The influence on hiring decisions made by chatrooms/internet

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Re: The influence on hiring decisions made by chatrooms/internet

Post by svac83 »

I don’t know about hiring. I think it may of got guys fired.

As far as problems in a locker room go. I really can’t believe much of whatever is posted on this sight as been much of a problem. This sight might of got the blame. But usually when i have seen something blow up that I thought might be related to SEOPS a little research would lead you to find out. What was here was a summary of face book rants and twitter and Instagram and topix. And those outbursts were the problem even if here got the blame

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Re: The influence on hiring decisions made by chatrooms/internet

Post by farmer »

May cause some in charge of hiring to check out some rumors. To see if there is something to them or not. Just look at when Tennessee hired Greg Shianno then to unhire because of internet and public crying. He was HIRED. Does it effect the hiring process. Would depend on who is running the schools and if they let outside people influence/tell them what to do. Just look at some programs who change coaches every 2 or 3 years. Even if the coach is improving things.

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Re: The influence on hiring decisions made by chatrooms/internet

Post by koondoger »

I've personally been offered countless coaching jobs in years past based solely on what I post on here and the great things others say about me on here. So, yeah, those that do the hiring apparently do check here for information. I think it's a good thing. Now that I've been retired for a while I'm getting a little bored, so I may throw my hat in the ring for some of these jobs that are open. So if some of you will please post about some of my outstanding accomplishments to help bolster my chances it could really help me since many of these new administrators may not know of my legendary history in the coaching realm. :mrgreen:

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Re: The influence on hiring decisions made by chatrooms/internet

Post by Deez Nutz »

^^^ Well, I suppose being fired can be loosely defined as being retired. :o

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Re: The influence on hiring decisions made by chatrooms/internet

Post by Fecal Oscillator »

Jerry from Logan told me he gets contacted occasionally due to the stuff he posts on here.

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Re: The influence on hiring decisions made by chatrooms/internet

Post by BlizzardMan »

I'd say if a Coach applied for a job and he was asked by his friend about something pertaining to the said job and they told the friend and then the friend put the said information on a forum and the AD or principal etc. found out, even if it wasn't really information that was confidential, it could cost the Coach who applied the job.

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Re: The influence on hiring decisions made by chatrooms/internet

Post by efarns »

Chatrooms and internet fall under "public pressure," and some schools seem to be more sensitive to that than others. Before the internet, this discussion took place at the local cafes, barber shops, and kitchen tables. On message boards, the few of us per school who post get amplified, but I don't think it is much different than things have always been.

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Re: The influence on hiring decisions made by chatrooms/internet

Post by MarauderMadness »

BlizzardMan wrote: Wed Feb 27, 2019 1:16 pm I'd say if a Coach applied for a job and he was asked by his friend about something pertaining to the said job and they told the friend and then the friend put the said information on a forum and the AD or principal etc. found out, even if it wasn't really information that was confidential, it could cost the Coach who applied the job.
sound advice. Let us know how it works out for you with the meigs job.

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Re: The influence on hiring decisions made by chatrooms/internet

Post by BlizzardMan »

MarauderMadness wrote: Thu Feb 28, 2019 9:19 am
BlizzardMan wrote: Wed Feb 27, 2019 1:16 pm I'd say if a Coach applied for a job and he was asked by his friend about something pertaining to the said job and they told the friend and then the friend put the said information on a forum and the AD or principal etc. found out, even if it wasn't really information that was confidential, it could cost the Coach who applied the job.
sound advice. Let us know how it works out for you with the meigs job.
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Re: The influence on hiring decisions made by chatrooms/internet

Post by Omega »

Any institution that hires/fires based solely on chat board members rantings is either incompetent, corrupt, or both.
That said, never forget that an employer exercising due diligence in personnel decisions, if they want to invest the resources, can obtain a profile of a candidate's social media and internet posting history. Bottom line, think twice before you click as there is no real anonymity or privacy on the internet.

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Re: The influence on hiring decisions made by chatrooms/internet

Post by Logi »

know a coach who was not chosen for a job somewhat recently and the reason stated by the AD was a DIRECT quote from this very site. There is definitely an influence with some

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Re: The influence on hiring decisions made by chatrooms/internet

Post by svac83 »

Logi wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 1:47 pm know a coach who was not chosen for a job somewhat recently and the reason stated by the AD was a DIRECT quote from this very site. There is definitely an influence with some
I can’t imagine anyone who is in the position of doing hiring. Telling someone one reason why they weren’t hired. Especially if it wasn’t a found fact.

I hire a lot of people at what I do when I don’t hire someone and they ask why. I either tell them why the interview didn’t go well or what skills or experience they were lacking.

If I can I even try to tell them where or how they can gain those skills. I can’t imagine telling someone I didn’t hire them because something I read.

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Re: The influence on hiring decisions made by chatrooms/internet

Post by greygoose »

Logi wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 1:47 pm know a coach who was not chosen for a job somewhat recently and the reason stated by the AD was a DIRECT quote from this very site. There is definitely an influence with some
LOL, yeah I'm sure that was the reason they weren't chosen. :lol:

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Re: The influence on hiring decisions made by chatrooms/internet

Post by BobcatQB »

Logi wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 1:47 pm know a coach who was not chosen for a job somewhat recently and the reason stated by the AD was a DIRECT quote from this very site. There is definitely an influence with some

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Re: The influence on hiring decisions made by chatrooms/internet

Post by greygoose »

Apparently allamericanironmen can still land a job even after all the crazy talk on here, so this disproves this theory.

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