Biddy League Football

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Biddy League Football

Post by 1POdFAN »

Long time reader, first time poster here.

When is it time to get rid of this nonsense. Why are we getting kids concussions (that most likely are not real concussions) in 3rd and 4th grade? When are these parents (because thats what they are parents, not coaches) going to realize they are killing the game? For years we have had quality high school football around southeastern ohio, now we are feeling the repercussions of DaddyBall101. Wake up people!

All high school coaches and ADs need to get together and end this nonsense for 3rd and 4th graders. I even say end it for 5th graders and 6th graders maybe.

Let these little guys play flag football, enjoy their experience and come away from it without a major injury (concussions). However, we all know these are not likely concussions but with the negative pub in the media right now, mom hears it and the kid is done.


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Re: Biddy League Football

Post by 25th Street NW »

My son is 9 years old and loves it! He also plays basketball and baseball. They don't hit hard enough to get concussions. They also hit dummies most of the time in practice working on form tackling.

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Re: Biddy League Football


I loved playing youth football and coaching it. they have been doing it a very long time. now the equipment we had when I played youth football was little more than a Halloween costume. but when I coached it, we had top notch equipment, the best helmets you could buy.i was taught how to properly fit and inflate a helmet, we had 4 point chin straps and great pads all around. when I coached B team. it was 2nd, 3rd and 4th. and when I coached A team it was 5th n 6th. we taught sound fundamental football and by the grace of God none of our kids sustained any serious injuries at all. these kids learn so much at this age, their brains are like sponges. and by the time they get into junior high they should have a very good knowledge of the game, and already be an established working unit with their team mates. injuries happen in football. but proper equipment and sound fundamental football helps lesson injuries. but more than anything, kids at this age in my opinion need the same exercises and drills from that age up to insure they know how to do things properly. and are in shape from proper stretching and exercises n drills. instead of just showing up and start hitting. honestly all the coaching I was exposed to I don't know anybody that had a traumatic injury or concussion. I was in a junior high game playing for ironton in Portsmouth where a Portsmouth player broke his neck. which was absolutely unfortunate. he wore a halo brace for a long time, but recovered. but injuries happen I football, as in life. and they are to be expected. but I'm all for youth sports. frankly I think 2nd grade is too early. and really discouraged parents from signing up 2nd graders. but that's the way the teen OVC was already setup. sorry , nut I'm all in.

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Re: Biddy League Football

Post by BobcatQB »

1POdFAN wrote: Thu Aug 30, 2018 8:53 am Long time reader, first time poster here.

When is it time to get rid of this nonsense. Why are we getting kids concussions (that most likely are not real concussions) in 3rd and 4th grade? When are these parents (because thats what they are parents, not coaches) going to realize they are killing the game? For years we have had quality high school football around southeastern ohio, now we are feeling the repercussions of DaddyBall101. Wake up people!

All high school coaches and ADs need to get together and end this nonsense for 3rd and 4th graders. I even say end it for 5th graders and 6th graders maybe.

Let these little guys play flag football, enjoy their experience and come away from it without a major injury (concussions). However, we all know these are not likely concussions but with the negative pub in the media right now, mom hears it and the kid is done.

What exactly is your point? Kids are getting concussions but they aren't real concussions..what in the world does that mean? You can read all the studies you want and they all say something different, just like everything else. Please don't lump all youth football together. Many programs bust their butts to educate their coaches, follow national protocals, and teach kids the correct way to play the game. AND by the way, many programs experience more concussions in flag programs than tackle, so it's not just a tackle problem. How about soccer? Lacrosse? Hockey? You going to attack them too since they are leaders in concussions in many of the studies you have been reading? If you have a problem with your local program then you should address them and not attack others.

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Re: Biddy League Football

Post by mlittle »

1POdFAN wrote: Thu Aug 30, 2018 8:53 am Long time reader, first time poster here.

When is it time to get rid of this nonsense. Why are we getting kids concussions (that most likely are not real concussions) in 3rd and 4th grade? When are these parents (because thats what they are parents, not coaches) going to realize they are killing the game? For years we have had quality high school football around southeastern ohio, now we are feeling the repercussions of DaddyBall101. Wake up people!

All high school coaches and ADs need to get together and end this nonsense for 3rd and 4th graders. I even say end it for 5th graders and 6th graders maybe.

Let these little guys play flag football, enjoy their experience and come away from it without a major injury (concussions). However, we all know these are not likely concussions but with the negative pub in the media right now, mom hears it and the kid is done.


I get what you’re saying here. Probably could’ve went about it a different way though. It’s a lot of wear and tear on a body that starts tackle football at the 3rd grade level. I would love to see programs offer a flag substitute at those earlier ages. My oldest was a 4th grader playing in the field with 5th and 6th graders. Looking back probably not the smartest move. But bashing parents for getting their children involved in the sport at an early age was probably not the best way to get the point across, unless of course you were trying to ruffle feathers. If that’s the case, we’ll done

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Re: Biddy League Football

Post by 1POdFAN »

bobcatqb drs are diagnosing concussions just to save their hiney. do you not understand that? i am not attacking anyone just stating a fact.

1. kids get sick of playing because its not fun
2. coaches just go out there and give there kid the ball
3. refs dont want to be there just there to collect a check
4. END IT!

ONE PO'd FAN signing off

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Re: Biddy League Football

Post by BobcatQB »

1POdFAN wrote: Thu Aug 30, 2018 1:30 pm bobcatqb drs are diagnosing concussions just to save their hiney. do you not understand that? i am not attacking anyone just stating a fact.

1. kids get sick of playing because its not fun
2. coaches just go out there and give there kid the ball
3. refs dont want to be there just there to collect a check
4. END IT!

ONE PO'd FAN signing off
Again w/ the generalities. I run our biddy league program and take a lot of pride in it. I am also an official and have coached for 15 years and have had 4 boys play biddy, middle school and high school ball. According to your list above you're 0-4. Again, if you have a problem w/ your local league, which it sounds like you do, take it up with them instead of trying to badmouth youth football in general. Many programs have experienced your list above and if they care about their league and their kids, they won't let any of those continue. I'm sure that you are intelligent enough to understand that nothing is ever perfect, especially youth sports.

You say that youth football causes concussions then you say they really aren't concussions because doctors just report them as such. If that's the case, why are you so concerned about getting rid of youth football? That was your original statement. Your second post brings out the truth. You or your kid had what you refer to as a "bad" experience with a coach who didn't "like" you and wouldn't let you play. He only played his kid and it wasn't fun for you anymore so you quit. Of course you would have played in the NFL if it wasn't for that coach who didn't know anything. Never heard that one before.

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Re: Biddy League Football

Post by 1POdFAN »

are you listening to me, or are you just blowing hot air? because they arent real concussions , but mom doesnt know that so she dont allow him to play football anymore. boom a player is lost.

ok well our local league was good, it used to be teams caldwell, buckeye trail, shenandoah, monroe central. Now they have expanded it so much that teams are going from caldwell to new martinsville. they play 9 season games. it is causing burnout.

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Re: Biddy League Football

Post by TheGreatHambino »

I agree... kids shouldn't be allowed to ride bicycles, dirt bikes, skateboards, play soccer, baseball, ride in a car, sleep on the top bunk, pillow fight and last but not least drink out of plastic straws.

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Re: Biddy League Football

Post by TheGreatHambino »

If your local program is having a problem then do something about it. Not every town has that issue. Different drills and tackling techniques have helped this issue. Have them watch training videos. I'm not saying concussions especially at that level aren't an issue but come on. A kid can get hurt falling off a slide. Youth coaches do need to realize that tackling isn't the same way it was back in the day. You can tackle without using the head and it is more efficient. I've been around football for 20 years and have witnessed 5 concussions.

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Re: Biddy League Football

Post by BobcatQB »

I think you forgot what you said when you started this post..I'll copy it here for you, you want to get rid of football because of concussions:

Long time reader, first time poster here.

When is it time to get rid of this nonsense. Why are we getting kids concussions (that most likely are not real concussions) in 3rd and 4th grade? When are these parents (because thats what they are parents, not coaches) going to realize they are killing the game? For years we have had quality high school football around southeastern ohio, now we are feeling the repercussions of DaddyBall101. Wake up people!

All high school coaches and ADs need to get together and end this nonsense for 3rd and 4th graders. I even say end it for 5th graders and 6th graders maybe.

Let these little guys play flag football, enjoy their experience and come away from it without a major injury (concussions). However, we all know these are not likely concussions but with the negative pub in the media right now, mom hears it and the kid is done.


Now, is that not what you said? You were bashing youth football because of concussions. Then you blame youth coaches, then you say they really aren't concussions and doctors are lying, then kids aren't having fun, then refs don't care and are only after the BIG money, then kids are burned out, and you hate your league because you have to travel to WV. That's alot of blame to go around.

Burnout is a made up word from people who never got to play because they weren't good enough so they wanted to blame it on the coach or say "they need a break" because they are burned out.

To answer your question, no I am not listening to you.

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Re: Biddy League Football

Post by art_vandelay »

1POdFAN wrote: Thu Aug 30, 2018 2:42 pm are you listening to me, or are you just blowing hot air? because they arent real concussions , but mom doesnt know that so she dont allow him to play football anymore. boom a player is lost.

ok well our local league was good, it used to be teams caldwell, buckeye trail, shenandoah, monroe central. Now they have expanded it so much that teams are going from caldwell to new martinsville. they play 9 season games. it is causing burnout.
Agreed about the burnout factor with young kids playing long seasons. 2 years ago, Scioto Valley Pee Wee League (mostly Scioto County schools which is grades 3-6) were playing an 8 game schedule plus a preview and playoffs. Practice started around the last week of July, and playoffs didn't start until first weekend of November. Super Bowl teams didn't finish until mid-November. It felt like a second job for me the last month of that season and the kids were ready for it to end about mid-October. It's insane for kids in 3rd to 6th grade to be playing more regular season games than junior high and junior varsity teams before you even account for the playoff game(s). After much complaining from the reasonable programs/coaches in the league, they have now gotten rid of the preview and shortened the regular season to 6 games.

As far as tackle vs. flag, I say keep it as is and let the parents decide when their individual kids are ready. My oldest was physically and mentally ready in 3rd grade for tackle football, my youngest probably won't be.*

25th Street NW
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Re: Biddy League Football

Post by 25th Street NW »

Zane Trace Pee Wee Football has practice twice a week and plays six games. Hardly burnout.

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Re: Biddy League Football

Post by greygoose »

1POdFAN wrote: Thu Aug 30, 2018 8:53 am Long time reader, first time poster here.

When is it time to get rid of this nonsense. Why are we getting kids concussions (that most likely are not real concussions) in 3rd and 4th grade? When are these parents (because thats what they are parents, not coaches) going to realize they are killing the game? For years we have had quality high school football around southeastern ohio, now we are feeling the repercussions of DaddyBall101. Wake up people!

All high school coaches and ADs need to get together and end this nonsense for 3rd and 4th graders. I even say end it for 5th graders and 6th graders maybe.

Let these little guys play flag football, enjoy their experience and come away from it without a major injury (concussions). However, we all know these are not likely concussions but with the negative pub in the media right now, mom hears it and the kid is done.

Pointless dribble, you make very little sense in your rant. Most youth programs I believe you'll find are teaching the hawk style tackling eliminating the head from the tackle. You go on to blame moms for kids not playing and really in your rant you blamed everyone but yourself. If you're not willing to step up learn the game and help your local program you sure as heck shouldn't complain about it or the coaching. Officials travel to games and get a huge 35 bucks for a game. Watch out. Guys are volunteering their time and most high school programs give them a guideline to work within to help the kids going forward. As far as burn out goes that's on the kid and parents not youth football. I don't believe in 2nd graders playing and held my son out at that age, I do find that the longer a kid waits the harder it is to learn the game and be physically ready to go up against someone who's been doing it's 2-3-4 years. I believe this is more of an injury concern than your pointless rant from above. If you`re mad because everyone else is starting early and you don't want to let your kid start at an early age that's on you and you should be teaching them prior to. Good luck with whatever you're looking for, think you need to figure that out first.

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Re: Biddy League Football

Post by wagner97 »

Agree 100%

Look at what Reno and Steubenville are doing with their youth programs.

At Ridgewood, their varsity coaches run their youth programs.

I get it biddy league coaches: your kid is a great athlete. Great, put him at tight end and block so some other kid can run the ball. Unfortulately, most (not all) biddy league coaches are more concerned about wearing headsets, shirts that inform everyone they are coaches, and impressing the parents by taking their fastest kid and running sweeps with him. Every wonder why most biddy league coaches never turn out to be varsity coaches (or successful ones)?

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Re: Biddy League Football

Post by BigBlueNation »

I know at Northwest 2 of highschool coaches and all the Jr high coaches also coach the pee wee kids.

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Re: Biddy League Football

Post by Cattywampus »

Pretty easy to tell who the youth football coaches are in this group. Hehehe

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Re: Biddy League Football

Post by wagner97 »

BigBlueNation wrote: Thu Aug 30, 2018 10:25 pm I know at Northwest 2 of highschool coaches and all the Jr high coaches also coach the pee wee kids.
Exactly, and this is exactly fine. More likely for kids to be taught proper techniques and run the system that they will play on Friday nights, not “daddy ball.”

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Re: Biddy League Football

Post by greygoose »

Cattywampus wrote: Thu Aug 30, 2018 10:54 pm Pretty easy to tell who the youth football coaches are in this group. Hehehe
Some I'm sure, also pretty easy to see who have kids playing or have played pee wee. Kind of how these boards work most aren't going to comment on a subject they know very little about or simply don't care.

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Re: Biddy League Football

Post by RespectAllFearNone »

1POdFAN wrote: Thu Aug 30, 2018 2:42 pm are you listening to me, or are you just blowing hot air? because they arent real concussions , but mom doesnt know that so she dont allow him to play football anymore. boom a player is lost.

ok well our local league was good, it used to be teams caldwell, buckeye trail, shenandoah, monroe central. Now they have expanded it so much that teams are going from caldwell to new martinsville. they play 9 season games. it is causing burnout.
Biddy league definitely can ruin kids for junior high and high school, especially with bad coaching.

Sounds like a pretty solid league, who is The top of the league?
Last edited by RespectAllFearNone on Sun Sep 02, 2018 8:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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