Week 4: Nelsonville-York (1-2) @ River Valley (1-2)
- boilermaker
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Re: Week 4: Nelsonville-York (1-2) @ River Valley (1-2)
Boiler thanks for the addition. To the buckeyes .. 

- Varsity
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Re: Week 4: Nelsonville-York (1-2) @ River Valley (1-2)
looks like you found something you didnt like.. WHATS NEWboilermaker wrote:Talk is cheap hiding on here buckeyeguy

Re: Week 4: Nelsonville-York (1-2) @ River Valley (1-2)
what you say is all true alum,but this team does not look well schooled the kids look unmotivated and play horrible defense no fundamentals they don't tackle ,they don't look tuff at allRValumni wrote:To blizzard man
I am also a RV grad, and I must say that I'm very proud to be a raider. And even more this year. I think it's amazing how someone like you, which sounds like you are an employee and fellow staff member of these guys, can call them such words as "arrogant". Let's think about this... Why wouldn't a coach want to let his players know that he played in college? Or was on a video game? I think as a player that would make them more enthusiastic to play. (which was probably the purpose). These coaches dont "brag" about themselves. And you're right, just because someone played in college first mean they are qualified to coach. Let's get this straight here... Wilcoxen- has coached in The OVC before. Winters has experience. And Sparling has coached in HS and DIv 2 college. So before you go making accusations, let's do a little research. Open up a program at the game... Or do you even attend?
It takes time to turn a program around. The staff at river valley now has the education, experience, and will to do so. Respect. It's what the players give to the coaches, and the coaches to players. Its been a VERY long time since I've seen that in this school system. So before you go slamming again, realize that these coaches care. Care about winning, the game, but mostly about the boys and their future. Theyre not just trying to create a good football team, the goal is to create men that can handle themselves in the real world.
My advice to you... Grow up. And dont slander your former school, students, or staff members. It only reminds all of us why this program was failing to begin with-doubters like you with no faith in rebuilding anything. Thanks!
that's coaching on the short term you play 10 games they played 4 i heard at southern they could not stop the run,adena heard they got man handled by 3 plays could not stop the run, meigs i saw they could not stop the run and just did things well coached teams do not do,last week i heard same thing nelsonville had 500 yards rushing
what is the first thing good teams do? stop the run!
Re: Week 4: Nelsonville-York (1-2) @ River Valley (1-2)
seoal83 as we know you must learn to be competitive and just compete before you can win! when we see rv win games by a point or 2 and lose games they should get blown out by a point or 2 they will struggle greatlyseoal83 wrote:I think river valley is on the right track. I think they are still a year or two away from getting the program turned around. The times i have heard the coach speak and the few boys i have been around i think coach has shown humility and i have heard him say more then once over various situations that a lot of things is the coaching staffs fault that they have to do a better job at this or that.
River valley needs to learn how to win. They need to learn how to do it for 48 minutes on the football field and they have to understand that is the easy part. The hard part is all the off season stuff. From what i have scene and heard it seems to me like the staff could make a few changes that might help them win a few more games this year. But what you have to consider is it best for the long run of the program.
One of those things is i happen to know a parent of a very talented young raider and his and friends think he deserves varsity playing time or more playing time so do most of the parents. But when i talk to this boys dad he hopes he doesn't get it. Why you ask. His dad says he is relying on his natural athletic ability and hasn't learned to work on every play.
he says in practices and games a like you can see he takes plays off. Is that really behavior that you want to reward, that is supposed to be the culture you are trying to change. I don't think there is anything wrong with complaining or wanting to see change or stating your opinion on here. But remember players read these forums do you really need anything else to undermine a players confidence and trust in his coach.
Disagreeing with coaching dissensions is not undermining a coach. Calling him inept is. Hope River Valley continues to improve and becomes a winning program soon.
i also heard the entire starting line up was sitting on the bench in the 3rd qtr while the jv's finished a game they lost,the starting qb had his pads off in the 4th qtr joking around on the sidelines,folks that is discipline and coaching lack of control or caring
- BlizzardMan
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Re: Week 4: Nelsonville-York (1-2) @ River Valley (1-2)
I do attend games. I'm not a "doubter". This proves the point of my posts. The problem is a lot of RV people want to continue to push the real issues aside and wait for success without working for it. I also said the statement came out as arrogant. I didn't call anuybody arrogant. I also am not a doubter. I didn' t say they couldn't turn it around, but honestly this team is underachieving greatly right now. That's the fact. So get your panties out of a bunch and take a step back and really look at the situation. I know these coaches and what they've done in the past. I think they are capable of turning a team around, but the bottom line is I see a lot of the same things continuing. The problem is people like you who snap at people who do care enough to actually discuss what can be done to improve the program and expect everyone to fall in line and not say anyhting negative. Rebuilding takes eliminating the problems that caused the foundation to crumble anyway. I know where I came from. If you're happy with the way things are, good for you. I just want this program to be where it should be. Is that a crime?RValumni wrote:To blizzard man
I am also a RV grad, and I must say that I'm very proud to be a raider. And even more this year. I think it's amazing how someone like you, which sounds like you are an employee and fellow staff member of these guys, can call them such words as "arrogant". Let's think about this... Why wouldn't a coach want to let his players know that he played in college? Or was on a video game? I think as a player that would make them more enthusiastic to play. (which was probably the purpose). These coaches dont "brag" about themselves. And you're right, just because someone played in college first mean they are qualified to coach. Let's get this straight here... Wilcoxen- has coached in The OVC before. Winters has experience. And Sparling has coached in HS and DIv 2 college. So before you go making accusations, let's do a little research. Open up a program at the game... Or do you even attend?
It takes time to turn a program around. The staff at river valley now has the education, experience, and will to do so. Respect. It's what the players give to the coaches, and the coaches to players. Its been a VERY long time since I've seen that in this school system. So before you go slamming again, realize that these coaches care. Care about winning, the game, but mostly about the boys and their future. Theyre not just trying to create a good football team, the goal is to create men that can handle themselves in the real world.
My advice to you... Grow up. And dont slander your former school, students, or staff members. It only reminds all of us why this program was failing to begin with-doubters like you with no faith in rebuilding anything. Thanks!
- Riding the Bench
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Re: Week 4: Nelsonville-York (1-2) @ River Valley (1-2)
Bevo wrote:seoal83 as we know you must learn to be competitive and just compete before you can win! when we see rv win games by a point or 2 and lose games they should get blown out by a point or 2 they will struggle greatlyseoal83 wrote:I think river valley is on the right track. I think they are still a year or two away from getting the program turned around. The times i have heard the coach speak and the few boys i have been around i think coach has shown humility and i have heard him say more then once over various situations that a lot of things is the coaching staffs fault that they have to do a better job at this or that.
River valley needs to learn how to win. They need to learn how to do it for 48 minutes on the football field and they have to understand that is the easy part. The hard part is all the off season stuff. From what i have scene and heard it seems to me like the staff could make a few changes that might help them win a few more games this year. But what you have to consider is it best for the long run of the program.
One of those things is i happen to know a parent of a very talented young raider and his and friends think he deserves varsity playing time or more playing time so do most of the parents. But when i talk to this boys dad he hopes he doesn't get it. Why you ask. His dad says he is relying on his natural athletic ability and hasn't learned to work on every play.
he says in practices and games a like you can see he takes plays off. Is that really behavior that you want to reward, that is supposed to be the culture you are trying to change. I don't think there is anything wrong with complaining or wanting to see change or stating your opinion on here. But remember players read these forums do you really need anything else to undermine a players confidence and trust in his coach.
Disagreeing with coaching dissensions is not undermining a coach. Calling him inept is. Hope River Valley continues to improve and becomes a winning program soon.
i also heard the entire starting line up was sitting on the bench in the 3rd qtr while the jv's finished a game they lost,the starting qb had his pads off in the 4th qtr joking around on the sidelines,folks that is discipline and coaching lack of control or caring
Blizz, I completely agree with what you have been saying and I completely agree with your original assessment of Sparling. I said the first time I heard him speak that he was "the greatest person he had ever met".
Bevo, so we can safely assume you are off the RV bandwagon right? LOL
- Rvbballdude
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Re: Week 4: Nelsonville-York (1-2) @ River Valley (1-2)
I saw those players sitting on the back benches the supposed (starters) it was a little bit of a IDGaF in your face attitude.Bevo wrote:seoal83 as we know you must learn to be competitive and just compete before you can win! when we see rv win games by a point or 2 and lose games they should get blown out by a point or 2 they will struggle greatlyseoal83 wrote:I think river valley is on the right track. I think they are still a year or two away from getting the program turned around. The times i have heard the coach speak and the few boys i have been around i think coach has shown humility and i have heard him say more then once over various situations that a lot of things is the coaching staffs fault that they have to do a better job at this or that.
River valley needs to learn how to win. They need to learn how to do it for 48 minutes on the football field and they have to understand that is the easy part. The hard part is all the off season stuff. From what i have scene and heard it seems to me like the staff could make a few changes that might help them win a few more games this year. But what you have to consider is it best for the long run of the program.
One of those things is i happen to know a parent of a very talented young raider and his and friends think he deserves varsity playing time or more playing time so do most of the parents. But when i talk to this boys dad he hopes he doesn't get it. Why you ask. His dad says he is relying on his natural athletic ability and hasn't learned to work on every play.
he says in practices and games a like you can see he takes plays off. Is that really behavior that you want to reward, that is supposed to be the culture you are trying to change. I don't think there is anything wrong with complaining or wanting to see change or stating your opinion on here. But remember players read these forums do you really need anything else to undermine a players confidence and trust in his coach.
Disagreeing with coaching dissensions is not undermining a coach. Calling him inept is. Hope River Valley continues to improve and becomes a winning program soon.
i also heard the entire starting line up was sitting on the bench in the 3rd qtr while the jv's finished a game they lost,the starting qb had his pads off in the 4th qtr joking around on the sidelines,folks that is discipline and coaching lack of control or caring
In defense of the team in the last 3 weeks they have lost 2/3 of a pretty decent linebacking corp. Lewis is doing who knows and Austin Bradley hurt shoulder so it did hurt the run defense to lose 2 of it's best tacklers. I dunno? Not seeing much progress and it is unsettling. too early to start throwing knives.
Bevo- not wishing GA a loss but please go critique a Blue Devil victory or something

- BlizzardMan
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Re: Week 4: Nelsonville-York (1-2) @ River Valley (1-2)
Rvbballdude, I'll give you that. Good points all around in your post. I really am still mainly holding thhr unbroken culture responsible here. These kids have to decide enough is enough as a unit.
Re: Week 4: Nelsonville-York (1-2) @ River Valley (1-2)
BlizzardMan wrote:Even if I've done nothing else to help, I helped pay for the new facility. Regardless, I'm ready to jist move on. This thread has gone of course. Bottom line is, this is a forum. Tge problem isn't tge people who bring up what tge issues may be, it's when we settle for tge same things that drag us down. I do think that tge coaching staff knows what to do to turn it around, and tge issues I brought up with them I believe are not issues anymore, as I have already said. Hopefully everything will be fine. I will continue to post good and bad. I think a win against Alex will go a long way, so let's hope it happens.
OK SNOWFLAKE you paid your taxes so the facility could be built. BIG FLIPPIN DEAL!!!!!!!!!!!
I pay taxes , volunteer on the boosters, and with a lot of pride I physically helped build our facility.
As stated previously the basics, the fundamentals, the drive, the determination begins at home and in the feeder programs.
If the high school coaches are having to teach all the basic fundamentals it will take lotsa time to turn a program around, if ever, and I don't care who the coaches are...........Ahhh heck, never mind, as you know all about everything football and beyond......
- BlizzardMan
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Re: Week 4: Nelsonville-York (1-2) @ River Valley (1-2)
I've helped my share over the years. Coached some Raiders. Just stop NYBux. You don't know anything about me. I've said what I thought and so have you. Just give it up.
Re: Week 4: Nelsonville-York (1-2) @ River Valley (1-2)
BlizzardMan wrote:I've helped my share over the years. Coached some Raiders. Just stop NYBux. You don't know anything about me. I've said what I thought and so have you. Just give it up.
Maybe you have helped over the years BUT what are you doing FOR the program NOW!!!
"Coached some Raiders" Yea and I bet they all have super bowl rings that they are sportin..
"Just Stop" I did stop as I thought this thread was embarrassing to your program,,, but,,, you couldn't,, YOU had to get the last word...
As far as not knowing anything about you,,, I know you called me a "douche" and a "moron" in a PM for saying what I thought.
So ye I know all bout fans like you ,,, they do NOTHING productive for a given program but get on a public forum and do their bashin

I figure if they are angervated at me they will leave the others alone for a while..
SOOOOO you keep postin and I will too... I WILL NOT "JUST GIVE IT UP "
- BlizzardMan
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Re: Week 4: Nelsonville-York (1-2) @ River Valley (1-2)
Why are you so butt-hurt? It's actually pathetic.NYBUX wrote:BlizzardMan wrote:I've helped my share over the years. Coached some Raiders. Just stop NYBux. You don't know anything about me. I've said what I thought and so have you. Just give it up.
Maybe you have helped over the years BUT what are you doing FOR the program NOW!!!
"Coached some Raiders" Yea and I bet they all have super bowl rings that they are sportin..
"Just Stop" I did stop as I thought this thread was embarrassing to your program,,, but,,, you couldn't,, YOU had to get the last word...
As far as not knowing anything about you,,, I know you called me a "douche" and a "moron" in a PM for saying what I thought.
So ye I know all bout fans like you ,,, they do NOTHING productive for a given program but get on a public forum and do their bashin![]()
I figure if they are angervated at me they will leave the others alone for a while..
SOOOOO you keep postin and I will too... I WILL NOT "JUST GIVE IT UP "
- SEOPS Mr. Ohio
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- BlizzardMan
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Re: Week 4: Nelsonville-York (1-2) @ River Valley (1-2)
I'm bumping this thread. Seems kind of odd right? Well I'm bumping it because I had a conversation with someone today. Let's just say, a former coach. Yes, over 8 years later. He came over, and should've ripped me a new ass for being such a petty pathetic asshat on this thread. Yes he still remembered it and yes it boils him still I'm sure. But you know what he did, he humbly came and talked to me. Yes, he called me out for the comments in this thread as well as comments I made when he was accused of something very serious two years ago. Yes, I believed he was guilty. I fully believed the accusers families who I was friends with. But today, coach felt compelled to tell me his side of the story and piecing it together from other info I've heard over time, I am ashamed to have said things that caused him and his family hurt. He was never ever charged with anything and frankly, the "victims" involved have been "victims" over and over again. Coach was accused and unfairly judged. I was complicit. I poured out my apologies. He forgave me and we even talked a little football. I lost perspective that in the world of coaching and teaching, to be accused is damaging, whether you are guilty or not. As a man, these were the words of a man who is innocent and paid a terrible price over an accusation, although it sounds like it could've led to unseen blessings for him and his family.
Needless to say, it was very humbling and I was severely wrong for being so judgmental and so critical. In short, I am reviving this thread for a purpose. I have displayed such negative and terribly idiotic behavior on this site. To everyone, I'm sorry. And I deserve all of the criticism I get following this post for whoever sees it. I'm sorry for being such a stupid prick. And Coach, if you still peruse this site, thanks for humbling me today and I'll never be able to.make it up to you, but I'm sorry for it all. Words hurt. I'm just so sorry.
Needless to say, it was very humbling and I was severely wrong for being so judgmental and so critical. In short, I am reviving this thread for a purpose. I have displayed such negative and terribly idiotic behavior on this site. To everyone, I'm sorry. And I deserve all of the criticism I get following this post for whoever sees it. I'm sorry for being such a stupid prick. And Coach, if you still peruse this site, thanks for humbling me today and I'll never be able to.make it up to you, but I'm sorry for it all. Words hurt. I'm just so sorry.
- SEOPS Mr. Ohio
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Re: Week 4: Nelsonville-York (1-2) @ River Valley (1-2)
Great post man. We are all human and we make mistakes and it's really easy to come on an internet forum and type things without thinking. We learn and we grow. That's part of the reason I keep my commenting to a minimum these days lolBlizzardMan wrote: Sat Feb 06, 2021 4:32 pm I'm bumping this thread. Seems kind of odd right? Well I'm bumping it because I had a conversation with someone today. Let's just say, a former coach. Yes, over 8 years later. He came over, and should've ripped me a new ass for being such a petty pathetic asshat on this thread. Yes he still remembered it and yes it boils him still I'm sure. But you know what he did, he humbly came and talked to me. Yes, he called me out for the comments in this thread as well as comments I made when he was accused of something very serious two years ago. Yes, I believed he was guilty. I fully believed the accusers families who I was friends with. But today, coach felt compelled to tell me his side of the story and piecing it together from other info I've heard over time, I am ashamed to have said things that caused him and his family hurt. He was never ever charged with anything and frankly, the "victims" involved have been "victims" over and over again. Coach was accused and unfairly judged. I was complicit. I poured out my apologies. He forgave me and we even talked a little football. I lost perspective that in the world of coaching and teaching, to be accused is damaging, whether you are guilty or not. As a man, these were the words of a man who is innocent and paid a terrible price over an accusation, although it sounds like it could've led to unseen blessings for him and his family.
Needless to say, it was very humbling and I was severely wrong for being so judgmental and so critical. In short, I am reviving this thread for a purpose. I have displayed such negative and terribly idiotic behavior on this site. To everyone, I'm sorry. And I deserve all of the criticism I get following this post for whoever sees it. I'm sorry for being such a stupid prick. And Coach, if you still peruse this site, thanks for humbling me today and I'll never be able to.make it up to you, but I'm sorry for it all. Words hurt. I'm just so sorry.
Championship's are won in the off-season
- Waterboy
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Re: Week 4: Nelsonville-York (1-2) @ River Valley (1-2)
Good honest post. We should all remember this site should always be about football, promoting the kids, coaches and schools. Let's leave the other stuff off here. Best wishes to all parties in the future.
- Ground Buck
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Re: Week 4: Nelsonville-York (1-2) @ River Valley (1-2)
Shame is appropriate in this case. People like Paladin, and apparently you in this case, get on here and bash coaches, players and programs and I'm sure think it's funny. You got to see that not everyone is laughing. Hopefully Paladin gets a dose of that sometime too.
Disclaimer: This is all an opinion and I am therefore hoping we can still express opinions on this site without retort.
- Waterboy
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Re: Week 4: Nelsonville-York (1-2) @ River Valley (1-2)
You are so right. Paladin deserves a little comeuppance.Ground Buck wrote: Mon Feb 08, 2021 9:35 am Shame is appropriate in this case. People like Paladin, and apparently you in this case, get on here and bash coaches, players and programs and I'm sure think it's funny. You got to see that not everyone is laughing. Hopefully Paladin gets a dose of that sometime too.
- BlizzardMan
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Re: Week 4: Nelsonville-York (1-2) @ River Valley (1-2)
Fair. Thanks.Ground Buck wrote: Mon Feb 08, 2021 9:35 am Shame is appropriate in this case. People like Paladin, and apparently you in this case, get on here and bash coaches, players and programs and I'm sure think it's funny. You got to see that not everyone is laughing. Hopefully Paladin gets a dose of that sometime too.