2018 Ironton Head football coach

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Re: 2018 Ironton Head football coach

Post by TOUGH »

All the rumors swirling seems to be lining up with what I said a month ago. Majority of the fan base and and Ironton football faithful want to hire Pendleton but the people who done the interview process want to retain Vass. I had heard awhile back the school board was wanting to hire outside but was receiving a lot of crap from administration and teachers union. They are in support of Vass. I think the interviewers recommended to retain Vass over the candidates and when they gave this info to school board they didn’t like the decision. So we’re at a stand still until someone makes a move. I personally like Vass and think he’s a good guy but I think things have gotten to bad that there’s no way they can give the job back to him and if they do The Ironton football program will be in total disarray. Just my two cents. We will soon find out how close I am. I do however think the school will end up giving job back to Vass and things are going to get ugly.

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Re: 2018 Ironton Head football coach


Kleao wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:05 am
YOU'RE TIGER BAIT wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 7:58 am
Kleao wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 7:20 am

Well I can inform you that it’s not that easy anymore. Things are a lot different now. What I posted about the OHSAA are true facts from real experience. All you have to do is get on the OHSAA website and read the rules now. Your kids haven’t been in school for 10 years according to you. Lots of things change in 10 years. You can transfer easy, but you are penalized if you don’t live in the district. You are required to sit out what ever sport you played st your former school for 5 games. It’s really a lot to explain, so I suggest if you want to know the rules google it.

as always kleao you are always quick to judge, harsh, rude and you know it all. it must be exhausting being you.i said things could have changed since then. but that wasn't good enough for you. and you know what I could care less. I normally don't play into to things like this for obvious reasons. but you have chaffed my butt too many times. I have your crown on order.
Exactly what was harsh and rude? I said it was too much too explain so you could google it yourself. That was my point to you was things have changed a lot in 10 years.
kleao, I'd rather have flaming bowel movements for 3 days in a row before I'd try to reason with you. and you know until you corrected me a month ago I had no idea you were a female. but I'd just as soon as walk across broken glass on my lips down 23 to walmart as to try to reason with you. you know everything anyway. so I'd be wrong. you have always tried to make me sound stupid. AND I'M PLENTY CAPABLE OF THAT ON MY OWN. LOL. so right now I had to go dust some light bulbs, change my sweeper bag, n trim my toenails. I'm sure you have other people to impress this evening anyway.

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Re: 2018 Ironton Head football coach

Post by TOUGH »

All the rumors swirling seems to be lining up with what I said a month ago. Majority of the fan base and and Ironton football faithful seem to want to hire Pendleton or one of other candidates but the people who done the interview process want to retain Vass. I had heard awhile back the school board was wanting to hire outside but was receiving a lot of crap from administration and teachers union. They are in support of Vass. I think the interviewers recommended to retain Vass over the candidates and when they gave this info to school board they didn’t like the decision. So we’re at a stand still until someone makes a move. I personally like Vass and think he’s a good guy but I think things have gotten to bad that there’s no way they can give the job back to him and if they do The Ironton football program will be in total disarray. Just my two cents. We will soon find out how close I am. I do however think the school will end up giving job back to Vass and things are going to get ugly.

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Re: 2018 Ironton Head football coach

Post by rxburgfan »

Rumor is burg got a transfer from Ironton. The old route 52 pipeline goes both ways.

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Re: 2018 Ironton Head football coach

Post by Kleao »

Proud_Pirate63 wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 2:57 pm
Kleao wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 1:35 pm
YOU'RE TIGER BAIT wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:20 am well she needs to know nobody cares about her royal lineage and superior bloodlines or whatever is up with her daily. we have the right to talk football. the whole thing has been handled poorly, and is quickly turning into the laughing stock of southern ohio. the ironton brand should be above this. you do things wrong for so long without changing, and when the fall happens it will be epic. mass exodus by the players and the like. it's just beneath the realm of thought for those of us who were involved for however long or brief a time. I have sent kleao pm's apologizing for stuff I never done wrong. because that's how I'm wired. but frankly couldn't give a big rat's rearend what she thinks. she bullies people and needs to hit reverse. and it does not matter if this topic gets to be 50 pages long. I think it shows ironton is hungry for a change, from the entire top down. I remember telling months ago about hearing these kids leaving. and kleao reprimanded me. basically called me a trouble maker, and now she sees it happening. it is sad, but we don't need people like her leading the charge. it's not a true indicator of ironton's fans. I don't know who she is and don't care. but if you fling enough crap on the wall, some of it will stick. and people are seeing that now.
Now wait a minute! I believe the last private message you sent me you had been praying for my cancer and I thought I could say anything I wanted because I was part of the first family of Ironton. Proud pirates got you figured out. I don’t give a crap about anything you have to say about me. I hadn’t said a word to you until today. I was trying to inform you that it was definitely too much to type so you could look it up yourself. I can’t help it if you took that the wrong way. However I do appreciate your prayers for my cancer. That’s very kind of you. I honestly mean that.
Leave me out of the pissing match you two have going. I think you meant to say Jolly Pirate has him figured out.
Oh yes your right. Proud pirate is the one that his dad taught for years at Green. I got that confused. So yes It’s Jolly Pirate that has figured him out.

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Re: 2018 Ironton Head football coach

Post by Kleao »

YOU'RE TIGER BAIT wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 3:34 pm
Kleao wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:05 am
YOU'RE TIGER BAIT wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 7:58 am

as always kleao you are always quick to judge, harsh, rude and you know it all. it must be exhausting being you.i said things could have changed since then. but that wasn't good enough for you. and you know what I could care less. I normally don't play into to things like this for obvious reasons. but you have chaffed my butt too many times. I have your crown on order.
Exactly what was harsh and rude? I said it was too much too explain so you could google it yourself. That was my point to you was things have changed a lot in 10 years.
kleao, I'd rather have flaming bowel movements for 3 days in a row before I'd try to reason with you. and you know until you corrected me a month ago I had no idea you were a female. but I'd just as soon as walk across broken glass on my lips down 23 to walmart as to try to reason with you. you know everything anyway. so I'd be wrong. you have always tried to make me sound stupid. AND I'M PLENTY CAPABLE OF THAT ON MY OWN. LOL. so right now I had to go dust some light bulbs, change my sweeper bag, n trim my toenails. I'm sure you have other people to impress this evening anyway.
Now Tiger bait that’s not Christian like. I told you I appreciated you praying for me and my cancer. I really do. Not sure how far they get, but it’s the thought that counts, right? I’d rather claw my eyeballs out than read another story about you coaching pee wee Football.

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Re: 2018 Ironton Head football coach

Post by ohbuckeye2 »

Westfan wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 12:15 pm Would imagine an out of state transfer like Ironton to Raceland would be a lot more technical than open enrollment in state.

Kentucky Transfer Rules


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Re: 2018 Ironton Head football coach

Post by Mavrick2016 »

This will all be settled next week, at the school board meeting.

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Re: 2018 Ironton Head football coach

Post by ohbuckeye2 »

Mavrick2016 wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 5:23 pm This will all be settled next week, at the school board meeting.
I hope you’re right

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Re: 2018 Ironton Head football coach

Post by Urban »

rxburgfan wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 3:47 pm Rumor is burg got a transfer from Ironton. The old route 52 pipeline goes both ways.
Word is the Scioto County Allstars got a bunch of transfers this week from middle school up.

We'll see how many kids that aren't athletes get denied open enrollment while the athletes miraculously get admitted.

Guess all the guests at the state game and the "visits" to the school are really paying off.

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Re: 2018 Ironton Head football coach

Post by 79Tiger »

You can't blame kids for wanting to go where they can get better exposure if they want to play at the next level. It was Ironton for a long time, now it is the Burg. Face facts. College scouts aren't accumulating frequent flyer miles to visit many SEO football programs. Bolden getting attention from some big schools is great exposure for the Burg and other athletes in their program. There is no reason Ironton can't be a successful program again. Hire the best man for the job and let him get on with the task at hand. As for players transfering to Raceland and Ashland. Yes, those programs have had some recent success but college scouts aren't exactly beating down their doors.

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Re: 2018 Ironton Head football coach

Post by rxburgfan »

Urban wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 5:47 pm
rxburgfan wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 3:47 pm Rumor is burg got a transfer from Ironton. The old route 52 pipeline goes both ways.
Word is the Scioto County Allstars got a bunch of transfers this week from middle school up.

We'll see how many kids that aren't athletes get denied open enrollment while the athletes miraculously get admitted.

Guess all the guests at the state game and the "visits" to the school are really paying off.
Sorry you didn’t make it in. No sense in holding grudges. I guess those who want to be part of something good will come. Don’t like the rule then work to change it. Making the move in middle school is best way to do it.

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Re: 2018 Ironton Head football coach

Post by Jolly P(irate) »

Kleao wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 3:54 pm
Proud_Pirate63 wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 2:57 pm
Kleao wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 1:35 pm

Now wait a minute! I believe the last private message you sent me you had been praying for my cancer and I thought I could say anything I wanted because I was part of the first family of Ironton. Proud pirates got you figured out. I don’t give a crap about anything you have to say about me. I hadn’t said a word to you until today. I was trying to inform you that it was definitely too much to type so you could look it up yourself. I can’t help it if you took that the wrong way. However I do appreciate your prayers for my cancer. That’s very kind of you. I honestly mean that.
Leave me out of the pissing match you two have going. I think you meant to say Jolly Pirate has him figured out.
Oh yes your right. Proud pirate is the one that his dad taught for years at Green. I got that confused. So yes It’s Jolly Pirate that has figured him out.
I hate to be right about things like that. But truth is truth. And that can never be denied.

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Re: 2018 Ironton Head football coach

Post by Kleao »

Jolly P(irate) wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:32 pm
Kleao wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 3:54 pm
Proud_Pirate63 wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 2:57 pm

Leave me out of the pissing match you two have going. I think you meant to say Jolly Pirate has him figured out.
Oh yes your right. Proud pirate is the one that his dad taught for years at Green. I got that confused. So yes It’s Jolly Pirate that has figured him out.
I hate to be right about things like that. But truth is truth. And that can never be denied.
That is true!

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Re: 2018 Ironton Head football coach

Post by Game day »

79Tiger wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 7:36 pm You can't blame kids for wanting to go where they can get better exposure if they want to play at the next level. It was Ironton for a long time, now it is the Burg. Face facts. College scouts aren't accumulating frequent flyer miles to visit many SEO football programs. Bolden getting attention from some big schools is great exposure for the Burg and other athletes in their program. There is no reason Ironton can't be a successful program again. Hire the best man for the job and let him get on with the task at hand. As for players transfering to Raceland and Ashland. Yes, those programs have had some recent success but college scouts aren't exactly beating down their doors.
I would say 99% of the players don't even get any type scholarship for college football by itself.

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Re: 2018 Ironton Head football coach


Kleao wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 4:14 pm
YOU'RE TIGER BAIT wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 3:34 pm
Kleao wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:05 am

Exactly what was harsh and rude? I said it was too much too explain so you could google it yourself. That was my point to you was things have changed a lot in 10 years.
kleao, I'd rather have flaming bowel movements for 3 days in a row before I'd try to reason with you. and you know until you corrected me a month ago I had no idea you were a female. but I'd just as soon as walk across broken glass on my lips down 23 to walmart as to try to reason with you. you know everything anyway. so I'd be wrong. you have always tried to make me sound stupid. AND I'M PLENTY CAPABLE OF THAT ON MY OWN. LOL. so right now I had to go dust some light bulbs, change my sweeper bag, n trim my toenails. I'm sure you have other people to impress this evening anyway.
Now Tiger bait that’s not Christian like. I told you I appreciated you praying for me and my cancer. I really do. Not sure how far they get, but it’s the thought that counts, right? I’d rather claw my eyeballs out than read another story about you coaching pee wee Football.
duly noted, and I knew who it was all along. buy sometimes ya run outta cheeks to turn. make no mistake I'm a real Christian, but I'm also a real human. and I hope a very dear family member of yours continues to do well.

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Re: 2018 Ironton Head football coach


79Tiger wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 7:36 pm You can't blame kids for wanting to go where they can get better exposure if they want to play at the next level. It was Ironton for a long time, now it is the Burg. Face facts. College scouts aren't accumulating frequent flyer miles to visit many SEO football programs. Bolden getting attention from some big schools is great exposure for the Burg and other athletes in their program. There is no reason Ironton can't be a successful program again. Hire the best man for the job and let him get on with the task at hand. As for players transfering to Raceland and Ashland. Yes, those programs have had some recent success but college scouts aren't exactly beating down their doors.
exactly my friend.

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Re: 2018 Ironton Head football coach

Post by Mavrick2016 »

If they rehire Vass, his new staff will make things a lot better.

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Re: 2018 Ironton Head football coach

Post by Shane Falco »

2thwzd wrote: Wed Apr 11, 2018 10:02 am :roll: :roll: I'm hearing that the "forces that be" and the "puppet master" in Ironton are still in charge and NOTHING will change except SOME of the assistants on the sideline :roll: :roll:
Sounds to me like the BOE is the ones needing replaced if the fan base and kids are unhappy :lol:
Maybe vote for new board members the next time instead of the same ones...

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Re: 2018 Ironton Head football coach

Post by Matt77 »

This whole topic is just hilarious. Oh how the mighty have fallen.. 😂 i personally hope ironton rehires Vass. That way they can lose to 4 OVC schools again and we can see the fan base bark and bark for another off season with no moves being made.

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