Should OHIO Have a Two Week Spring Football

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Should OHIO Have a Two Week Spring Football

Post by LHS 72 »

Yes for incoming Freshmen to Juniors For all NON PARTICPATING spring sports Athletes! Of course this will be non contact for offence, defense and special teams and will teach the basic's!

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Re: Should OHIO Have a Two Week Spring Football

Post by EasternDspy »

Already have enough students quitting other sports to concentrate on 1 sport and I hate it. I feel like this encourages players to quit spring sports.

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Re: Should OHIO Have a Two Week Spring Football

Post by Chieftain2009 »

I don't think they need it. Football is important of course, it's the big money maker. But it majorly takes away from the spring sports and other sports overall.

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Re: Should OHIO Have a Two Week Spring Football

Post by Abe Froman »

Short answer: No

Long Answer: He!! No

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Re: Should OHIO Have a Two Week Spring Football

Post by Omega »

South Carolina has spring football practice for high schools. I have seen no benefit for the on the field product the following fall.

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Re: Should OHIO Have a Two Week Spring Football

Post by Orange and Brown »

It's hard enough to get kids out for Track and Baseball, now add something else to discourage them from doing them.

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Re: Should OHIO Have a Two Week Spring Football

Post by cbolt »

I agree.If kids are indeed getting burned out on football this is not a good idea.I would have loved it when I was kid,I couldn't get enough football back then and wished there would have been a youth tackle program from 3 grade on,but things are different now days,football just not as important with too many other things to do for kids.

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Re: Should OHIO Have a Two Week Spring Football

Post by Valenth »

Id say leave it as it is..

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Re: Should OHIO Have a Two Week Spring Football

Post by noreply66 »


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Re: Should OHIO Have a Two Week Spring Football


Nope, don't think it would be a good idea.

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Re: Should OHIO Have a Two Week Spring Football

Post by LongLiveTheChief »

I believe there should be spring ball. Think about the young kids who don't get any playing time in baseball or make the traveling track team, this would give them an opportunity to learn the offense and defense at a slower pace so that they grasp the concepts more. Now i'm not saying playing other teams, but at least practices should be allowed and scrimmages. I don't really care if a student doesn't want to play baseball or do track, if they want to be a one sport athlete, that's fine, but if their one sport is football at least give them the chance to prepare. Another thought that comes into play here is hiring new coaches. Take NY for example, they will be hiring a new coach in January or February and by giving him two weeks of spring practice, he can install the offense and defense and maybe some special teams all while getting to know his new players. Everyone wants to pick out the negatives to the idea, but there is always two outcomes for a product.

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Re: Should OHIO Have a Two Week Spring Football

Post by moonshine »

LHS 72 wrote:Yes for incoming Freshmen to Juniors For all NON PARTICPATING spring sports Athletes! Of course this will be non contact for offence, defense and special teams and will teach the basic's!
I would only agree if the athletes are not participating in another sport during the spring! Also this would be a plus for all non starters and would add depth to program!

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Re: Should OHIO Have a Two Week Spring Football

Post by Bigboy97 »

The problem would be that if it were for "kids that didnt play other sports" and football is their favorite they will then drop the spring sport so they can have a little extra football. I agree with the concept of being able to put in you new system but you wont have all the kids so it would have to be retaught in the summer anyway. And as for whose kids who do not play other sports what ever happened to taking it upon yourself to get better at your sport? To many kids now adays dont work on the "little things" in the offseason and then come up with excuses as to why they are not as good.

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Re: Should OHIO Have a Two Week Spring Football

Post by wrestlefan »


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Re: Should OHIO Have a Two Week Spring Football

Post by Bringdanoise »

Why not? Other sports have out of season teams. Basketball has summer league and shoot outs, baseball has fall ball. Why can't football have a spring activity? I work and coach in a state where spring practice is allowed. We incorporate it into our off season lifting program and it has been a great success for us. If a kid doesn't want to play a spring sport because they want to focus on football, then let the kid decide that. If your program is successful and ran the right way, I don't think it would be a problem. Maybe the kids play baseball or track because there isn't anything else for them to do.

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Re: Should OHIO Have a Two Week Spring Football

Post by Orange and Brown »

Bringdanoise wrote:Why not? Other sports have out of season teams. Basketball has summer league and shoot outs, baseball has fall ball. Why can't football have a spring activity? I work and coach in a state where spring practice is allowed. We incorporate it into our off season lifting program and it has been a great success for us. If a kid doesn't want to play a spring sport because they want to focus on football, then let the kid decide that. If your program is successful and ran the right way, I don't think it would be a problem. Maybe the kids play baseball or track because there isn't anything else for them to do.
We live in a world where we expect kids to concentrate on one sport when it serves them better to play multiple sports.
Southeastern Ohio is full of small schools who need these kids to play multiple sports so they can be competitive.

If you have 20 kids combined jv and Varsity baseball and 10 of them play football, then you don't have a competitive Varsity team and no jv team.

I have a huge problem with parents and coaches wanting their kid to stick to one sport.
Having spring football helps feed into that.

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Re: Should OHIO Have a Two Week Spring Football

Post by Bighitsinc »

Just like fall baseball? ???

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Re: Should OHIO Have a Two Week Spring Football

Post by 93Bulldog »

Annnnnd who is going to compensate the coaches? Just curious.

They already put in an incredible amount of time as it is. Especially if you have a solid program and make the post season every year. Coaches don't get paid extra when they get into weeks 11, 12 and so on.

Bottom line is: it's impossible In our area. Not many schools can afford to lose or even share athletes. They need them to fill baseball and track teams.

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Re: Should OHIO Have a Two Week Spring Football

Post by theburgtheword »


Fall baseball is non school related.
Spring Football would be school related.

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Re: Should OHIO Have a Two Week Spring Football

Post by Stan_Marsh »

To everyone getting bent out of shape over it taking away from track/baseball my question is, why is football the only evil? Why is it ok for basketball to run summer camps when that's a time to prepare for football? What about baseball "hit leagues" in the winter? During basketball. Or indoor track in the winter? Summer baseball etc.

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