Playoffs 2020 New Lexington 41 - 6 Westfall

Riding the Bench
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Re: 2020 Playoffs New Lexington v Westfall

Post by Lindy »

Well saying that they are anti mask would put them in the category that they do not take the virus seriously. I know plenty of people in Perry County who arent anti mask and do take the virus seriously.

I bet you didn't know that Mayor Thompson is currently on a design team with the OCV (Ohio Combat the Virus) that is designing masks that can be worn more comfortably but just as effective.

I just felt that we were labeled as being anti mask when that simply isn't the case.

Riding the Bench
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Re: 2020 Playoffs New Lexington v Westfall

Post by Westfallmustang »

They say social distance and they say wear a mask. Why both? That’s why I’m against it (still do it don’t understand). It was ok for me to continue to deliver everyone’s stuff during the pandemic without a mask but 3 months later they open stuff up and all of a sudden masks are for survival. It’s a joke. Point is if your outside and social distanced why the mask? I can be inside eating 6 feet from someone but no masks. Seems like they got confused when setting rules. Go mustangs

Riding the Bench
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Re: 2020 Playoffs New Lexington v Westfall

Post by Lindy »

The OCV is working hard, I am sure there will be a more comfortable way to deal with the mask wearing in the near future. Trust the OCV!

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Re: 2020 Playoffs New Lexington v Westfall

Post by teach1coach2 »

New Lexington had a variance approved by the Ohio Department of Health that allows them to count the end zone hillside into the calculations for seating and take 15% of that. The QB was interviewed by WHIZ TV this week and mentioned he received 6 vouchers for family members to be at games. No clue if all get that many as some schools give more to upperclassmen.

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Re: 2020 Playoffs New Lexington v Westfall

Post by formerfcfan »

New Lex’s coach had lots of praise for Westfall’s QB and wide receiver corps in the call-in I listened to earlier this week.

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