Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

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Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by Shoedaddy »

With the OHSAA providing little to no guidance on cancelling games, why would you play anyone you have a chance of losing to? I know it sounds ridiculous but hear me out. If week 10 rolls around and my team has two players that are out due to minor injuries and they'll play week 11. We are guaranteed the 6 seed with a win or if we don't play. We host, generate some money and excitement in the community. We also play a 11 seed and would likely be the better team. However, if we lose we drop to the 12 seed and go on the road and face a 5 seed 2 hours away. What is being done to make sure this doesn't happen?

go court house
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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by go court house »

There should def be some guidelines. Cases on a team, Cases total in the district. Is the school open for business or full remote learning. Washington ch cancelled on Waverly this week but I can assure you if Waverly was I. Session this game would have been played Friday night. I absolutely agree that if a school cancels a game and there is no reason to it that the should take a forefit and not be allowed to schedule a team that week

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by smurray »

go court house wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:06 am There should def be some guidelines. Cases on a team, Cases total in the district. Is the school open for business or full remote learning. Washington ch cancelled on Waverly this week but I can assure you if Waverly was I. Session this game would have been played Friday night. I absolutely agree that if a school cancels a game and there is no reason to it that the should take a forefit and not be allowed to schedule a team that week
And there in lies the problem with the OHSAA, absolutely no guidelines! They took a pass on this and dropped it.

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by enigmaax »

smurray wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:15 am
go court house wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:06 am There should def be some guidelines. Cases on a team, Cases total in the district. Is the school open for business or full remote learning. Washington ch cancelled on Waverly this week but I can assure you if Waverly was I. Session this game would have been played Friday night. I absolutely agree that if a school cancels a game and there is no reason to it that the should take a forefit and not be allowed to schedule a team that week
And there in lies the problem with the OHSAA, absolutely no guidelines! They took a pass on this and dropped it.
The OHSAA has no business making health decisions for schools. An extension of that, the OHSAA has no reason to investigate, question, or doubt (let alone make a ruling on) whether the appropriate health-related decision-makers made the right decision. This situation is unprecedented and they rightfully remain in their lane in just trying to make the best of it.

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by smurray »

enigmaax wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:28 am
smurray wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:15 am
go court house wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:06 am There should def be some guidelines. Cases on a team, Cases total in the district. Is the school open for business or full remote learning. Washington ch cancelled on Waverly this week but I can assure you if Waverly was I. Session this game would have been played Friday night. I absolutely agree that if a school cancels a game and there is no reason to it that the should take a forefit and not be allowed to schedule a team that week
And there in lies the problem with the OHSAA, absolutely no guidelines! They took a pass on this and dropped it.
The OHSAA has no business making health decisions for schools. An extension of that, the OHSAA has no reason to investigate, question, or doubt (let alone make a ruling on) whether the appropriate health-related decision-makers made the right decision. This situation is unprecedented and they rightfully remain in their lane in just trying to make the best of it.
They don’t have to make “health decisions” for schools but there needs to be some kind of criteria to cancel a game on an a opponent. Basketball is quite different in that games can be made up. In football you really have no way to make them up. And if I’m not mistaken didnt the OHSAA stipulate you have to play so many games (5 seems like what I read) to be eligible for the playoffs. What if Waverly has a few more Chillicothe’s and Washington Court Houses and don’t get that number of games in?
They would miss the playoffs when the actual number of Covid cases was not an issue… tell me that would be the right thing for the OHSAA to stand by and let happen?

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by enigmaax »

smurray wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 10:17 am
enigmaax wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:28 am
smurray wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:15 am

And there in lies the problem with the OHSAA, absolutely no guidelines! They took a pass on this and dropped it.
The OHSAA has no business making health decisions for schools. An extension of that, the OHSAA has no reason to investigate, question, or doubt (let alone make a ruling on) whether the appropriate health-related decision-makers made the right decision. This situation is unprecedented and they rightfully remain in their lane in just trying to make the best of it.
They don’t have to make “health decisions” for schools but there needs to be some kind of criteria to cancel a game on an a opponent. Basketball is quite different in that games can be made up. In football you really have no way to make them up. And if I’m not mistaken didnt the OHSAA stipulate you have to play so many games (5 seems like what I read) to be eligible for the playoffs. What if Waverly has a few more Chillicothe’s and Washington Court Houses and don’t get that number of games in?
They would miss the playoffs when the actual number of Covid cases was not an issue… tell me that would be the right thing for the OHSAA to stand by and let happen?
I want to be sure I understand the specific scenario you are asking me about - Chillicothe & WCH canceled on Waverly (allegedly) because of the number of cases at Waverly, but Waverly won’t cancel themselves? Is that accurate?

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by smurray »

enigmaax wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 10:32 am
smurray wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 10:17 am
enigmaax wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:28 am

The OHSAA has no business making health decisions for schools. An extension of that, the OHSAA has no reason to investigate, question, or doubt (let alone make a ruling on) whether the appropriate health-related decision-makers made the right decision. This situation is unprecedented and they rightfully remain in their lane in just trying to make the best of it.
They don’t have to make “health decisions” for schools but there needs to be some kind of criteria to cancel a game on an a opponent. Basketball is quite different in that games can be made up. In football you really have no way to make them up. And if I’m not mistaken didnt the OHSAA stipulate you have to play so many games (5 seems like what I read) to be eligible for the playoffs. What if Waverly has a few more Chillicothe’s and Washington Court Houses and don’t get that number of games in?
They would miss the playoffs when the actual number of Covid cases was not an issue… tell me that would be the right thing for the OHSAA to stand by and let happen?
I want to be sure I understand the specific scenario you are asking me about - Chillicothe & WCH canceled on Waverly (allegedly) because of the number of cases at Waverly, but Waverly won’t cancel themselves? Is that accurate?
You’d have to ask them why they canceled but it’s not the number of COVID cases. Waverly had a 39% absentee rate mostly due to contact tracing and most of that was in the elementary buildings. Waverly took a pro-active measure to prevent a spike in actual cases and went to virtual learning until the 20th, which would be 6 school days, to proactively clean and sanitize rooms.
There are absolutely no cases on the football team and none of the team quarantined due to contact tracing. The football team has been very proactive by wearing masks in school and in the locker room.
I’m sure there are other teams and other sports at other schools playing who are in virtual learning situations.
What should matter is the number of actual cases in that particular school building and or sport. In that case, if Waverly had 2 or 3 players test positive and several had to quarantine then I’m sure Waverly would have to cancel - most likely the scenario for games being canceled up to this point across the State.
How many schools have canceled because the team they are playing is in virtual learning?

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by Shoedaddy »

My argument is this: What criteria does a team have for cancelling? They can make it up as they go. That's where the OHSAA as the governing body, the rules and decision makers need to be involved.

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by enigmaax »

Shoedaddy wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:24 am My argument is this: What criteria does a team have for cancelling? They can make it up as they go. That's where the OHSAA as the governing body, the rules and decision makers need to be involved.
The OHSAA is not a health organization; there’s no reason for them to set parameters on who can cancel under these circumstances.

Waverly apparently shut down their school due to an outrageous absentee percentage, but that isn’t enough for them to shut down sports. There’s a lot of room to question the wisdom in that decision. Like maybe they are prioritizing sports over safety.

Not everybody has to think that way, but if a school has decided for themselves it isn’t worth the risk for THEIR students, that is reasonable. As with all these decisions, it is a local thing and it’s up to each district’s TRUSTED administrators to make the call. The state and federal governments aren’t defining these things for schools and locales; why in the world would anyone think that’s a role the OHSAA should play?

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by enigmaax »

smurray wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:13 am
enigmaax wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 10:32 am
smurray wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 10:17 am

They don’t have to make “health decisions” for schools but there needs to be some kind of criteria to cancel a game on an a opponent. Basketball is quite different in that games can be made up. In football you really have no way to make them up. And if I’m not mistaken didnt the OHSAA stipulate you have to play so many games (5 seems like what I read) to be eligible for the playoffs. What if Waverly has a few more Chillicothe’s and Washington Court Houses and don’t get that number of games in?
They would miss the playoffs when the actual number of Covid cases was not an issue… tell me that would be the right thing for the OHSAA to stand by and let happen?
I want to be sure I understand the specific scenario you are asking me about - Chillicothe & WCH canceled on Waverly (allegedly) because of the number of cases at Waverly, but Waverly won’t cancel themselves? Is that accurate?
You’d have to ask them why they canceled but it’s not the number of COVID cases. Waverly had a 39% absentee rate mostly due to contact tracing and most of that was in the elementary buildings. Waverly took a pro-active measure to prevent a spike in actual cases and went to virtual learning until the 20th, which would be 6 school days, to proactively clean and sanitize rooms.
There are absolutely no cases on the football team and none of the team quarantined due to contact tracing. The football team has been very proactive by wearing masks in school and in the locker room.
I’m sure there are other teams and other sports at other schools playing who are in virtual learning situations.
What should matter is the number of actual cases in that particular school building and or sport. In that case, if Waverly had 2 or 3 players test positive and several had to quarantine then I’m sure Waverly would have to cancel - most likely the scenario for games being canceled up to this point across the State.
How many schools have canceled because the team they are playing is in virtual learning?
You use a lot of “but” and “most” and other generalities. Not really a solid foundation to make decisions. You say, “it should be based on x.” What arbitrary number do you want to put on it and how would you arrive at that number? Most people complain when the OHSAA sets ticket prices but now they want them to define health guidelines? Sorry, it’s a much more complex issue than drawing blanket lines for everyone. And frankly, it’s a ridiculous suggestion.

As for, what happens to Waverly in your scenario, unfortunately they are the ones who have shut down their physical classrooms. There’s a reason for that. It sucks for them, but it’s not everyone else’s job to cross their own risk lines (whether you agree with where they’re drawn or not) so that Waverly can get enough games in. If a large number of schools are affected by the minimum game rule, I could see the OHSAA adapting again. But if not, it is just an unfortunate circumstance for the handful of schools that are affected.
Last edited by enigmaax on Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by yabbadabbadoo »

Why is Waverly having trouble picking up games? Are they being too choosy on who they want to play? Does no one want to play them because of the covid fears or that Waverly might just put a beat down on them??

It seems like most of the other schools are finding teams to play. Burg picked up Pikeville on THursday and was still competitive with them.

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by Kicker. »

yabbadabbadoo wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:51 am Why is Waverly having trouble picking up games? Are they being too choosy on who they want to play? Does no one want to play them because of the covid fears or that Waverly might just put a beat down on them??

It seems like most of the other schools are finding teams to play. Burg picked up Pikeville on THursday and was still competitive with them.

I know last week Hamilton Ross a DIII team near the dayton area was interested in playing them but Waverly declined I believe.

A Kicker of various balls. Trust The Process
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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by HamPorter »

Kicker. wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 12:03 pm
yabbadabbadoo wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:51 am Why is Waverly having trouble picking up games? Are they being too choosy on who they want to play? Does no one want to play them because of the covid fears or that Waverly might just put a beat down on them??

It seems like most of the other schools are finding teams to play. Burg picked up Pikeville on THursday and was still competitive with them.

I know last week Hamilton Ross a DIII team near the dayton area was interested in playing them but Waverly declined I believe.
I bet if Hamilton Ross would’ve been Hamilton Township that Waverly would’ve played

They don’t want to risk a loss either from the sounds of it

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by Shoedaddy »

HamPorter wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 12:24 pm
Kicker. wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 12:03 pm
yabbadabbadoo wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:51 am Why is Waverly having trouble picking up games? Are they being too choosy on who they want to play? Does no one want to play them because of the covid fears or that Waverly might just put a beat down on them??

It seems like most of the other schools are finding teams to play. Burg picked up Pikeville on THursday and was still competitive with them.

I know last week Hamilton Ross a DIII team near the dayton area was interested in playing them but Waverly declined I believe.
I bet if Hamilton Ross would’ve been Hamilton Township that Waverly would’ve played

They don’t want to risk a loss either from the sounds of it
As of Thursday evening practice, they were preparing for Chillicothe. I think it was more timing than anything else

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by Shoedaddy »

Shoedaddy wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 12:28 pm
HamPorter wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 12:24 pm
Kicker. wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 12:03 pm

I know last week Hamilton Ross a DIII team near the dayton area was interested in playing them but Waverly declined I believe.
I bet if Hamilton Ross would’ve been Hamilton Township that Waverly would’ve played

They don’t want to risk a loss either from the sounds of it
As of Thursday evening practice, they were preparing for Chillicothe. I think it was more timing than anything else
Wouldn't be surprised if they have an opponent by sundown

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by kantucky »

The playoff field is so broad now, I don't think any team who has a serious chance to enter the playoffs will be hurt by a defeat. I don't imagine the boys enjoy having two weeks of practice and no games. Not to mention, you'll lose gate receipts if you don't play. Playing an opponent who's better also sharpens up the teams skills and allows them to work on problems. The superior team can take liberties to try different stuff without hurting them.

Seems a win/win to me...but hey, that's me. I sat out not being able watch way too many games last year..I'd hate to do it again this one

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by TigerBob »

You play teams that can beat you so you can get better. Next question.

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by FourEyes »

enigmaax wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:40 am
smurray wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:13 am
enigmaax wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 10:32 am

I want to be sure I understand the specific scenario you are asking me about - Chillicothe & WCH canceled on Waverly (allegedly) because of the number of cases at Waverly, but Waverly won’t cancel themselves? Is that accurate?
You’d have to ask them why they canceled but it’s not the number of COVID cases. Waverly had a 39% absentee rate mostly due to contact tracing and most of that was in the elementary buildings. Waverly took a pro-active measure to prevent a spike in actual cases and went to virtual learning until the 20th, which would be 6 school days, to proactively clean and sanitize rooms.
There are absolutely no cases on the football team and none of the team quarantined due to contact tracing. The football team has been very proactive by wearing masks in school and in the locker room.
I’m sure there are other teams and other sports at other schools playing who are in virtual learning situations.
What should matter is the number of actual cases in that particular school building and or sport. In that case, if Waverly had 2 or 3 players test positive and several had to quarantine then I’m sure Waverly would have to cancel - most likely the scenario for games being canceled up to this point across the State.
How many schools have canceled because the team they are playing is in virtual learning?
You use a lot of “but” and “most” and other generalities. Not really a solid foundation to make decisions. You say, “it should be based on x.” What arbitrary number do you want to put on it and how would you arrive at that number? Most people complain when the OHSAA sets ticket prices but now they want them to define health guidelines? Sorry, it’s a much more complex issue than drawing blanket lines for everyone. And frankly, it’s a ridiculous suggestion.

As for, what happens to Waverly in your scenario, unfortunately they are the ones who have shut down their physical classrooms. There’s a reason for that. It sucks for them, but it’s not everyone else’s job to cross their own risk lines (whether you agree with where they’re drawn or not) so that Waverly can get enough games in. If a large number of schools are affected by the minimum game rule, I could see the OHSAA adapting again. But if not, it is just an unfortunate circumstance for the handful of schools that are affected.
When you say “…cross their own risk lines”, may speak to the point of this thread. OHSAA has failed to define standards of when/why/how schools can cancel games.

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by enigmaax »

FourEyes wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 12:59 pm
enigmaax wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:40 am
smurray wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:13 am

You’d have to ask them why they canceled but it’s not the number of COVID cases. Waverly had a 39% absentee rate mostly due to contact tracing and most of that was in the elementary buildings. Waverly took a pro-active measure to prevent a spike in actual cases and went to virtual learning until the 20th, which would be 6 school days, to proactively clean and sanitize rooms.
There are absolutely no cases on the football team and none of the team quarantined due to contact tracing. The football team has been very proactive by wearing masks in school and in the locker room.
I’m sure there are other teams and other sports at other schools playing who are in virtual learning situations.
What should matter is the number of actual cases in that particular school building and or sport. In that case, if Waverly had 2 or 3 players test positive and several had to quarantine then I’m sure Waverly would have to cancel - most likely the scenario for games being canceled up to this point across the State.
How many schools have canceled because the team they are playing is in virtual learning?
You use a lot of “but” and “most” and other generalities. Not really a solid foundation to make decisions. You say, “it should be based on x.” What arbitrary number do you want to put on it and how would you arrive at that number? Most people complain when the OHSAA sets ticket prices but now they want them to define health guidelines? Sorry, it’s a much more complex issue than drawing blanket lines for everyone. And frankly, it’s a ridiculous suggestion.

As for, what happens to Waverly in your scenario, unfortunately they are the ones who have shut down their physical classrooms. There’s a reason for that. It sucks for them, but it’s not everyone else’s job to cross their own risk lines (whether you agree with where they’re drawn or not) so that Waverly can get enough games in. If a large number of schools are affected by the minimum game rule, I could see the OHSAA adapting again. But if not, it is just an unfortunate circumstance for the handful of schools that are affected.
When you say “…cross their own risk lines”, may speak to the point of this thread. OHSAA has failed to define standards of when/why/how schools can cancel games.
Again, why would they? The OHSAA is not a health organization. Seriously think about what you are talking about there for 5 seconds.

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by Shoedaddy »

TigerBob wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 12:58 pm You play teams that can beat you so you can get better. Next question.
Most competitors and good programs have that mentality but that doesn't make it the majority

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