1987chieftains wrote: Mon Nov 12, 2018 11:52 am
I think the administration is fine with the results and it will be business as usual.......
I agree 87. I wasn’t a fan of how the records were under Kelly, but it baffles my mind that we are in the same situation for longer and not even a hint of change or action. So that makes me believe one of two things:
1. Administration has a “yes man” as a football coach that doesn’t go against their approach towards things.
2. They don’t care how the state of Logan football has seemingly gone into disrepair.
I know that may not be a popular opinion among some on here and it is probably simplistic to them as well, but it’s an opinion to say the least. The way I see it, this guy has no long term loyalty to our program. He wouldn’t think twice about leaving us if his “dream job” opened.