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Re: When will Unioto join the FAC?

Post by Raider6309 »

I doubt the FAC will be around long so no need to join

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Re: When will Unioto join the FAC?

Post by bsee12345 »

This is beating a dead horse. Unioto has made it obvious they are not leaving the SVC. They like being the top dog in most of the sports. I do think for Unioto to be successful playing in Division II in all sports except football and Division IV heading to Division III in football they need to make the move. Like Raider 6309 stated the FAC needs to show stability to stick around. Hillsboro mostly but Greenfield are looking for better situations for themselves. Greenfield would love to be in the SVC- Hillsboro I think will look towards the Southern Buckeye Conference- which they were a member of before.
I would like the SVC to expand- I think Greenfield, Waverly and above Beaver Eastern would show interest in the SVC if they wanted to expand. The SVC is a sound conference but the Unioto's and Zane Trace 's are growing at a most faster pace then Paint Valley, Huntington and Adena. I would like to see a Large Division and Small Division. I do not think it would change foundation of the conference.
Anyway all this has been mentioned before so I doubt there will any change at Unioto in near future.

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Re: When will Unioto join the FAC?

Post by GoBucks1047 »

For Boys Sports including football, the SVC could expand reasonably to 12 schools and 14 would be reasonable. Add Circleville, Eastern-Pike, Logan Elm, and Waverly. I’d wait though to see what comes from the potential new league in Southeastern Columbus. If Teays Valley and maybe Hamilton Township join it, the MSL-Buckeye could be in trouble and may consider a move to the SVC if offered. The other 2 schools I’d consider are McClain and Western-Pike (adding football soon). Then depending on Westfall, you could split the league 6-8 or 7-7 based on size for boys sports.

Girls sports is where it gets tricky because Westfall and Zane Trace have a base girls enrollment in the 150s while the 5 larger schools are ranging from 200-240. If there are 14 teams in girls sports, split the league 5-5-4 or 5-9. If 12 teams, then 4-4-4 or 4-8 just depending on enrollment cause it’d be difficult to justify dividing it 6-6 as the boys sports could be; especially with (by size) schools 5-10 enrollment base between 133 and 157 (not including McClain and Western).

I think the best case scenario is for SVC and the FAC to kinda merge to a degree and expand to 18 total members. Boys sports would be split 6-6-6 with the FAC as a division (maybe swap McClain for Unioto), a larger SVC division (Circleville, Logan Elm, McClain or Unioto, Waverly, Westfall, and Zane Trace), and a smaller SVC division. Then for girls sports could be split 10 (5-5) - 8 with the The FAC as a 5 team pod I need the large division and the larger 4 SVC schools (Circleville, Logan Elm, Unioto, Waverly) joining McClain for the other pod for the large division and you’d play your pod twice (8 games), a protected local or county rival twice (Hillsboro-McClain, Chillicothe-Unioto, Jackson-Waverly, etc.), and the rest of the other pod (4 games) once for 14 Division games. The 8 SVC Schools (Eastern-Pike instead of Unioto) would make the other division as the normal SVC operates.

If Hillsboro leaves, Western-Pike would replace them, and the Boys would remain a 6-6-6 format with Piketon moving to the larger SVC division and Unioto moving to the FAC division (which could make the league more competitive in football) while the girls sports would change to a 9-9 format. The boys sports could also do a 9-9 format, at least in the other sports, if Hillsboro left and Western replaces them with Unioto, Circleville, Logan Elm, and Waverly joining the remaining 5 FAC schools and while Westfall and Zane Trace would remain with the remaining 5 SVC schools + Eastern-Pike and Western, but in terms of football, it’d be better to remain 6-6-6 at least in that sport so teams can schedule up in football to prepare for the playoffs.

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