Portsmouth Live Stream??

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Portsmouth Live Stream??

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

Does anyone know if the Trojans will be doing a live stream of games this year? Looks like we may have a few opponents streaming. Ironton and Coal grove have in the past and Gallia Academy appears to be this year as well. Any info if Portsmouth will have their own broadcast or if the 3 above or any other opponents will be doing the games this year will be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Portsmouth Live Stream??

Post by BuckeyeBlood »

Not likely, usually Will Rob streams TrueTrojan.com but I seen via his Facebook that Portsmouth is not allowing him to do so this season I guess due to the virus. I know a lot of fans who are going to be pretty angry. Unless the school actually puts something together (they haven’t since they had channel 25 via Time Warner) then I doubt we will see any live streams, hopefully I’m wrong.

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Re: Portsmouth Live Stream??

Post by art_vandelay »

BuckeyeBlood wrote: Fri Aug 21, 2020 2:48 pm Not likely, usually Will Rob streams TrueTrojan.com but I seen via his Facebook that Portsmouth is not allowing him to do so this season I guess due to the virus. I know a lot of fans who are going to be pretty angry. Unless the school actually puts something together (they haven’t since they had channel 25 via Time Warner) then I doubt we will see any live streams, hopefully I’m wrong.
That's pretty unfortunate if so. Quite honestly, I don't see any excuse for every school not streaming their home games on Facebook or via their school website this year. You wanna build interest in your program/school, then find a way to get it done. Valley has had students do it for years and it pretty cool to see. Burg/Ironton last year was streamed via Ben Spicer's feed and it was also well done. The stream doesn't have to be cable television-quality, just mount the camera, turn on the mic, and follow the action.*

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Re: Portsmouth Live Stream??

Post by Beergogglebluez »

I heard Portsmouth, well maybe other schools are only getting 60 tickets for away games. So even the players won’t get 4. If true they need a streaming service.

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Re: Portsmouth Live Stream??

Post by trojan7 »

From what we’ve looked over the home team has rights to the stream whether they want to host on their own or get a professional come in and it’s up to home school to charge for the stream. If the visiting team has a stream they must seek permission from the home school but also may be subject to being charged to stream it. Going to be a very interesting season for sure and I think a big problem was waiting so long for the guidelines regarding fans and streaming. If given a month or two more advance schools could’ve been better prepared. Also they mentioned this is only for 2020 season so far so hard for schools to invest without knowing future of it.

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Re: Portsmouth Live Stream??

Post by Izladoom »

trojan7 wrote: Fri Aug 21, 2020 7:04 pm From what we’ve looked over the home team has rights to the stream whether they want to host on their own or get a professional come in and it’s up to home school to charge for the stream. If the visiting team has a stream they must seek permission from the home school but also may be subject to being charged to stream it. Going to be a very interesting season for sure and I think a big problem was waiting so long for the guidelines regarding fans and streaming. If given a month or two more advance schools could’ve been better prepared. Also they mentioned this is only for 2020 season so far so hard for schools to invest without knowing future of it.

Yeah schools like valley who already have the equipment to do a quality broadcast will be fine but not every school has internet in the booth so it would have to be someone doing it on a phone and some schools have pretty bad cell coverage or at least they did

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